Sunday, June 29, 2008


Type your summary here

title : Kimchi, the Korean traditional food!!
1. general figures
2. How to make
3. Nutrition and health

**** Jean ******
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman.
It's a pleasure to be with you today. My name is Yongwou Lee. I'm working for Seoul Metropolitan government as a public servant. Today, I'd like to introduce Korean side-dish, kimchi. some key figures and to outline kimchi over the several hundreds years in korea. The purpose of my presentation is to give you basic information and it will help you to understand what is kimchi.

My presentation is divided into 3 sections . first, introduction of kimchi including the origin of kimchi in brief. Second, how to make kimchi, finally nutrition and health. It will take 15minutes or so. if you have any questions, please hold them until the end of my presentation.
The most important side-dish in korea is kimchi. It is an essential part of everymeal, rice and kimchi with no other side is considered a meal in itself. Traditionally kimchi was made in lare quantities in late autumn. This activity was called "Gimjang". Kimchi was stored in brown ceremic clocks called "Onggi" and buried in the ground with just lead showing to ferment and mature. Origin of kimchi refered to a wide varity of fermented and pickled vagetables. It was developed around the 7th century as a mean of preserving vegetables for the long winter period when no fresh food could be obtained. It was a roughly the same function in diet as a western pickles. Early on Koreans, rubbed salt into the vegetables and preserved them in brine, thus releasing their natural juices. Around the 12th century, other spices added to kimchi and by the end of the 17th century, there were 17 types of kimchi made with various vegetables. In the 18th century, red pepper powder was added to kimchi for th first time

1. General figures
Kimchi, also spelled gimchi or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu variety. Kimchi is the most common Korean banchan, or side dish, eaten with rice along with other banchan dishes. Kimchi is also a common ingredient and cooked with other ingredients to make dishes such as kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae) and kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap).

Korea has its own distinctive aroma. What is this fragrance of Korea, and where does it come from?
The fragrance of a country or region comes mainly from the local cuisine, which derives its unique savor from particular spices, fermented foods and liquids, or ways of cooking with all of these. The dishes that give Korea its special fragrance are primarily fermented foods, especially the various kinds of kimchi made with fermented vegetables and the various kinds of paste made with fermented beans. Above all, it is the pungent smell of kimchi that first assaults the senses of the visitor to Korea.
However, those who get accu-stomed to the strong flavor of kimchi soon find that they can't get enough of it. Moreover, kimchi is becoming more and more popular as its health-giving properties come to be better understood.
For instance, there is a growing interest in the efficacy of kimchi in preventing geriatric disorders, and the high fiber content of its main ingredients, vegetables and red chili, helps keep obesity at bay.
There are more kinds of kimchi in Korea than there are cheeses in France. Indeed, there are so many varieties that no one knows them all. One university professor has identified more than 100 different ingredients used in making kimchi, 36 of them used as main ingredients. And since these ingredients are combined and matured a little differently in each kind of kimchi and in each family tradition, it is impossible to say exactly how many varieties of kimchi exist.

The culture of a region develops as the people who live there adapt to the natural environment, especially after they begin to practice agriculture.
Unlike Western or African cuisine, Korean cooking makes a clear distinction between main dishes and side dishes. Rice and other grains form the staple of the main dishes, which are enjoyed all the more through the accompaniment of side dishes made of vegetables, salted seafood, fish, or meat.
To ensure a supply of food through the long Korean winter, vegetables and fish began to be preserved, at first probably by drying. However, it was also found possible to pickle vegetables in seawater, and it is thought that as the supply of salt became relatively reliable, people learned how to keep vegetables fresh for long periods by salting. The earliest documentary evidence is found in China's first anthology of poetry, the Book of Odes, which is believed to have been compiled between 2,600 and 3,000 years ago. In this book appears a Chinese character meaning salting, which shows that a prototype of kimchi already existed at this early date. But the alchemy of making kimchi came to be more highly developed in Korea than in China, and the reason lies in the natural environment.
The visitor to Korea cannot fail to be impressed by the wide, fertile tidal flats that stretch along the southwestern coast. These mudflats teem with life all year round, and except in mid-winter, they provide a food source that can be harvested even without modern equipment.

Although the basis of kimchi is the lactic-acid fermentation of vegetables pickled in salt, the liberal addition of fish and seafood can assist the fermentation process and provide nutrients that would otherwise be scarce in winter, such as protein and calcium.
The Korean people suffered greatly from the lack of food until about the mid-1960s. Since then, the amazing growth of the Korean economy has raised the annual income per capita to $10,000, yet compared to other countries of a similar income level, it is surprising how few Koreans are overweight. Many believe that the explanation lies in the fact that Koreans eat a lot of kimchi.
They point out that kimchi contains a high proportion of fiber (from the vegetables), capsaicin which is said to burn fat (from the chili), generous amounts of calcium (from the salted seafood), appropriate quantities of high-grade protein (from fish and seafood), and an abundance of vitamins (from the vegetables). They also worry about the increasing incidence of obesity among the younger generation who tend to eschew kimchi in favor of imported instant foods.

3. How to Make Kimchi

Nothing in the world is easier than making kimchi, yet nothing is more difficult. Even a novice can rinse the vegetables clean, salt them, rinse them again the next day, add garlic, and leave them in a cool place for a day or two to ferment naturally, then eat them just as they are. That's all there is to it. Yet making the best and most nutritious kimchi is a high art accessible only to the seasoned specialist. Thus, although almost every Korean housewife knows how to make kimchi, few can claim to make it at its very best.
Here is how to make the popular cabbage pickle known as tong kimchi, one of the varieties of winter pickles which are most widely consumed in Korea.

Ingredients and Properties :
Main ingredients : 2 heads Chinese cabbage, 1 medium-size white radish
Flavorings : 60g mustard greens, 80g watercress, 70g green onions, 40g cheonggak seaweed(glue plant), 2 heads of garlic, peeled, 1/2 ginger root (based on the size of Korean or Japanese ginger, which is smaller than tropical or subtropical ginger), 1/2 Asian pear, 1 chestnut, 120g raw oysters, 1/3 cup salted shrimp, Salted corvina, or 1 fresh pollack (1/4 cod can be substituted), 2/3 cup chili flakes (it is best not to use the very spicy chili produced in Southeast Asia, but if no other kind is available, reduce the quantity to 1/10), 2 tablespoons dry chili strips, 1 cup salt
The above flavorings are the best, but some may be hard to find when they are out of season, and it is acceptable to omit the mustard greens, watercress, cheonggak, pear, chestnut, salted corvina, or fresh pollack. The remaining ingredients are essential.
1. Dissolve the salt in 5 cups water.
2. Remove (but do not discard) the outer leaves of the cabbage, rinse it clean, and trim it to shape.
3. In the evening, soak the prepared cabbage in the salt water, then remove it and pile it up in a jar or plastic container. 3-4 hours later, turn it upside down. Early in the morning, rinse the cabbage, drain it, and cut it in half.
4 .That evening, rinse and trim the white radish, green onions, mustard greens, and cheonggak. Soak the watercress in water. Cut about half the white radish into thin strips and the rest into pieces about 6cm long and 1cm thick to use as packing.
5. Mix the packing radish with a little salt and chili flakes and set it aside.
6. Soak the shelled oysters in lightly salted water. Cut the watercress and mustard greens into pieces about 4cm long. Finely chop the white parts of the green onions.
7. Cut the garlic and ginger into thin strips.
8. Peel and thinly slice the chestnut, and cut the pear into thin strips.
9. Mix the chili flakes with the strips of white radish in a large bowl. Add the salted shrimp and the other flavorings you have prepared as above, and mix well.
The above flavorings are the best, but some may be hard to find when they are out of season, and it is acceptable to omit the mustard greens, watercress, cheonggak, pear, chestnut, salted corvina, or fresh pollack. The remaining ingredients are essential.
1. Spread this filling between the leaves of the cabbage. Fold the leaves toward the stem to enclose the filling.
2. To the packing prepared in #4, add the minced garlic, ginger watercress, finely chopped mustard greens, and a little of the liquid from a jar of salted shrimp or other salted fish, and mix together.
3. Put a little of the packing in a pot and pile the stuffed cabbage on top of it, adding a little more packing after each layer of cabbage. Repeat until the jar is about 80% full, then top with the outer leaves of the cabbage and weight the kimchi with a flat stone.

4. Nutrition and health

A traditional Korean  meal is not complete without kimchi, a mixture of various pickled vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, green onion and cucumber. Certain types of kimchi are made spicy with the addition of red chili pepper powder, while others are prepared without red chili peppers or are soaked in a tasty liquid. However, garlic is always used in kimchi to add to its flavor. In late November or early December, Korean families used to prepare enough kimchi to last the long winter. The kimchi was stored in large clay jars partially buried to maintain temperature and retain flavor. In modern Korea, housewives often don't have time to make kimchi or the outdoor space needed to store large amounts. But kimchi is still a vital part of the Korean lifestyle: companies making the fermented dish and others selling special kimchi refrigerators enjoy brisk sales.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Argumentation on abortion issue

Abortion is one of the controversial issues in many countries.

Abortion is one of the controversial subjects in many countries because of the moral and ethical issues that surround it. In korea, abortion is basically baned by the abortion law except for a pregnancy from rape and incest or parents having genetic disease. Since abortion law legitermized in 60’s, abortion rate has recorded by 78% of newborn babies each year. This year, Ministry of health and welfare announced that they are considering the revision of abortion law to reflect the reality of abortion. But, some of anti-lifer denounce the government act, accusing of violation of the spirit of the Consitition and murder. We should understand why Korean governement try to revise the abortion law and what problems are still in existence regarding abortion.

Korea is one of the seven countries among OECD members which ban abortion against social and economic reasons resulting from a single mother, an under age and a dificulty of a nurshing. Despite of a abortion law, Actually, anyone who are pregnancy can abortion illegally. According to the report, cases of abortion reached over 340,000 in 2005. Moreover, medical groups assumed that 95% of 340,000cases could be illegal. Even though enomous abortions did illegaly, only 2 cases were punished. It means that a present abortion law are invalid.

Our society should have a big burden unnecessarily from unpleasent lives. One of professor in a medical university published the report on abortion that 90% of married women want to abort for social and economic reason. However 100% of unmarried women. A Pregnant woman who cannot afford to foster a baby can be in danger of body and mental problems. Also, it could give a bad effect on a baby whether before or after delivery. Another serious problem is to discard a baby from an under age mother. Since one’s birth under bad situations, a baby should be sent to a orphanage or adopted overseas. Many orphans and adopted children can be easy to get mental problems which it lead to expose in drug, violence and other crime.

Government is striving to keep a woman’s right from the discrimination and prejudice against woman’s happiness. All individuals have a right to pursuit their happiness. However, an anti-lifer do not consider woman’s happiness. Abortion gives many serious side-effets to a woman body as well as a mental state. According to a Mother and Child Health Law, although a mother has a deformed fetus, she cannot abort legally. Therefore all burdens from a deformed baby will be on mother’s shoulder. As pro-lifer’s insist, a woman has right to make a decision on one’s body. A fetus belongs to a woman’s body. Therefore a woman who is pregnant should be procted by the law.

Despite a abortion is banned by the law, numorous cases of abortion is being undergone illegally under an invalid law. Nevertheless many trouble makers related to a drug, a violence and a crime were born as an unwanted delivery. More serious problem is to neglect a woman’s happiness. On purpose of keeping a woman’s right for making a decision of one’s body, government plans to revise a abortion. Basically, governmet should provide a proper sex education for a young people to prevent from unwanted pregnancy. Even though anti-lifer rebuke a legislation of abortion, a government should try on every efforts for woman’s happiness.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


What is this fragrance of Korea, and where does it come from?

Kimchi, also spelled gimch or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu variety. Kimchi is the most common Korean side dish eaten with rice. It is also a common ingredient and cooked with other ingredients to make dishes such as Kimchi stew and Kimchi fried rice. It has a quite long history. And although it has varieties in kinds and methods, a basic method for making Kimchi providing a lot of nutritional value is basically same.

The history of Kimchi can be traced back to ancient times. References to Kimchi can be found as early as 2,600 – 3,000years ago. The first text-written evidence of it existence can be found in the first Chinese poetry book, Sikyeong. In this book, Kimchi was referred to as “Ji”, the term used before it was known as “Dimchae”. The earliest form of Kimchi was made of only cabbage, and it was in the 12th century when people began to include other spices to create different flavors, such as sweet and sour flavors, and colors of Kimchi, such as white and orange. Chili peppers, not a major ingredient in most forms of Kimchi, were known in Korea until the early 17th century.
This particular style of Kimchi with chilli peppers and baechu, a variety of Chinese cabbage, gained popularity in the 19th century.

Kimchi varieties are determined by the main vegetable ingredient and the mix of seasonings used to flavor the kimchi. The most popular type of kimchi is the baechu (a type of Chinese cabbage) variety but there are many regional and seasonal varieties. Popular variants include ggakdugi (hangul: 깍두기) which is a kimchi made with cubed radishes, pa kimchi (made with scallions), and oisobaegi (hangul: 오이 소배기), a cucumber kimchi with hot and spicy seasonings. Ggaennip (hangul: 깻잎) kimchi features layers of perilla leaves marinated in soy sauce and other spices. But, Nothing in the world is easier than making kimchi, yet nothing is more difficult. Even a novice can rinse the vegetables clean, salt them, rinse them again the next day, add garlic, and leave them in a cool place for a day or two to ferment naturally, then eat them just as they are.

Kimchi has a reputation of being a healthy food for being rich in vitamins, aiding digestion, and even possibly retarding cancer growth. Kimchi is made of various vegetables and contains a high concentration of dietary fiber, while being low in calories. One serving also provides up to 80% of the daily required amount of vitamin C and carotene. Most types of kimchi contain onions, garlic and peppers all of which are salutary. The vegetables being made into kimchi also contribute to the overall nutritional value. Kimchi is rich in vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and iron, and contains a number of lactic acid bacteria. In 2000, a novel bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacterium (strain MT-1077T) was isolated from Kimchi and was named Lactobacillus kimchi.

Kimchi, a representative sidedish in Korea, has a 3,000 year old history. Also, Kimchi varies in kinds and methods which are basically same to make. It has a reputation as one of top five “World’s Healthiest Foods” for being rich in vitamins and other nutritional components. For those reasons, nowadays Kimchi is becoming more and more poular in other countries even though it has pecular flavor.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Boca

blunt ; be blunt

-retarded, disabled, : you are such a retarded
-shape : you're (get) in shape:
-shell shock :
-figure : a kind of sexual harrassment ;Don't use "figure" as a complishment
-Fat - plus size clothing, heavy size clothing
you look great!! smoking is appetizing presant
-cabinet government
-compulsory, mendatory, required, forced(no willing to do)
-head bobs : Head Bobs was the first music video by the hip hop group, Black Eyed
Peas. It never aired but was featured on the DVD, Behind the Bridge to elephunk
- snooze : nap
-catch-22:dilema :
-witch-hunt :
-pecking over :
-subsidize : Government subsidizes poor country
-endorses : Gore endorse Obama as a solver of problems
-unify : Unify Noth Korea and South Korea.
-assertion : No prove, No specific example but believe


A living contradiction(chaptor 9)


1. savant syndrome: describing individuals with a developmental disorder and one or more areas of expertise, ability or brilliance. An autistic savant describes
2. autistic savant : an autistic person who has savant syndrome
3. autism : a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old.
4. genius : ━ noun (geniuses or in sense 5 genii 《/dniai/》)
1 someone who has outstanding creative or intellectual ability.
2 such ability.
3 a person who exerts a powerful influence on another (whether good or bad).
4 Roman mythol a guardian spirit.
5 formal a quality or attitude with which something (eg a country or a period of time) is identified or typically associated
5. musical improvisation : the spontaneous creative process of making music while it is being performed.
6. rote memory: the ability to learn certain information as a habit pattern. The child who has problems in this area is unable to recall with ease those responses which should have been automatic, such as the alphabet, the number system, multiplication tables, spelling rules, grammatical rules, etc.

* expression
- He did not seem to have much of a chance
:(as pronoun) a great deal; anything of significance or value
¶ Can you see much?
¶ My belongings don’t amount to much.
- After hearing a tune, he can imitate it almost perfectly the firt time he plays it.
- In addition to the piano, Tony plays the organ, guitar, violin, banjo, recorder, and harmonica-14 instruments in all.
- How can this be?
- How can such a severely challenged person be so musically talented?
- Dr. Treffert points out that Tony's ability to improvise is a giant step beyond rote memory
- psychiatry may reach a new understanding of "savant syndrome"


Saturday, June 14, 2008

effets on my life of taking an English program

Taking an English program affects my life

All individuals experience a variety of changes such as a changing job, transferring to an undesirable location and making a new social relationship. All events affect our life, but they are always not bad. Taking an English education course affects my life in variable areas such as a job involvement, a family relationship and my personal life including emotional changes.

In terms of social life related to a job, I became free from a lot of responsibilities involving all at work. No one can push me to finish paper works before a deadline. I don’t need to arrange all events such as meeting, business trips to foreign countries, solving the problems in my team and following boss’s unexpected orders. Moving away from the office allows me not to keep complicated relationships with colleagues.
Taking an English education program allows me to have more time to spend with my family. This program is scheduled to finish on time. It makes me arrange house works such as making foods, doing playful activities and all events for my family. During work, many sudden events happening everyday even on weekend caught my time. In this program, I can make my schedule for my family without any interruption.

On my personal life, it gives more effects including making new relationship and emotional changes. It allows me to enable to learn what I want such as taking a special education course and a music lesson. New personal relationship with students as well as teachers is another good social activity. Through this new meeting I can keep close friends personally. Also, scheduling time allows me to build time managing skills and have more chances to possess intellectual capacity with reading books. As a consequence I can keep my mental health.

Some of events are stressful because we often require significant social readjustments and adaptations. Although the incidence of stressful life events is correlated to some extent with variables, no one is immune from experiencing such changes. Depending on our attitudes to the life, we can have more valuable life through the time coping with life events.


Saturday, June 7, 2008


Divorce is one of the most serious problems in every society.
In the past, divorce was quite rare. Today, however, a majority of marriages breaks up in the first few years during marriage of young ages. Divorce is a complex issue with more than one cause. For various reasons, recently it has become very common, and it affects all levels of society. Moreover, high levels of divorce have many effects on children, women and men.

The biggest effect is on children. Children of divorced parents often have social or emotional problems. They may be treated negligently by a divorced parent who is in an emotional unbalance. Negligence calls lack of support or care at home, or difficulties in a new family. Also, they may have many problems at school such as being teased. They are likely to be in depression. So, a unstable mental state causes to go down score at school. They may need to see a psychological doctor. In the worst case, Children may fall into temptation such as drug, violence even crime. Finally, they may leave a school before graduation.

Women are also affected. It is difficult for a divorced woman to find someone to remarry. Because most women already lost fait in men. Emotionally they are in severe disorder, lethargy and depression for a while. Those situations lead negligence for children. In case of a house wife, she may also suffer from financial problems more than working women. Those financial situation leads to jump into struggle for getting jobs. Also, in some cases women suffer from not being able to see their children.

Men, are also affected. After divorce, many men look for foreign wives or girlfriends in the hope of finding a suitable partner. However, they may have difficulty to find someone else. Also, because of childcare cost, men may suffer from financial problems. The same as divorced women, men suffer from mentally unstable situations such as depression and loneliness. Some of men easily fall into temptation like drinking alcohol for antidote of loneliness. In addition, they may have problem dealing with their children. Usually, men are not familiar with housing stuff and children care.

In conclusion, divorce is a serious issue with major implications for children, men, women, and society. If we do not prepare our young people for marriage, and if we do not help couples to stay together, we will be building up trouble for our society and children.