Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sentence correction-wk7

Type your summary here

1. In recent years, with bad scandals about international adoption, sending countries are experiencing better economies, low birthrate and new mood that they can bring up their children by themselves.
2. in spite of these weak points, overseas adoption might be only way for some children to last their lives and overseas adoption can be better managed by unified treaties.
3. due to severe criticism about overseas adoption, the change of awareness toward family and adoption and government's efforts, domestic adoption is increasing more and more.
4. The government puts various policies to the public to encourage domestic adoption for disabled children but the policies are centered on financial support, which aren't successful.
5. American will compete against other countries to attract dominance of capital and investments again
6. These all types of capitalism are created by adding some facts of socialism into capitalism in order to delete problems of free markets.
7. she worked in the ministry of Treasury, where she recognized that how government coped with difficulties in emergency and how enterpreneurs changed the world.
8. In Facebook, she realized how the people were affected by the vision of enterpreneur.
9. In the western culture, it would be accepted positive for people to change jobs according to their careers because people generally think changing a job might be one of steps for making a success.
10. The writer said the reason is that parents don’t know what they should do when adoptee express emotional and behavioral problems
11. adoptive parents should be educated to understand adopted children and help both of them.
12. It is not easy for the parents to find adopter’s problems before they are adopted
13. Before encouraging adopting, social change toward adopting through the education to adoptive parents as well as adoptee is more important.
14. I am not pro-adopting because adopting still can cause other social problems such as crime, violence and family disruption.
15. I was very impressive about the ideas that hotel offers kitchen and laundry
16. I can understand that people who are on business trip might stay quite long time in hotel because the US is so big country.
17. We don’t need to stay long time because almost all area we can reach in a day.

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