Saturday, June 14, 2008

effets on my life of taking an English program

Taking an English program affects my life

All individuals experience a variety of changes such as a changing job, transferring to an undesirable location and making a new social relationship. All events affect our life, but they are always not bad. Taking an English education course affects my life in variable areas such as a job involvement, a family relationship and my personal life including emotional changes.

In terms of social life related to a job, I became free from a lot of responsibilities involving all at work. No one can push me to finish paper works before a deadline. I don’t need to arrange all events such as meeting, business trips to foreign countries, solving the problems in my team and following boss’s unexpected orders. Moving away from the office allows me not to keep complicated relationships with colleagues.
Taking an English education program allows me to have more time to spend with my family. This program is scheduled to finish on time. It makes me arrange house works such as making foods, doing playful activities and all events for my family. During work, many sudden events happening everyday even on weekend caught my time. In this program, I can make my schedule for my family without any interruption.

On my personal life, it gives more effects including making new relationship and emotional changes. It allows me to enable to learn what I want such as taking a special education course and a music lesson. New personal relationship with students as well as teachers is another good social activity. Through this new meeting I can keep close friends personally. Also, scheduling time allows me to build time managing skills and have more chances to possess intellectual capacity with reading books. As a consequence I can keep my mental health.

Some of events are stressful because we often require significant social readjustments and adaptations. Although the incidence of stressful life events is correlated to some extent with variables, no one is immune from experiencing such changes. Depending on our attitudes to the life, we can have more valuable life through the time coping with life events.

1 comment:

Son-Mee Kwon said...

Are you enjoying the weekend? As usual, you did a good job. Actually I have not started yet, so I envy you.
Here are some comments on your writing. I am not sure of some comments, but I hope that these are helpful.

1. Verb 'effects on' should be changed into 'affects'.
2. In the 2nd sentence, 'changing job' and 'transferring' are more suitable than 'a changing job' and 'transfer' for consistent structure.
3. In the 3rd sentence, but, →, but
4. In the 1st body paragraph, 'to foreign country, solving the problems' → to foreign countries, solving problems
5. In the last sentence of the 1st body paragraph, allow → allows
6. In the 3rd sentence of the 2nd body paragraph, It makes me to arrange → delete 'to'
7. The meaning of 'playing activites' is not easily understood to me.
8. During at work : two prepositions
9. many sudden events happened everyday even on weekend caught my time. : A relative pronoun is necessary between events and happened. Or happening is more proper than happened, I think.
10. On my personal life got more effects including making new relationship and emotional changes from this education program. : no subject
11. Through this new meeting I can have to : 'have to' looks unnecessary.
12. Also, scheduling my time allows to build : objective of 'allows' is not shown.13. At a consequence I can keep my mental health. : As a consequence, I can keep my mental healthy.