Saturday, May 17, 2008

If I were single?

If you are married, how would your life be different if you were single?

If you are married, how would your life be different if you were single?

In socialized eras, marriage is one of the social life. As we may know, there are lots of responsibilities, restricted actions and morale behaviors in marriage. After married, people would miss their single life at least one or two times. It will be easy that we could imagine our single life. If we were single, how would our life be different?

In terms of personal life, we would be free from lots of responsibility of keeping family relationship, taking care of family members such as cooking, washing clothes, participating on relative's events. We can save time from the housework and enjoy more personal life such as studying anytime, meeting friends anytime, traveling anywhere and eating anytime. But we would waste of time unless we would manage time well in daily life.

In aspect of social life in work, we would stay longer in the office. We can be focusing on our work even during weekend. It means that we don’t need to take care of a family. If we find a job, we could have more chances to choose a job without regard to distance and time. However, single life without a counselor, a spouse, would be in trouble easily. Marriage is a kind of social activities which we can experience relationship as a social member. It could make us adapt to social life easily.

Regarding of emotional aspects, of course single life would have freedom and can keep our composure. Also, there is an another type of responsibilities in single life compared to marriage one. We have to do everything on our own responsibility. But, we could feel lonely easily in particular under the weather. Those could be a burden on single life.

In conclusion, single life has various merits such as fewer responsibilities for a family and more freedom compared to marriage life. But, if we were in single life we should not neglect to control life on our own responsibility.

1 comment:

kwang-hyun chun said...

I read your excellant writing well. I'm sorry that I couldn't search wronged thing well because of my limit about English.
However I suggest my some opinions like below.
- If you are married, how will your life be different if you were single?
- But we would waste time in daily life if we manage the time.