Sunday, December 7, 2008

How not to save the world

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How not to save the world.

Until now, many countries are suffering from hunger, poverty and other life threatening events. However, more serious problem is that they are far away from democracy. For a long time, the United States has tried to set up democracy in developing countries. Despite of its trial and attempt for it , some countries under specific political, economic and cultural situations have failed. One of the simple ways to democracy is to hold elections but it should not be the first step of being democracy. Foreign aid can result in delaying democracy instead improving one’s economy. In most developing countries, feudalism that stands for feudal elites and big landowners, can be the reason of hindrance for building democracy. In this article, the writer asserts that land reform can make the basis of democracy through giving ownership to real users. The crucial key for democracy is privately held land and freedom .

I didn’t know that the United States pushed Korean government for land reform and it led to democracy. No matter who made land reform, it took over 10 years since starting right after Korean independence in 1945. At first, it was supposed to finish within 5 years but it was delayed for over 7 years because of complicated legal procedures.
Anyway, we cannot deny that land reform gave Korea modern capitalism and democracy. The writer insists that the most important thing for democracy is not election or foreign aid but land reform. Still now, some countries such as Haiti, Cuba and Philippines are struggling with setting up democracy. If those countries really want to free , they should know what the problem is.

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