Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fetal Development(Writing chronologically)

Pregnancy continues to 38weeks Conception begins when a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm. With a day, the egg begins to develop rapidly such as differentiation into a group of cells called a blastocyst. Since then, Blastcyst moves into uterus and has increased in size to hundreds of cells. Be the eighth day after conception the blastocyst has begun to attach to the wall of the uterus where it will grow at a rapid rate. Fetal development can be classified into 3 stages such as the first trimester, the second trimester and the third timester.

The first trimester refers to the period of 12weeks after conception. In 2 weeks after fertilization, the blastocyst is called an embro. At this time, the embryo is about 1/100 of an inch long. The embryo continues to grow and then it develops a head and a trunk at 4 weeks. Structures that will become arms and legs, called limb buds, begin to appear. A blood vessels forms which will later develop into the heart and circulatory system. At the same time, a ridge of tissue forms which will be brain and spinal cord. At 6 weeks, the heart has four chambers. Fingers and toes begin to form. Cells are starting to form the eyes, ears, jaws, lungs, stomach, intestines and liver. In 8 weeks, muscles and skeleton are developing. The fetal heartbeast can be detected with a heart monitor and fingers have nails at 10 weeks. Then 12 weeks, the fetus is about 3-1/2 inches and weighs about 2 ounces. The fetus begin to swallow, the kidneys make urine, and blood begins to form in the bone marrow. At this point the sex can be indentified.

The second trimester is from 14 weeks to 22 weeks of pregnancy. At 14weeks the skin appears transparent and a fine layer of hair begins to grow on the head. The fetus can blink, grasp and move its mouth at 16 weeks. At the same time the fetus begin to kick, although woman may not be able to feel the movement. In 18weeks, the woman may feel the fetus moving. At this time, if an ultrasound is performed, the parents may be told the sex. At least after 20 weeks, the fetus may have a little chance to servive outside the woman's body.

The last time of the second trimester, the fetus is about 8-1/4 to 8-1/2 inches and weighs about 1-1/4 pounds. The mother's sounds such as breathing, heartbeat and voice can be heard at this time. During the third trimester, the fetus grows fully to be delivered from the mother's body. At 24weeks, the fetus can respond to sound, wake and sleep. And the eyes are partially open and can perceive light at 26weeks. also 9 out of 10 babies will survive. At 28weeks, the fetus can open and close its eyes and suck thumb. Breathing and body temperature are controlled by the brain. Since then almost all babies will survive. In 32 weeks, the eyes are close during the sleep. And the skin is now pink and smooth. After 34weeks, the fetus can turn and lift its head. After that lungs are usually mature and fetus can grasp firmly. Also the fetus turns toward light sources at 36weeks. Finally, at 38weeks, the fetus is about 14inches and weigh from 6-1/2 to 10 pounds. At that time, a baby is full-term and reagy to be born.

Subsequently, those kinds of medical information in detail mentioned above may help woman to feel the mysteris of life whether she keeps pregency or consider abortion. In particular, if mother takes a medicine she can understand cleary its fetal effects to the fetus. As a result, each mother and a unborn child is unique. A pregnant woman as well as a fetus should be treated as a special life.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Presentation-montly test

Introduction skills and decribing a graph

- Good afternoon, Ladies and gentle men, Thanks for being here today
- Welcome to standard electronics. It's a pleasure to be with you today
- Hello every one, Thanks for coming
Name position
- Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is Bos Kim, manager of ...
- I know i've met some of you. I'm in charge of the human resource department
- As Some of you already know I'm responsible for human resource department.
- The title of today's presentation is
- I'd like to talk to you today about ...
- I'm going to inform you about...
- we are here today to decide...
- the purpose of my presentation is to give you the background to..
- This talk will at as a springboard for discussion
- The presentation will take 10 minutes
- I plan to be brief. About 20m
- I will speak for about 20 m.
- My presentation will be divided into 3 part. First, second, third, finally,
- the subject can be looked at under the following heading; first
- we can break this area down into the following fields:
- If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt
- If you have any questions, please hold them until the end.
- I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk
Link to start
- OK. let's start with the first point which is
- All right. we can begin by looking at
- Now let's move to(go on to)

* Describing a graph
- Ok. Let's take a look at the line graph.
- This is a graph which shows the figures of total sales in this year. from 2002 to - There was a slight increase/ decrease in 2004
- Between 2003-100, there was a significant fall in the share price
- the price was at it hight level in 1995


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fun time -A cucumber is a vegetable?

It is a fruit.

01. 코카콜라의 비밀?
코카콜라 비밀을 아는 사람은 전세계에서 단2명뿐이다.
원래는 7명이었으나 5명은 죽고 2명만 남은 것인데 설탕, 탄산수,

캐러멜,인산, 카페인,쓰다 남은 코카잎과 콜라콩을 혼합한 것이나

1%가 밝혀지지 않아 수많은 화학자가 80년이상 노력했으나 헛수고였다 .

이 2사람도 죽거나 비밀을 잊어 버리게 되면

조지아 신탁은행에 비밀문서를 개봉한다.

그러나 미 약물관리국은 특정한 주원료제품은 밝히지 않아도 된다는

규정이 있기 때문에 앞으로도 결코 알지 못하게 될 것이다.
02. 샴페인

샴페인잔에 떨 어진 건포도는 잔안에서 띄고 가라앉기를 계속한다.
03. 로열 티...
세계에서 가장 많이 불려지는 노래는 'Happy birthday to you'로

1936년 밀드레드와 패티힐이 작곡했는데 현재까지 로열티를 받는다 .
04. 바닷 물.
바닷물 속에 있는 염분은 육지를 150m 두께로 덮을 양이 들어있다.
05. 니코틴.
포르투칼 에 파견된 프랑스 외교관 존 니 코트는

귀국 선물로 플로리다산 담배 나무를 받아

정원에 심은후 '아메리칸 파우다'(담배)를

발견했으며, 담배를 처음 수입한 인물이 되었다.
그의 이름을 따서 담배의 주성분을 '니코틴'이라 한다

06. 소 리나는꽃?
노란 앵초꽃은 새벽녘에만 핀다.
그리고 꽃이 필 때는

마치 비누방울이 터지는 것 같은 귀여운 소리가 난다.
07. 국가 ..
오스트레일리아에는 국가가 없다 .

그래서 올림픽에서 금메달을 따도 국가가 울리지 않는다.

08. 임신과 아빠?
여자는 7~63세까지 엄마가 되고,

남자는 13~100세까지 아빠가 될 수 있다.
09. 발을따뜻히 하려면 ?
양말을 신을 것이 아니라 모자를 써야 한다.

몸의 열기중 80%가 머리를 통해서 빠진다.
10. 사랑은 가슴에서 오는 것?
사랑이라는 감정은 가슴에서 오지 않고 뇌하수체에 서 온다.
사춘기 이전에 뇌하수체종양 때문에 수술 받은 사람은

결코 사랑에 빠지지 않는다.
11. 결혼이란?
결혼하지 않은 사람은 결혼한 사람에 비해

정신병에 걸릴 확률이 7.5배 높다.
12. 천재라는것은?
레오나르도 다빈치는 오른손으로
그림을 그리고 왼손으로 글을 쓸 수 있었으며,
미국의 제임스 가필드 대통 령도 오른손으론 라틴어,

왼손으론 그리스어를 썼다.
13. 기타 14가지
▷토마토는 ? ◁ 과일이 아니고 채소 ..

▷ 오이는? ◁ 채소가 아니고 과일..

▷ 감자는? ◁ 뿌리가 아니고 줄기..

▷ 바나나는?◁ 풀 ...

▷ 양파는? ◁ 채소가 아니고 백합의 일종..
▶ 오리가 꽥꽥거리는 소리는 절대 메아리치지 않는다.

원인은 아직 모른다.
▶ 미국 항공우주국(NASA)이 실험 대상으로 삼고자 우주공간에 보냈던

새들 은 모두 굶어 죽었다. 새들은 중력이 없으면 먹이를 삼킬 수

없다는 것을 깜빡했 던 것. 새들이 물 한 모금 먹은 뒤 머리를 치켜

올리는 것은 중력을 빌려 물이 내려가게 하려는 것임을 생각해 보라 .
▶ 개구리 도 토한다.단 지 방법이 특이할 뿐. 개구리는 먼저 위장을

토해 입에 대롱대롱 매달리게 한 다음 앞발로 위장을 쥐어 짜 안에

든 것을 빼낸다. 그러고는 다시 위장을 삼킨다.
▶ 고양이 는 7층보다 10층에서 떨어졌을 때 살아남을 확률이 더 높다.

매우 높은 곳에서 떨어져도 사뿐히 내려 앉지만, 제 스스로 뛰어내리

는 게 아니라면 고양이가 자신이 추락하고 있다는 것을 알아챌 때까

지 평균 8층에서 떨어지는 만큼의 시간이 필요하다.
▶ 악어 에게 물렸을 때 빠져나오는 유일한 방법은 눈을 찌 르는 것이다.
▶ 닭이 가장 오래 허공을 난 기록은 13초.
▶ 사람이 8년7개월6일간 계속 소리를 지를 때 나오는 음파 의 에너지를

이용하면 커피 한잔을 끓일 수 있다.
▶ 파티가 잦은 미국에서는 독거미 에 물려 죽을 확률보다 펑 튀는

샴페인 마개에 맞아 죽을 확률이 더 높다.

▶ 개미는 죽을 때 꼭 오른쪽으로 쓰러진다


Describing line chart

Describing Charts & Graphs
Presentation ④ - 그래프 설명

원 그래프 pie chart
원 그래프의 각 부분 segment, section (동사는 indicate / represent)

The red segment of the pie chart indicates the percentage of our European customers.
원 그래프의 빨간색 부분은 유럽 고객의 비율을 나타내고 있습니다.

The blue section of the pie represents the proportion of our North American customers.
원 그래프의 파란색 부분은 북미 고객의 비율을 보여주고 있습니다.

선 그래프 line graph
막대그래프 bar graph
가로축 horizontal axis (x-axis)
세로축 vertical axis (y-axis)
The graph shows that ~
As you can see from the graph, ~
As shown on the graph, ~
As you can see from the graph, property prices have been stable for years.

■ Introducing the visual
OK. Let's take a look at the power point.
I have a transparency to show you.
The first/second/final slide shows the figures of this month.

■ Check with the audience
Is that clear for everyone?
Is that in focus?
Can everybody see that?
Is the chart readable?

■ Meaning of the visual
This shows/illustrates/demonstrates/refers to the difference of those two products.
This is a graph/a diagram, which shows the difference of those two products.
As you can see from the chart, this is the difference of the two products.
Here we can see how our sales increased.

■ Focusing attention
I'd like to draw your attention to the market situation for TFT LCD.
One of the most important aspects of this is the growth rate in sale.
At first glance it seems it's going down but actually, it is going up.

■ Describing change: UP
This year's sales have increased/risen/grown/improved/got better/recovered/rocketed.
There was an increase/a rise/a growth/an improvement/a recovery in this year's sale.

■ Describing change: DOWN
This year's sales have gone down/decreased/fell/dropped/deteriorated/got worse/worsened/slumped.
There was a decrease/a fall/a drop/a deterioration/a worsening/a slump in last year's sales.

■ Describing change: Others

This year's sales ______ ↓

remained stable
leveled out
peaked/reached a peak


bottomed out
reached a low point/hit a low point

We experienced _______ ↓
a peak
a fluctuation
a low

■ Speed of change

There was a rapid growth in sales.
Sales grew rapidly.

There will be a steady increase in exports.
Exports will increase steadily.

There has been a gradual drop in imports.
Imports have gradually dropped.

We had a slow decrease in the number of overseas office.
The number of overseas affiliates has decreased slowly.

■ Degree of change

There's going to be a dramatic fall in prices.
Prices are going to fall dramatically.

There will be a significant rise in profits.
Profits will certainly rise significantly.

There has been a moderate improvement in working conditions.
Working conditions have improved moderately.

There's been a slight expansion in the market.
The market has expanded slightly.

■ 기타 참고할 만한 표현들

- Our company had a bad year last year. There was a stead fall in our profits.
- Unfortunately, profits declined considerably .
- At the same time that we were losing profits, there was a dramatic increase in our costs. Costs for everything were skyrocketing.
- The number of overseas operations climbed steadily in 1990s. Now there are many more overseas branches.


Citing examples

Type your summary here

Citing examples

1. X. Y is an example (of X)
Most volcanoes erupt straight up through a central vent. Mt. Vesuvius erupted in this manner(Mt. Vesuvius is an example)
2. X, such as Y, ...
Some volcanoes, such as Mt. Vesuvius, erupt without warning
3. X. For example/instantce, Y.../// X. Y, for example/instance
The eruption of a volcano is one of the earth's most spectacular displays of energy. Mt. St. Hellens, for example, released more energy than the atomic bombthat destroyed Hiroshima, Japan.

※ Like : Verb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjuction
1. Conjuction / as
He acts like he is the boss. He acts as you.
2. presposition / such as

※ Differences between Like vs Such as

1. 비교대상 : Such as - 포괄적, 동격 / like 구체적, 유사한
- ‘예를 들면’의 뜻으로 such as는 보다 크고 포괄적인 경우. like는 구체적이고 비교할 만한 대상
A musician like Mozart : like를 such as로 치환불가
I have read many good books such as X, Y and Z :
- such as : 구체적인 예를 들어 동격, like : 유사한 개체
I like fruits such as apple, lemon and orange 나는 과일을 좋아합니다. 이를테면 사과, 레몬 오렌지 I like fruits like lemon and arange 나는 오렌지와 레몬같은 과일을 좋아합니다.

2. 비교 개체수 : such as - 다수, like- 한개 (일반적으로)
We need more food items, such as milk and eggs
We need more food items like milk

3. , : Such as, 앞뒤, like 는 상황에 따라
We run for elections, such as mid-term elections and presidential elections.
We run for elections like this one.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Steve Jobs Standford Commencement speech

Type your summary here

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech


Friday, May 23, 2008

comparison & contrast of way of life

In sociology, a lifestyle is the way a person lives.

A lifestyle is a characteristic bundle of behaviors including social relation, entertainment and dress. People's behavior within lifestyles can be led from habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions. A lifestyle typically not only reflects an individual's attitudes and values but also creates cultural symbols in every country. For example, there are different and similar lifesytles between Koreans and Americans. And it can be easily identified in several points of view such as a personal life, a social life and an emotional life.

In a personal life, American ways of life are more individual than those of Korean. But, nowadays, A Korean's individual tendency is increased than it was 20years ago. An individual life has two faces; one is to be independent, and the other is to be selfish. For example, new generation seems to be lack of consideration about others. On the contrary, American ways of life taking care of family are similar to Korean. Most men spend time playing with their kids, in particular during the weekend.

In a social point of view, American ways of life in an office looks much freer than those of Korean. They can call a boss by his first name. Also when a boss tells something, they stay on the chair. However, In Korea we usually call a boss by his position. Moreover if we do not stand up when a boss ask us to do something, we could get a bad credit. This kind of attitude of Korean makes our office life not so free as that of American.

Similarly, a lifestyle of American that reflects their emotional life is less complicated than that of Korean. It can make their thought simple and concentrated on one thing. Korean people are in complicated relationships with families, friends and coworkers. Besides, American is not as aggressive and haste as Korean.
Also, Americans are less interested in other's personal life than Koreans have. On the other hand, Korean is as compassionate as American.

On the whole everybody and every country have their own a way of life. Compared American's lifestyle to Korea's lifestyle in personal, social and emotional ways, similar but different lifestyles exit in two countries. The most important thing is to understand and accept others characteristics each other.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


Type your summary here

In 1980, Detroit hosted the Republican National Convention which nominated Ronald Reagan to a successful bid for President of the United States. Four years later, the city again appeared on the national radar, but for unwanted reasons: rioting in the wake of the Detroit Tigers' World Series championship left three dead and millions of dollars in property damage.

In the 1990s, the city began to enjoy a revival, much of it centered downtown. Comerica Tower at Detroit Center (1993) arose on the city skyline. In the ensuing years, three casinos opened in Detroit: MGM Grand Detroit, Motor City Casino, and Greektown Casino which are now adding resorts. New downtown stadiums were constructed for the Detroit Tigers and Detroit Lions in 2000 and 2002, respectively; this put the Lions' home stadium in the city proper for the first time since 1974. The city hosted the 2005 MLB All-Star Game, 2006 Super Bowl XL, 2006 World Series and WrestleMania 23 in 2007, all which prompted many improvements to the downtown area. The city's riverfront is the focus of much development; in 2007, the first portions of the Detroit River Walk were laid, including miles of parks and fountains. This new urban development in Detroit is a mainstay in the city's earnest desire to reinvent its economic identity through tourism.[27] Along the river, upscale million dollar condos are going up, such as Watermark Detroit, some of the most expensive the city has ever seen.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

If I were single?

If you are married, how would your life be different if you were single?

If you are married, how would your life be different if you were single?

In socialized eras, marriage is one of the social life. As we may know, there are lots of responsibilities, restricted actions and morale behaviors in marriage. After married, people would miss their single life at least one or two times. It will be easy that we could imagine our single life. If we were single, how would our life be different?

In terms of personal life, we would be free from lots of responsibility of keeping family relationship, taking care of family members such as cooking, washing clothes, participating on relative's events. We can save time from the housework and enjoy more personal life such as studying anytime, meeting friends anytime, traveling anywhere and eating anytime. But we would waste of time unless we would manage time well in daily life.

In aspect of social life in work, we would stay longer in the office. We can be focusing on our work even during weekend. It means that we don’t need to take care of a family. If we find a job, we could have more chances to choose a job without regard to distance and time. However, single life without a counselor, a spouse, would be in trouble easily. Marriage is a kind of social activities which we can experience relationship as a social member. It could make us adapt to social life easily.

Regarding of emotional aspects, of course single life would have freedom and can keep our composure. Also, there is an another type of responsibilities in single life compared to marriage one. We have to do everything on our own responsibility. But, we could feel lonely easily in particular under the weather. Those could be a burden on single life.

In conclusion, single life has various merits such as fewer responsibilities for a family and more freedom compared to marriage life. But, if we were in single life we should not neglect to control life on our own responsibility.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Passive and active expression in the sentence

Successful life

* Active expression
What is successful life for us? What can make it?
It depends on our mind whether we feel happy or not.
It seems that many people doesn't know they are happy. Even they never think about what they want to do and who want to be.
It's very simple thing that we just feel satisfied in which we have and we can do.
If we think and feel happy, would we be successful?
If there is no action, it could be nothing but imagine.
Once you think about successful and happy life, please do it whatever you want.
Not it make you happy.

* Passive expression
What is successful life for us? What can it be made ?

Successful life can be made by our mind depending on whether we feel happy or not.
Many people seemed to be whom doesn't know they are happy
Even they never think about what they want to do and whom want to be.
The things could be very simple that we just feel satisfied in which we have and we can do.
If happy can be felt by our thinking, would we be successful?
If no action is there, it could be nothing but imagine.
Once successful and happy life make you think, please do it whatever you want to do. Happy will be made by you


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


r/l, f/p, d/th, g.j/z, b/v, s/sh

Type rest of the post here


Monday, May 12, 2008

Softening(partial agreements)

I understand what you are saying but ..
I see your point but..
I see what your are sying but...
I understand whre you are comin from but...

Type rest of the post here


Staying at the university apartment in CA

Why staying at the apartment is better than home stay?
Hi, everybody.
Let's start with first part which is time & space. We have to live with colleaques for one month aboard. It is important for us to live in comfortable and convenience place. University apartment is mordern and well-funitured such as TV, DVD and local phone. also, there is a outdoor swimming pool. We can cook anythig and anytime we want to eat. Even we can invite our classmate and have a party until late. Moreover if you can hardly sleep at unfamiliar place, apartment would be best for you. we can enjoy free and our own planned life.

Before I move on to next, I'd like to introduce Lily who will give you second part.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Define mobile phone

Mobile phone is a widely used portable electronic device that is called a mobile, wireless, cellular phone, cell phone or hand phone.

Mobile phone is a widely used portable electronic device that is called a mobile, wireless, cellular phone, cell phone or hand phone.

It is similar to a wireless telegraph and a beeper. But, it supports more advanced function to communicate. Basic function of mobile phone is voice and data communication. As users increased, an advanced technology brought various convenient services into mobile phone such as SMS, email, camera function, etc. Also, there are more additional supports. For example, access to the Internet, scheduling, dictionary, calculator and listening to music make our life easier than before. Young people would like to have a full functioned mobile phone. It is no doubt that the number of mobile phone users is steadily growing.

Thus, many companies in the world produce developed models each year. Nokia in Dutch, Samsung in Korea and Motorola in USA are the most popular companies in the world. There is a keen competition in the mobile phone industry. In Korea, the Samsung company competes against LG company in price and design.

Usually, characteristics of mobile phone which is produced by several manufacturers are almost same as each other in figure such as slim, small sized and handful, flat and buttonish. But, some company make it in various colors. These characteristics entice consumers, in particular young people. As time went on, most companies are trying to manufacture upgraded models in function as well as in design. But, It also means that people have to lose their money only because of a new model.

As I mentioned above, the most important effect is easy communication. Also it can make us enable to multitasking such as scheduling arrangement, taking picture, playing games, accessing Internet and even banking work. Among these merits, the most useful one is a portable which can make people's life convenient. Another important reason of using a mobile phone is in case of emergency, in particular children and old people.

In fact, as scientific technological process, people have all advantages of gifts from civilization. One of the gifts is a mobile phone. But, people should not fail to notice that there are dual-aspects in every high technology.



Thursday, May 1, 2008

Story about my weekine with 3 pictures

I can rememer what I did study during last weekend.

Last saterday and sunday, there was a special lecture at the private institute where I am taking a course for getting certificate of international convetion organizer. The written test is held on 11th May. The special lecture gave us 6 hours from 1pm to 7pm on saterday and from 2pm to 8pm on sunday.

Also, I took a midterm exam at the Cyber University where I am forth grade. Exam was on saterday night 11pm for 1hour. it was quite easy to me.

Another things I did was also studying on global business which was one of the Seoul City government education program. I had to finish this course until at the end of last month. By sunday, I had to submit the homework and take an exam also. Finally I finished all things what I was supposed to do.

Type rest of the post here


Conversation test-kenny

Montly test

1. Selling your company
* Business pitch
- Name : GonstudyUSA
- service : organizing to study in USA
- potential market : Students(elementary, middle and highschool) and parents
- How you make money : registration fee, consulting fee,
- competition : pre-existing private language institute
- competitve advantage : 1year fee quarranty
* describing is a company which gives an information about a customized study program in the USA. The main activity of the company is to sell the customized information. Their potential market is parents who want their kids to study in the USA. It makes money by registration fee as a membership, consultation fee and sepcial care for whole year fee. The management team consists of 5 staff. The competition is a pre-existing private english institute and a meditatin office. The competitive advantage is General service which give an information about school, choosing subject, housing, budget plan and field supervising. I am looking for between 50 million won and 100 m won of investment to setup the office.
2. Women in business
- What do you do? In my company they call me a manager of animal operation team, that's my job title.
- How much holiday do you get? we get 23days a year, but If we ditn't get the holiday they compensate
- What sort of company do you work for? we are the zoo operated by Seoul City Government
- what do you enjoy most about your work? I love my independence such as decision making. It's hard work but usually very interesting.
- what does your job involve? I'm in charge of supporting all other team for the zoo, and I'm also involed in developing new international relationships.
- have you got any advice for women that are interested in going into your field?
I'd say that zoo managing department usuallly have more men than women.
- how much travel does your job involve? Quite a lot. at least twice a year I go to the foreign country.
- how many hours a week do you work/ In policy, 40hours a week. But I cannot count on it. I ususally do over 60hours a week.
- do you work late or at the weekend? Of course i left my office quite late and at the weekend I had to go to the office.
- what is the female to male ratio in your position/field? Let's see, 10% of total staff is women,

3. Telephone talk
* telephone skills
1. placing calls on hold : I'm afraid that the line is engaged. will you hold?
2. Taking a message correctly : I will give hime the message as soon as he's free
3. dealing with angry calls : I understand what you are saying and I do apoligise for the error. I'll ask him to get in contact with you. I'm really sorry about this
4. Transfering a call : One moment, please. Just putting you through now.
5. Answering correspondece by phone : i'm phoning you about your letter of 12th june
6. Using a caller's name : Can I ask her to call you back? Mr. Bode.
* Telephone phrases
- Could you put me through to Bos?, repeat that?, read that back to me?,
give me your name?, take a message?,
- Could I leave a message?, speak to Mr. Wilson?, have extension 103, please?
- Could I check that?, go over that again?
- I/m phoning to see if you could attend a meeting on the 20th.
about some information , to confirm our meeting
for some information, about an appointment
4. Networking
* Do you mind if I join you?
- Are you knew here?
- where are you staying?
- where are you come from? where did you grow up? where are you born?
- Are you married?
- Do yo have any childeren? Have you got any children?
- Do you know BangKok?
- Is this your first trip there?
- what do you thing of Bangkok?
- How long will you stay here?
* who do you work for? what do you do?
what sort of company do you work for?
- How many employees does you company have?
- How much holiday do you get?
- what does your job involve?
- How many hours a week do you work?
- How much travel does your job involve?
- Do you work late or at the weekend?
- what do you enjoy most about your work?
* Do you know him/her? Have you ever met him?
- What's he like? what do you think of him?
- Do you have any contact with him in your work?

5. Company histories
* 1909 Janpan transforms Changkyoung Palace to Zoological and botanical garden at
Namsan Mountain
1945 Royal palace office operates
1969 The zoo cerebrates 60th aniversay with first flamingo show
1984 The Changyoung won transfer to present place and Seoul City government takes
over and changes its name to Seoul Grand Park. and Opens zoo in area of 9m sqm
1985 Seoul grand parks opens botanical garden inside the zoo
1986 Central Government establishs National Museum of contemporary art
1988 The amusement park, Seoul Land, starts to operate
1991 Sky lift starts to operate
1994 SGP open Nature immersion area surrounding the zoo
1997 SGP launch Flaming go show
2000 Ministry of Environment designate as a "Excitu conservation institue"
2003 Seoul City government appoints a professional manager to Director general
2004 SGP develop summer night festival
2006 SGP launchs underwater dolphin show
2007 SEAZA make a decision to host 2009 annual conference in SGP
* When was the last time you traveled on business?,
found something useful on the internet?, you sent an e-mail?, made a phone call?,
took a taxi?, went on a course?, had an interview?, took a plane?
downloaded a virus?, dealt with a compalaint?, negotiateed a deal?
bought a new tie?, hired a car?, arrived late for a meeting?
* when was the last time you visited your country?
when was the last time you saw your best friend in Canada?
when was your last time you sent an e.mail?
when was the last time you took a taxi in Canada
when was the last time you found something useful on the internet for him
drove a car in your canada, you traveled to other