Sunday, December 7, 2008

writing correction W14

Type your summary here

1. When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols.
2. As one of jobs, doctor is a loneliness work.
3. Luckily after resident time, doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc.
4. In personal, I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.
5. As a result, the younger group more remembered photos than the older group did.
6. However, there were not a few photos which the two groups couldn’t remember.
7. The researchers wanted to know why the participants couldn’t remember the rest photos.
8. After all, the researchers learned that hippocampuses were related to a memory in the participants’ brains and those have something to do with analyzing sound and directing attention. On the contrary, older group showed a higher activity in certain other brain areas while younger group did not.
9. When he came to, he didn't know what happened, and didn't remember people's names and even his age.
10. However, a small event has changed his life a lot. Daily life such as reading, writing and speaking has become no more common to him.
11. These kinds of happenings which will lead to big changes can take place to anyone. They can be accidents or a sort of mental shock. In front of them, we can give up or confront them to finally live a better life.
12. pets can be companions and they give us unconditional love, so they are helpful to reduce owners stress and blood pressure.
13. when it comes to dogs, they always make us exercise and go outside because dogs need to be cared and play outside.
14. Is spite of these benefits, if there are any family members who want to get a pet even though they have allergy to pets, they might have furless and featherless pets such as turtle, iguanas, fish and snakes.
15. For kids with allergies but who want a pet, a stuffed animal can be substituted.
16. This article says various benefits of caring pets, but in my case, regardless of these good aspects, I certainly love pets, especially dogs.
17. They also need a massive fiscal stimulus to recover their stable economy.
18. They want to revive their economic growth with a massive stimulus program. Beijing's this program would almost $600 billion.
19. On the other hand, American government think there would be some margin to add tens of billions more to that package if they have willings throughly to control their economic hinders such as strikes and protests.

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