Thursday, May 1, 2008

Conversation test-kenny

Montly test

1. Selling your company
* Business pitch
- Name : GonstudyUSA
- service : organizing to study in USA
- potential market : Students(elementary, middle and highschool) and parents
- How you make money : registration fee, consulting fee,
- competition : pre-existing private language institute
- competitve advantage : 1year fee quarranty
* describing is a company which gives an information about a customized study program in the USA. The main activity of the company is to sell the customized information. Their potential market is parents who want their kids to study in the USA. It makes money by registration fee as a membership, consultation fee and sepcial care for whole year fee. The management team consists of 5 staff. The competition is a pre-existing private english institute and a meditatin office. The competitive advantage is General service which give an information about school, choosing subject, housing, budget plan and field supervising. I am looking for between 50 million won and 100 m won of investment to setup the office.
2. Women in business
- What do you do? In my company they call me a manager of animal operation team, that's my job title.
- How much holiday do you get? we get 23days a year, but If we ditn't get the holiday they compensate
- What sort of company do you work for? we are the zoo operated by Seoul City Government
- what do you enjoy most about your work? I love my independence such as decision making. It's hard work but usually very interesting.
- what does your job involve? I'm in charge of supporting all other team for the zoo, and I'm also involed in developing new international relationships.
- have you got any advice for women that are interested in going into your field?
I'd say that zoo managing department usuallly have more men than women.
- how much travel does your job involve? Quite a lot. at least twice a year I go to the foreign country.
- how many hours a week do you work/ In policy, 40hours a week. But I cannot count on it. I ususally do over 60hours a week.
- do you work late or at the weekend? Of course i left my office quite late and at the weekend I had to go to the office.
- what is the female to male ratio in your position/field? Let's see, 10% of total staff is women,

3. Telephone talk
* telephone skills
1. placing calls on hold : I'm afraid that the line is engaged. will you hold?
2. Taking a message correctly : I will give hime the message as soon as he's free
3. dealing with angry calls : I understand what you are saying and I do apoligise for the error. I'll ask him to get in contact with you. I'm really sorry about this
4. Transfering a call : One moment, please. Just putting you through now.
5. Answering correspondece by phone : i'm phoning you about your letter of 12th june
6. Using a caller's name : Can I ask her to call you back? Mr. Bode.
* Telephone phrases
- Could you put me through to Bos?, repeat that?, read that back to me?,
give me your name?, take a message?,
- Could I leave a message?, speak to Mr. Wilson?, have extension 103, please?
- Could I check that?, go over that again?
- I/m phoning to see if you could attend a meeting on the 20th.
about some information , to confirm our meeting
for some information, about an appointment
4. Networking
* Do you mind if I join you?
- Are you knew here?
- where are you staying?
- where are you come from? where did you grow up? where are you born?
- Are you married?
- Do yo have any childeren? Have you got any children?
- Do you know BangKok?
- Is this your first trip there?
- what do you thing of Bangkok?
- How long will you stay here?
* who do you work for? what do you do?
what sort of company do you work for?
- How many employees does you company have?
- How much holiday do you get?
- what does your job involve?
- How many hours a week do you work?
- How much travel does your job involve?
- Do you work late or at the weekend?
- what do you enjoy most about your work?
* Do you know him/her? Have you ever met him?
- What's he like? what do you think of him?
- Do you have any contact with him in your work?

5. Company histories
* 1909 Janpan transforms Changkyoung Palace to Zoological and botanical garden at
Namsan Mountain
1945 Royal palace office operates
1969 The zoo cerebrates 60th aniversay with first flamingo show
1984 The Changyoung won transfer to present place and Seoul City government takes
over and changes its name to Seoul Grand Park. and Opens zoo in area of 9m sqm
1985 Seoul grand parks opens botanical garden inside the zoo
1986 Central Government establishs National Museum of contemporary art
1988 The amusement park, Seoul Land, starts to operate
1991 Sky lift starts to operate
1994 SGP open Nature immersion area surrounding the zoo
1997 SGP launch Flaming go show
2000 Ministry of Environment designate as a "Excitu conservation institue"
2003 Seoul City government appoints a professional manager to Director general
2004 SGP develop summer night festival
2006 SGP launchs underwater dolphin show
2007 SEAZA make a decision to host 2009 annual conference in SGP
* When was the last time you traveled on business?,
found something useful on the internet?, you sent an e-mail?, made a phone call?,
took a taxi?, went on a course?, had an interview?, took a plane?
downloaded a virus?, dealt with a compalaint?, negotiateed a deal?
bought a new tie?, hired a car?, arrived late for a meeting?
* when was the last time you visited your country?
when was the last time you saw your best friend in Canada?
when was your last time you sent an e.mail?
when was the last time you took a taxi in Canada
when was the last time you found something useful on the internet for him
drove a car in your canada, you traveled to other

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