Sunday, December 21, 2008

Six surgical miracles (wk16)

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Six surgical Miracles,

Here are some of amazing operations in modern times.
1. Surgery to remove half a child’s brain. A 6-year-old girl in Texas got an operation to remove a half of a brain at Johns Hopkins Children’s center on June 11 this year. She may not be able to move her left body permanently but her personality and memory ability are normal. Doctors don’t understand how rest of brain works. However, the doctors found that empty space of brain replaced with cerebrospinal fluid.
2. The four-day operation. In 1951, a 96-hour operation was undergone to remove a giant ovarian cyst. It is the longest surgery in the world until now. After a surgery, the patients lost 350 pounds. It took 4 days to drain about 200 pounds of the fluid of cyst and to remove the cyst.
3. Surgery in utero : In Australia, 22 weeks pregnant woman got an operation for her unborn baby. In her womb, the fetus’ ankle was wrapped with amniotic bands blocking the blood supply to the legs. Unfortunately, the fetus’ right leg was infected, so doctors cut the bands wrapping let leg. At that time the fetus was 7 inch long. After 4 days of birth, the baby got an operation for her right leg. This is the earliest operation case.
4. Surgeon, operate on thyself. In 1921, a doctor, Evan O’Neill Kane of Kane, Penn did surgery himself to remove appendix using local anesthetic. At that time ether was used often so, he wanted to show local anesthetic could be used in some cases. When he was 70 in 1930, he got another surgery on himself.
5. Saving Face. In 2007, A French man having tumors on his face got a plastic surgery for 16 hours to transplant almost all his face such as lips, cheeks, nose and mouth.
6. Twice born. A six moths fetus had a tumor on her tailbone. Doctors of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston anesthetized her mother, put out the fetus from the womb and moved out the tumor. The operation took 4 hours and then the fetus went back to her mom’s womb. 10 weeks later the baby was born in health.

In addition to those unusual cases, there are lots of miracles in this world. Even though great advance in science is ongoing, it cannot tell clearly about mystery of life. When I meet an amazing case at the same time I can see the limitation of human power. When it comes to life, all lives belong to God as a proverb says. I believe that only thing people have to do is trying to find out the truth of life.

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