Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Citing examples

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Citing examples

1. X. Y is an example (of X)
Most volcanoes erupt straight up through a central vent. Mt. Vesuvius erupted in this manner(Mt. Vesuvius is an example)
2. X, such as Y, ...
Some volcanoes, such as Mt. Vesuvius, erupt without warning
3. X. For example/instantce, Y.../// X. Y, for example/instance
The eruption of a volcano is one of the earth's most spectacular displays of energy. Mt. St. Hellens, for example, released more energy than the atomic bombthat destroyed Hiroshima, Japan.

※ Like : Verb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjuction
1. Conjuction / as
He acts like he is the boss. He acts as you.
2. presposition / such as

※ Differences between Like vs Such as

1. 비교대상 : Such as - 포괄적, 동격 / like 구체적, 유사한
- ‘예를 들면’의 뜻으로 such as는 보다 크고 포괄적인 경우. like는 구체적이고 비교할 만한 대상
A musician like Mozart : like를 such as로 치환불가
I have read many good books such as X, Y and Z :
- such as : 구체적인 예를 들어 동격, like : 유사한 개체
I like fruits such as apple, lemon and orange 나는 과일을 좋아합니다. 이를테면 사과, 레몬 오렌지 I like fruits like lemon and arange 나는 오렌지와 레몬같은 과일을 좋아합니다.

2. 비교 개체수 : such as - 다수, like- 한개 (일반적으로)
We need more food items, such as milk and eggs
We need more food items like milk

3. , : Such as, 앞뒤, like 는 상황에 따라
We run for elections, such as mid-term elections and presidential elections.
We run for elections like this one.

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