Saturday, June 7, 2008


Divorce is one of the most serious problems in every society.
In the past, divorce was quite rare. Today, however, a majority of marriages breaks up in the first few years during marriage of young ages. Divorce is a complex issue with more than one cause. For various reasons, recently it has become very common, and it affects all levels of society. Moreover, high levels of divorce have many effects on children, women and men.

The biggest effect is on children. Children of divorced parents often have social or emotional problems. They may be treated negligently by a divorced parent who is in an emotional unbalance. Negligence calls lack of support or care at home, or difficulties in a new family. Also, they may have many problems at school such as being teased. They are likely to be in depression. So, a unstable mental state causes to go down score at school. They may need to see a psychological doctor. In the worst case, Children may fall into temptation such as drug, violence even crime. Finally, they may leave a school before graduation.

Women are also affected. It is difficult for a divorced woman to find someone to remarry. Because most women already lost fait in men. Emotionally they are in severe disorder, lethargy and depression for a while. Those situations lead negligence for children. In case of a house wife, she may also suffer from financial problems more than working women. Those financial situation leads to jump into struggle for getting jobs. Also, in some cases women suffer from not being able to see their children.

Men, are also affected. After divorce, many men look for foreign wives or girlfriends in the hope of finding a suitable partner. However, they may have difficulty to find someone else. Also, because of childcare cost, men may suffer from financial problems. The same as divorced women, men suffer from mentally unstable situations such as depression and loneliness. Some of men easily fall into temptation like drinking alcohol for antidote of loneliness. In addition, they may have problem dealing with their children. Usually, men are not familiar with housing stuff and children care.

In conclusion, divorce is a serious issue with major implications for children, men, women, and society. If we do not prepare our young people for marriage, and if we do not help couples to stay together, we will be building up trouble for our society and children.

1 comment:

Evergreen said...

Hi Boss

How are you?. Are you having a good time for consecutive holidays?. I read your essay just before. Generally, it is clear, understandable and well composed. You did a good job. However, I recommend you inspect the following sentences whether the sentences are clear or they have any grammactical errors

In the first paragraph,
"a majority of marriages break up in the first few years not only between young ages but old ages." Here I don't understand the expression "in the first few years"
And then "high levels of divorce" I don't know the meaning. Here "levels" means "rates"?

In the second paragraph
They may be treated neglegently by divorced parent who is in emotional unbalance.
They may be treated neglegently by divorced parents who are in emotional unbalance.
In the worst case, Childern may fall into temptation such as drug, violence even crime. Finally, they might have left a school before graduation.
In the worst case, Childern may fall into temptation such as drug, violence even crime. Finally, they may leave a school before graduation.

In the third paragraph,
Those situation -> Those situations. Those financial situation -> Those financial situations
because of childcare cost men may suffer from financial problems as a result of their divorce.
because of childcare cost, men may suffer from financial problems as a result of their divorce.

I hope you have a nice holiday today