Thursday, May 1, 2008

Story about my weekine with 3 pictures

I can rememer what I did study during last weekend.

Last saterday and sunday, there was a special lecture at the private institute where I am taking a course for getting certificate of international convetion organizer. The written test is held on 11th May. The special lecture gave us 6 hours from 1pm to 7pm on saterday and from 2pm to 8pm on sunday.

Also, I took a midterm exam at the Cyber University where I am forth grade. Exam was on saterday night 11pm for 1hour. it was quite easy to me.

Another things I did was also studying on global business which was one of the Seoul City government education program. I had to finish this course until at the end of last month. By sunday, I had to submit the homework and take an exam also. Finally I finished all things what I was supposed to do.

Type rest of the post here

1 comment:

Craig said...

Sounds like you had a very busy (and productive) weekend. Good writing.