Sunday, December 21, 2008

Six surgical miracles (wk16)

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Six surgical Miracles,

Here are some of amazing operations in modern times.
1. Surgery to remove half a child’s brain. A 6-year-old girl in Texas got an operation to remove a half of a brain at Johns Hopkins Children’s center on June 11 this year. She may not be able to move her left body permanently but her personality and memory ability are normal. Doctors don’t understand how rest of brain works. However, the doctors found that empty space of brain replaced with cerebrospinal fluid.
2. The four-day operation. In 1951, a 96-hour operation was undergone to remove a giant ovarian cyst. It is the longest surgery in the world until now. After a surgery, the patients lost 350 pounds. It took 4 days to drain about 200 pounds of the fluid of cyst and to remove the cyst.
3. Surgery in utero : In Australia, 22 weeks pregnant woman got an operation for her unborn baby. In her womb, the fetus’ ankle was wrapped with amniotic bands blocking the blood supply to the legs. Unfortunately, the fetus’ right leg was infected, so doctors cut the bands wrapping let leg. At that time the fetus was 7 inch long. After 4 days of birth, the baby got an operation for her right leg. This is the earliest operation case.
4. Surgeon, operate on thyself. In 1921, a doctor, Evan O’Neill Kane of Kane, Penn did surgery himself to remove appendix using local anesthetic. At that time ether was used often so, he wanted to show local anesthetic could be used in some cases. When he was 70 in 1930, he got another surgery on himself.
5. Saving Face. In 2007, A French man having tumors on his face got a plastic surgery for 16 hours to transplant almost all his face such as lips, cheeks, nose and mouth.
6. Twice born. A six moths fetus had a tumor on her tailbone. Doctors of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston anesthetized her mother, put out the fetus from the womb and moved out the tumor. The operation took 4 hours and then the fetus went back to her mom’s womb. 10 weeks later the baby was born in health.

In addition to those unusual cases, there are lots of miracles in this world. Even though great advance in science is ongoing, it cannot tell clearly about mystery of life. When I meet an amazing case at the same time I can see the limitation of human power. When it comes to life, all lives belong to God as a proverb says. I believe that only thing people have to do is trying to find out the truth of life.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boot knut:Berlin's star polar bear faces eviction

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Boot Knut :
One of the beloved animals around the world is a polar bear, which is on the list of threatened species. Scientists estimate that there are approximately 25,000 polar bears in the wild. Moreover, their habitats have been continuously shrinking and it makes more animals in danger to disappear in this world. Like other endangered animals, a polar bear can be an attraction for zoo visitors. The superstar of the Berlin Zoo is a polar bear, Knut, having yellowish fur. Last year, he made a great contribution to increase visitors by 27% and made a profit nearly 6.8million euro. However, he has fully grown at 440 pounds and need bigger enclosure. He is still with his parents and two female bears. Before long he will be mature enough to have a partner. In a related matter, the Berlin zoo officials said that he would be moved to another place because of lack of space. Many his fans including the keeper who raised him by hand are trying to find the ways to help him to stay at the zoo. However, there are many zoos and parks in foreign countries, which want to get the polar bear from the Berlin zoo. It is the time that the Berlin zoo makes a decision on it.

Many TV program shows that natural habitats of wild animals disappear. It means that people can lose a chance to see them in the wild and even at the zoo. In Korea, only a few polar bears are exhibited under poor condition at the zoo. It is really difficult to get those animals from other countries even though we can pay for them. Moreover we need to consider the welfare of animals. The Berlin zoo is one of the oldest zoos in developed countries where their facilities needed to be renovated. The old facilities are enforcing the zoo to invest big money in renovation. If it is our case, we might keep him under poor conditions. However, they try to give better condition to the polar bear. If they can’t build a new facility for the polar bear due to lack of budget, they would find the best place for him and his future mate. In this article, I am impressed that city people and the keeper have a strong conviction to keep him for the Berlin people and himself. They really love the polar bear


Sunday, December 7, 2008

writing correction W13

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1. In Mexico, the surgery cost was one out of three times cheaper than that in USA.
2. Since medical treatment in Mexico is cheaper in half or less than in America, a lot of Americans who live close in border go to the Mexico.
3. People in Texas are high uninsured and low income relatively, so they used to cross the border to buy medicine or treat dental problem from the past.
4. Even though it can’t become similar like Canada or UK (I’ve heard the medical treatment cost is almost free), at least the government should support their people to be cured by a minimum cost.
5. While Japanese politicians are not close to the people, Obama doesn't have a gap from American people.
6. It is said that Japanese are enthusiastic about the election because they feel frustration of their economy and politics.
7. They are impressed that American politics is different from Japanese one in many ways.
8. Obama, an African-American, has held interest since the primary
9. However, the State Department spokesman said Al-Qaida’s message was disgusting comments from a terrorist. On the other hand, Al-Zawahri said American policies have been oppressing Muslims, but they have not changed through Obama’s election. And then, he also said American people elected Obama as a new face, but Obama is not helpful to Muslims at all
10. Al-Qaida have been involving bomb terrors in the middle East
11. there is a possibility Al-Qaida will make troubles including terrors continuously to show their existence to the world
12. Osama bin Laden will be captured or died by someone, but we don’t know how many people will be sacrificed by a terrorist such as Al-Qaida.
13. However, in contrast to this common belief, some casual observations and science verified that it is wrong. So, people have suffered from a wrong fallacy. Recently, there are the growing recognition that experiences can silence genes or activate them.
14. Therefore, much of personality is not only a flexible and dynamic things but also a malleable trait that changes it over the life span.
15. According to the theory of education and psychology, personality is shaped by both influences of genes and environments.


writing correction W14

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1. When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols.
2. As one of jobs, doctor is a loneliness work.
3. Luckily after resident time, doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc.
4. In personal, I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.
5. As a result, the younger group more remembered photos than the older group did.
6. However, there were not a few photos which the two groups couldn’t remember.
7. The researchers wanted to know why the participants couldn’t remember the rest photos.
8. After all, the researchers learned that hippocampuses were related to a memory in the participants’ brains and those have something to do with analyzing sound and directing attention. On the contrary, older group showed a higher activity in certain other brain areas while younger group did not.
9. When he came to, he didn't know what happened, and didn't remember people's names and even his age.
10. However, a small event has changed his life a lot. Daily life such as reading, writing and speaking has become no more common to him.
11. These kinds of happenings which will lead to big changes can take place to anyone. They can be accidents or a sort of mental shock. In front of them, we can give up or confront them to finally live a better life.
12. pets can be companions and they give us unconditional love, so they are helpful to reduce owners stress and blood pressure.
13. when it comes to dogs, they always make us exercise and go outside because dogs need to be cared and play outside.
14. Is spite of these benefits, if there are any family members who want to get a pet even though they have allergy to pets, they might have furless and featherless pets such as turtle, iguanas, fish and snakes.
15. For kids with allergies but who want a pet, a stuffed animal can be substituted.
16. This article says various benefits of caring pets, but in my case, regardless of these good aspects, I certainly love pets, especially dogs.
17. They also need a massive fiscal stimulus to recover their stable economy.
18. They want to revive their economic growth with a massive stimulus program. Beijing's this program would almost $600 billion.
19. On the other hand, American government think there would be some margin to add tens of billions more to that package if they have willings throughly to control their economic hinders such as strikes and protests.


writing correction W12

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1. French scientists reported that the same kind of deep brain stimulation which used to cure some patients for Parkinson's disease helped a few patients who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD).
2. Also, the patients of OCD have special habits such has repeatedly washing their hands or check on something again and again.
3. I can roughly imagine how hard to overcome cancer and its patients are undergoing difficult time
4. All patients implanted pacemakers, similar to a heart pacemaker, in their chests and connected to electrodes inserted into their brains.
5. Currently, serious side effects can cause medical conflicts.
6. She advises that cancer patient should try to keep their emotion, and then concentrate on other things such as focusing on themselves or taking care of their family.
7. Furthermore, the writer of this article has overcome breast cancer and she is also a doctor, for these reasons, her advice will be extremely useful to the cancer survivors.
8. The most important thing is that they should have a strong mental power and keep their mind in stable, not be influenced by unhelpful information.
9. We are seriously affected by the US and that's why there have been a lot of forecasts in Korea after the election day of the US.
10. In addition, they worry about Obama's protectionist attitude because our economy is strongly influenced by that of the US and his policy might make our economy suffer from new barriers.
11. They are also hopeful about economy because Obama will cope with the current economic situation.
12. a lot of middle-class Americans don't know their neighbor's the really terrible poverty that they can't image of.
13. If they see the reality of grinding poverty, they couldn't believe their witness.
14. The Kansas city center for children, Operation Breakthrough, made and has run a tour program to get people to meet a poor person and see.
15. most of the minorities and the poors have high expectations about Barack's triumph.
16. Foreign aid can result in delaying democracy instead improving one’s economy. In most developing countries, feudalism that stands for feudal elites and big landowners, can be the reason of hindrance for building democracy.
17. Despite of its trial and attempt for it, some countries under specific political, economic and cultural situations have failed.


Get a life, Doc, If you dare

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Like any other doctors, P ediatricians are often too busy to take care of patients. Even during the weekends, they should be ready for emergency calls. In 1950s, residents were called “residents” because they lived at hospital. At this time resident’s life seems to be changed, but they are still suffering from their own family life. Pediatricians usually start their job around age 26, which is also important time for them to deliver babies and raise children. One data shows that some pediatricians prefer part-time work. However, only few pediatricians have part-time jobs. The reason for few part-time pediatricians is not because of their satisfaction on full-time jobs or desire to get residencies quickly. There might be something special in their mind. The writer suggests that pediatricians should take care of themselves first including their family.

When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols. Now many things are changed in my mind. Whenever I see a doctor I says, “Thanks God, you didn’t allow me to be a human doctor”. As one of jobs , doctor is a loneliness work. To get a doctor’s license, medical students should spend so many times to study at school and hospital. Moreover after getting license they should be ready for any emergency calls wherever they go or whatever they do. As a result, I hope that most doctors have a strong belief on human life, which can keep them to bear those conditions. Luckily after resident time , doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc. In personal , I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.


How not to save the world

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How not to save the world.

Until now, many countries are suffering from hunger, poverty and other life threatening events. However, more serious problem is that they are far away from democracy. For a long time, the United States has tried to set up democracy in developing countries. Despite of its trial and attempt for it , some countries under specific political, economic and cultural situations have failed. One of the simple ways to democracy is to hold elections but it should not be the first step of being democracy. Foreign aid can result in delaying democracy instead improving one’s economy. In most developing countries, feudalism that stands for feudal elites and big landowners, can be the reason of hindrance for building democracy. In this article, the writer asserts that land reform can make the basis of democracy through giving ownership to real users. The crucial key for democracy is privately held land and freedom .

I didn’t know that the United States pushed Korean government for land reform and it led to democracy. No matter who made land reform, it took over 10 years since starting right after Korean independence in 1945. At first, it was supposed to finish within 5 years but it was delayed for over 7 years because of complicated legal procedures.
Anyway, we cannot deny that land reform gave Korea modern capitalism and democracy. The writer insists that the most important thing for democracy is not election or foreign aid but land reform. Still now, some countries such as Haiti, Cuba and Philippines are struggling with setting up democracy. If those countries really want to free , they should know what the problem is.