Sunday, October 19, 2008

Presentation class-Meetings practices 10.13

Type your summary here

Shall we make a start?
I'd like to welcome by introducing all participants from different department.
Mr. James from marketing, Mr.Karl from finance and Ms. Chris from personnel.

The purpose of this meeting is to look at working parctices within the organization and to discuss how these can be improved

I'd like to hear what you all think before we make a decision
As you'll see there are 2 items on the agenda.
All participants are going to present their department working practices.

This meeting is due to finish at 4 o'clock

Let's get down to business
Mr. James, would you like to begin?

*informal-small, monthly meeting*

OK. Let's begin. Thanks for coming.
As you know, this meeting is to review the last month's activities and preview the next month's activites.
today, we'll discuss the last month's activities which are production, sales figures and new customres.
Then preview new production launch and environmenal campaign for next month activities.
i suggest we go round table as usual.
this meeting will takes 30 minutes.
James, will you start?

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