Monday, November 10, 2008


Type your summary here

The power of cuddly,

Recently, many bird populations including the North Sea puffins in Europe are decreasing significantly. In case of the puffin similar to a penguin , declining populations are becoming a shock, because the puffin was one of the successful conservation cases. Scientists assumed that people’s lifecycles such as fishing and agriculture might cause lack of food production dangerous to the bird populations. Another factor causing low populations is climate change that result in high temperature of seawater. It also makes food problems for migratory birds during spring migration. Now, the puffin is considered one of the most beloved birds and needs to be conserved among endangered species. The author said that this cute species would get people to protect nature.

A lot of animal populations have been declining because of climate change and human’s behaviors. People already recognized an importance of biodiversity in this world. Keeping the balance of biodiversity is not easy due to destroy of habitat and development of industry. Human’s selfishness brought environmental problems that affect human life. But it’s not too late to change a harmful situation. Because at least many people understand that people should protect natural habitats, conserve endangered species and keep environment clear. We need to remember that human future is relying on environment.



Type your summary here

1. Recently, many bird populations including the North Sea puffins in Europe are decreasing significantly.
2. In case of the puffin similar to a penguin, declining populations are becoming a shock, because the puffin was one of the successful conservation cases.
3. North Korea government didn’t want the rumors about his leader’s health spread out by showing some photos and videos which stood for his good health, but experts say those are taken in the past.
4. A number of ways to reduce weight are introduced and eating less is very important.
5. Scientists assumed that people’s lifecycles such as fishing and agriculture might cause lack of food production dangerous to the bird populations.
6. The author said that this cute species would get people to protect nature.
7. Because at least many people understand that people should protect natural habitats, conserve endangered species and keep environment clear.
8. With a regard to Kim’s medical treatment, Kim’s son who is Kim Jung-nam went to Paris to recruit a neurosurgeon, after that, the surgeon named Francois arrived in Beijing to go to Pyongyang, but the surgeon told his trip had no relation with Pyongyang
9. Nevertheless of guessing about Kim’s health, it seemed Kim went to action because North Korea government showed many photos these days
10. Yet, it looks still difficult to expect a good sale in ‘Sweetest Day’.
11. I think it is acceptable to make certain day to celebrate or remember something or someone, but too many celebrating days like Japan might cause excessive spending of money.
12. What I worry about is that on those days some people might be very sad by recommended reason while others very happy exchanging presents.
13. I felt blue to read this article because the bad economy deprived American of small enjoyable opportunity to exchange presents on celebrating days. I wish that coming Christmas isn’t affected by the serious economy so that Americans could forget the difficulties which they are undergoing for a moment and happily enjoy this last holiday of this year.
14. Obama's election triumph would be said to be the win of a nomination because a demarcate party was supposed to win due to American's financial crisis.
15. In this kind of election atmosphere, although he had a lot of weakens compared with prominent Hillary Clinton, he became a president candidate of the Democrat party
16. It could be said that he had not an excellent talent to draw people's attention but he was able to overcome a barrier of the races.
17. Especially, immigrants who came to the United states with the American should have the countless hope they can do everything because there is no longer color-corded


Sunday, November 2, 2008

writing correction w9

Type your summary here

1. A Japanese woman was arrested because she killed her husband. When she committed the crime, she was very angry because she was divorced without any word from her husband. Actually, she didn't kill her real husband but her virtual husband of "Maple Story", an online game site where they were a couple.
2. In those virtual spaces, users create new images that they want to look like, and have relationship with each other by those images.
3. I understand that people sometimes feel like escaping from the realities of life and I try to understand wrong behaviors in some degree.
4. Most of them still go online to request DVD rentals and they have to wait one to two days to enjoy a streaming service.
5. Until now, movie rental service with high-speed internet connections has been popular.
6. Samsung Electronics joins a Blu-ray game which connect to Netflix, but Samsung Blu-ray DVD player price is more expensive than that of its competitor such as LG
7. there is a enough possibility to success for Samsung
8. Many workers of baby boomer generation have worked with a dream of retirement.
9. An unemployment rate and a payroll jobs statistics are main measurements to make an employment data
10. It is largely because that they are concern about the uncertain of their future.
11. However, their dedication and sacrifices are not sure to protect their stable life in the future.
12. The traditional attitude will guarantee no longer our happy and successful life at the end of life.
13. Because in 1990s economy getting worse led to generate more a outsourcing, an independent business and a contract work which unemployment figure didn’t account.
14. The measure U6 calculate total number of the unemployed and all those people mentioned above.
15. an unemployed people don’t include temporary workers and job seekers.
16. Why the Korean government keeps an unemployment rate low?
17. the writer of this article, has served for the homeless people for 10 years
18. the funds for the homeless are cutting in many states and cities
19. Homeless are often in danger to be victims of crimes on the street such as robbery, mugging, raping, also they have mental problems as well as lots of physical diseases.
20. others can’t go out their street nest because they are already desperate and seriously ill. Her team is finding the later and giving help to them.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

writing- Bad News about your job

why the unemployment rate is artificially low

An unemployment rate and a payroll jobs statistics are main measurements to make an employment data, but those data doesn’t show a real job situation. Because in 1990s economy getting worse led to generate more a outsourcing, an independent business and a contract work which unemployment figure didn’t account. Therefore, the Bureau of Labor Statistics introduced a new range of alternative unemployment measures that categorizes unemployment situation from U1 to U6. It includes underutilized workers who are unemployed 15 weeks or longer, lost temporary jobs and not looking for a job currently. The measure U6 calculate total number of the unemployed and all those people mentioned above. Last month, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent and the underutilization rate was 4.9. This figure means that the unemployment rate seems not serious but a real job situation is worse.

It is not hard to guess how many people are suffering from losing job in the Wall Street due to the current recession. Many people are having difficulties in getting jobs not only for a business recession but also for a changing economy trend. It’s not an only American story. As of September 2008, Korean unemployment rate is 3 percent. In this statistics, an unemployed people don’t include temporary workers and job seekers. If the National Statistical Office of Korea uses U6 in alternative measure of labor underutilization, the unemployment rate would be much higher than it has been at any time. Why the Korean government keeps an unemployment rate low? The Korean government might think unemployment is a government level issue and worry about Korean economy sentiment, which may affect on economy. It is no doubt that Korean as well as the Korean government should put all efforts into improving economy to reduce unemployment rate.