Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Paper or Plastic Bags?

Green fee in Seattle

Paper or plastic? It's cost you.

There is a tugg of war between citizen and city government in Seattle, the capital of green America. Because New bag tax will be effective in 2009.which is environmental policy

Under the new bill, It would require drug, grocery and convenient stores to charge 20 cents per disposable bag.. and Seatlle would be the first city in the USA. to tax them. Other cities, such as San Francisco, have banned certain disposable bags.

City Mayor Greg Nickels mentioned that 'we know it won't solve global warming, but a small change in behavior can make a big difference' and he gave an example which was the Dublin, Ireland case. a similar tax reduced bag use by 90%.

However, according to the recent study, a lot of Seattle residents already recycle ags or reuse them for sack lunches and cleaning up pet dungs. also, they are replacing disposable plastic bags with more durable, fabric-like polypropylene bags

According to a city survey from late 2007, 63%of Seattle residents oppose the tax. and last week, citizen group submitted a petition to stop the Seattle bag tax with 20,000signatures.

Regarding this issue, one of the experts said that The seattle tax is the forerunner of a green trend.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

W8- correction

Type your summary here

1. Most of the households are having difficult time in the US due to current economic crisis.
2. According to a recent survey, women are affected more than men from the unstable economy. In result, women are reporting stress a lot.
3. People generally have believed that the main reason of obesity is a healthy diet or a lack of exercise.
4. However, when it comes to a women’s stress, doctors tend to think it not seriously
5. Doctors often blame stress very easily to all kind of women’s symptom such as fatigue, headache, insomnia, while they take it seriously and proceed health examining to men’s symptom
6. Annual cost for free access to any clips are $ 24.99.
7. This e-business is similar to other online greeting cards business having a large market.
8. It was only 3minutes stories but it’s enough to touch a heart.
9. Rob Fried, a famous Hollywood film producer, started the new online business this week.
10. These days, a huge amount of money is spending on preventing the overweight and the obesity.
11. These days, we can freely access to free video clips on the website like YouTube, however, it’s not easy to find such an inspiring collection of films
12. Relying on the sensitivity of dopamine, the amount of food is determined when people eat food. The more dull it's response to food is, the more likely people are to gain weight.
13. she started her own business for 10 years to save money
14. she was focused in an advertisement in the New York Times
15. I think SpiritClips could do business well in that many people remember very impressive scenes on a movie and a number of people sending e-greeting cards gradually increase
16. Other companies sell e-cards as well as paper cards, but SpiritClips do e-business only.
17. They have no notion of the relation with the function in a certain part of brain.
18. we have wasted a lot of money just in the exercise industry. we also have severly annoyed to control their diets and to loose the weight.
19. As she is a realistic designer, there was a big difference between fashion show and the product that a consumer buys
20. However, although she achieved success after many years of hard work, in terms of her success, there were many helpers such as her friends, a business partner and her parents


Friday, October 24, 2008

Would you pay for it?

SpiritClips - video clips and e-greeting cards

Would you pay for it?

Rob Fried, a famous Hollywood film producer, started the new online business this week. SpiritClips provides 3 to 5 minutes video clips at a 99 cents. Also, video clips can be send as an e-card at a $2.99. Annual cost for free access to any clips are $ 24.99.
SpiritClips’ video clips are touching a string in heart. SpiritClips’ members can make their own e-cards and share them with others. In addition, members can leave their own stories on the SpiritClips and some stories can be a short film. This e-business is similar to other online greeting cards business having a large market. Other companies sell e-cards as well as paper cards, but SpiritClips do e-business only. It’s a gamble for making a brand new product because a thousands of people watch free video clips on the internet. But if SpiritClips become a business, this new business could hit a home run.

I browsed the SpritClips website providing free trial video clips. After I watched the short video clip, “Sally”, I felt my heat warming. It was only 3minutes stories but it’s enough to touch a heart. On the SpiritClips website, There is a message telling “I saw this great movie and it made me think of you”. A collection of 3-5min films won an Academy Award-winning producer. If someone send me a e-card with those words, I would be very impressed. These days, we can freely access to free video clips on the website like YouTube, however, it’s not easy to find such an inspiring collection of films.
I think SpiritClips could do business well in that many people remember very impressive scenes on a movie and a number of people sending e-greeting cards gradually increase
It could be exciting to have a favorite video clips and share it with friends together.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Presentation class-Meetings practices 10.13

Type your summary here

Shall we make a start?
I'd like to welcome by introducing all participants from different department.
Mr. James from marketing, Mr.Karl from finance and Ms. Chris from personnel.

The purpose of this meeting is to look at working parctices within the organization and to discuss how these can be improved

I'd like to hear what you all think before we make a decision
As you'll see there are 2 items on the agenda.
All participants are going to present their department working practices.

This meeting is due to finish at 4 o'clock

Let's get down to business
Mr. James, would you like to begin?

*informal-small, monthly meeting*

OK. Let's begin. Thanks for coming.
As you know, this meeting is to review the last month's activities and preview the next month's activites.
today, we'll discuss the last month's activities which are production, sales figures and new customres.
Then preview new production launch and environmenal campaign for next month activities.
i suggest we go round table as usual.
this meeting will takes 30 minutes.
James, will you start?


Formal meeting introduction

FORMAl Meeting

Ladies and Gentleman
I'd like to formally open this meeting
It's pleasure to welcome all participants
As you've seen, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss a possible joint venture.
There are 7 points on the agenda which are scheduled for approximately 30 minutes per item.
Let's get down to business.
The firt item on the agenda is a background of this project.
Mr. James, would you


Newweek-writing/ When adoption goes wrong?

When adoption goes wrong.

According to the long-term studies, many of the adoptee from foreign countries is going well but some of them go significantly wrong due to severe emotional and behavioral problems. The wrong cases are forced to make adoptive parents an irreparable mistake. The most severe mistake results in death of adoptee and parents in prison. Why those bad cases happen? The writer said the reason is that parents don’t know what they should do when their adopters express emotional and behavioral problems. Those parents have high level of stress, which can influence on the adopted children at home. Therefore, adoptive parents should be educated to understand adopted children and help both of them . Because a troubled adoptee is the result of exposure to violence, abuse and mistreatment at their home countries.

According to this article, orphans are likely to have mental, emotional and behavioral problems through violence, harassments and mistreatments. It is not easy for the parents to find adopter’s problems before they are adopted. Because adoption organizations can keep the parents away from the adoptee intentionally until the legal procedure of adopting finish. In addition, it could take a few months or years to express their problem. Most adoptee from foreign countries need time to adjust to being a new member of the family.
In Korea, some families adopt children but most cases I’ve heard were bad. Worse, I’ve never head about the organization specializing in supporting for the adoptive parents in Korea. It means that adopting is not common around me. Before encouraging adopting, social change toward adopting through the education to adoptive parents as well as adoptee is more important. At this point, I am not pro-adopting because adopting still can cause other social problems such as crime, violence and family disruption.


Sentence correction-wk7

Type your summary here

1. In recent years, with bad scandals about international adoption, sending countries are experiencing better economies, low birthrate and new mood that they can bring up their children by themselves.
2. in spite of these weak points, overseas adoption might be only way for some children to last their lives and overseas adoption can be better managed by unified treaties.
3. due to severe criticism about overseas adoption, the change of awareness toward family and adoption and government's efforts, domestic adoption is increasing more and more.
4. The government puts various policies to the public to encourage domestic adoption for disabled children but the policies are centered on financial support, which aren't successful.
5. American will compete against other countries to attract dominance of capital and investments again
6. These all types of capitalism are created by adding some facts of socialism into capitalism in order to delete problems of free markets.
7. she worked in the ministry of Treasury, where she recognized that how government coped with difficulties in emergency and how enterpreneurs changed the world.
8. In Facebook, she realized how the people were affected by the vision of enterpreneur.
9. In the western culture, it would be accepted positive for people to change jobs according to their careers because people generally think changing a job might be one of steps for making a success.
10. The writer said the reason is that parents don’t know what they should do when adoptee express emotional and behavioral problems
11. adoptive parents should be educated to understand adopted children and help both of them.
12. It is not easy for the parents to find adopter’s problems before they are adopted
13. Before encouraging adopting, social change toward adopting through the education to adoptive parents as well as adoptee is more important.
14. I am not pro-adopting because adopting still can cause other social problems such as crime, violence and family disruption.
15. I was very impressive about the ideas that hotel offers kitchen and laundry
16. I can understand that people who are on business trip might stay quite long time in hotel because the US is so big country.
17. We don’t need to stay long time because almost all area we can reach in a day.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Education:it's not just about the boys

Education : It’s not just about the boys. Get girls into school.

Uneducated children are subjected to be the poor. These days, 60% of girls in the world don’t go to school. Educated girls are more helpful to their families than boys. So, many experts think that investment to girls’ education is more important for the future than boy’s one. Educated girls can make their society healthier with low mortality of baby, low risks of genital diseases, etc. However, there are several reasons why girls cannot go to school in some areas like Africa. The biggest reason is that parents cannot afford to pay school fees. In addition, Parents lack of recognition on girls who can actually help their families. In outside of house, there is a fear on sexual harassments and no toilets for girls at school. Those are still big barriers for girls’ education. The writer emphasizes that parents should change their recognition on girls’ education for the future.

Those facts lead me to think of past parents’ days. In our great grand mother’s age, it was common that women had to sacrifice educational opportunities for the sake of their brothers. Nowadays, Korea is one of the best countries focusing on education in the world. I can say what brought those changes to us. Our parents had a conviction on education that could be the best way for improving their descendant’s life. Even though they are too poor to pay school fees, they send their children to school sacrificing their life. In addition, at least in terms of education, there is no gender discrimination in Korean families. On the other hand, currently hot issue coming from excessive enthusiasm on education rises. Related with those issue, high growth of Korean economy gives a big influence on not only chances of education for woman but also excessive zeal of parents about children education. Compared to the Korean’s education, African government firstly should educate people not to deliver a baby if they cannot afford to raise him. It can cause another financial problems requiring more money to pay school fees. Consequently poor economy deprives woman of opportunity for education. Therefore, in developing countries like Uganda and Sudan, government needs to make an every effort for to educate parents at first for their bright future.