Sunday, October 12, 2008

Education:it's not just about the boys

Education : It’s not just about the boys. Get girls into school.

Uneducated children are subjected to be the poor. These days, 60% of girls in the world don’t go to school. Educated girls are more helpful to their families than boys. So, many experts think that investment to girls’ education is more important for the future than boy’s one. Educated girls can make their society healthier with low mortality of baby, low risks of genital diseases, etc. However, there are several reasons why girls cannot go to school in some areas like Africa. The biggest reason is that parents cannot afford to pay school fees. In addition, Parents lack of recognition on girls who can actually help their families. In outside of house, there is a fear on sexual harassments and no toilets for girls at school. Those are still big barriers for girls’ education. The writer emphasizes that parents should change their recognition on girls’ education for the future.

Those facts lead me to think of past parents’ days. In our great grand mother’s age, it was common that women had to sacrifice educational opportunities for the sake of their brothers. Nowadays, Korea is one of the best countries focusing on education in the world. I can say what brought those changes to us. Our parents had a conviction on education that could be the best way for improving their descendant’s life. Even though they are too poor to pay school fees, they send their children to school sacrificing their life. In addition, at least in terms of education, there is no gender discrimination in Korean families. On the other hand, currently hot issue coming from excessive enthusiasm on education rises. Related with those issue, high growth of Korean economy gives a big influence on not only chances of education for woman but also excessive zeal of parents about children education. Compared to the Korean’s education, African government firstly should educate people not to deliver a baby if they cannot afford to raise him. It can cause another financial problems requiring more money to pay school fees. Consequently poor economy deprives woman of opportunity for education. Therefore, in developing countries like Uganda and Sudan, government needs to make an every effort for to educate parents at first for their bright future.

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