Sunday, December 7, 2008

writing correction W13

Type your summary here

1. In Mexico, the surgery cost was one out of three times cheaper than that in USA.
2. Since medical treatment in Mexico is cheaper in half or less than in America, a lot of Americans who live close in border go to the Mexico.
3. People in Texas are high uninsured and low income relatively, so they used to cross the border to buy medicine or treat dental problem from the past.
4. Even though it can’t become similar like Canada or UK (I’ve heard the medical treatment cost is almost free), at least the government should support their people to be cured by a minimum cost.
5. While Japanese politicians are not close to the people, Obama doesn't have a gap from American people.
6. It is said that Japanese are enthusiastic about the election because they feel frustration of their economy and politics.
7. They are impressed that American politics is different from Japanese one in many ways.
8. Obama, an African-American, has held interest since the primary
9. However, the State Department spokesman said Al-Qaida’s message was disgusting comments from a terrorist. On the other hand, Al-Zawahri said American policies have been oppressing Muslims, but they have not changed through Obama’s election. And then, he also said American people elected Obama as a new face, but Obama is not helpful to Muslims at all
10. Al-Qaida have been involving bomb terrors in the middle East
11. there is a possibility Al-Qaida will make troubles including terrors continuously to show their existence to the world
12. Osama bin Laden will be captured or died by someone, but we don’t know how many people will be sacrificed by a terrorist such as Al-Qaida.
13. However, in contrast to this common belief, some casual observations and science verified that it is wrong. So, people have suffered from a wrong fallacy. Recently, there are the growing recognition that experiences can silence genes or activate them.
14. Therefore, much of personality is not only a flexible and dynamic things but also a malleable trait that changes it over the life span.
15. According to the theory of education and psychology, personality is shaped by both influences of genes and environments.

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