Sunday, December 7, 2008

Get a life, Doc, If you dare

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Like any other doctors, P ediatricians are often too busy to take care of patients. Even during the weekends, they should be ready for emergency calls. In 1950s, residents were called “residents” because they lived at hospital. At this time resident’s life seems to be changed, but they are still suffering from their own family life. Pediatricians usually start their job around age 26, which is also important time for them to deliver babies and raise children. One data shows that some pediatricians prefer part-time work. However, only few pediatricians have part-time jobs. The reason for few part-time pediatricians is not because of their satisfaction on full-time jobs or desire to get residencies quickly. There might be something special in their mind. The writer suggests that pediatricians should take care of themselves first including their family.

When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols. Now many things are changed in my mind. Whenever I see a doctor I says, “Thanks God, you didn’t allow me to be a human doctor”. As one of jobs , doctor is a loneliness work. To get a doctor’s license, medical students should spend so many times to study at school and hospital. Moreover after getting license they should be ready for any emergency calls wherever they go or whatever they do. As a result, I hope that most doctors have a strong belief on human life, which can keep them to bear those conditions. Luckily after resident time , doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc. In personal , I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.

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