Friday, May 23, 2008

comparison & contrast of way of life

In sociology, a lifestyle is the way a person lives.

A lifestyle is a characteristic bundle of behaviors including social relation, entertainment and dress. People's behavior within lifestyles can be led from habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions. A lifestyle typically not only reflects an individual's attitudes and values but also creates cultural symbols in every country. For example, there are different and similar lifesytles between Koreans and Americans. And it can be easily identified in several points of view such as a personal life, a social life and an emotional life.

In a personal life, American ways of life are more individual than those of Korean. But, nowadays, A Korean's individual tendency is increased than it was 20years ago. An individual life has two faces; one is to be independent, and the other is to be selfish. For example, new generation seems to be lack of consideration about others. On the contrary, American ways of life taking care of family are similar to Korean. Most men spend time playing with their kids, in particular during the weekend.

In a social point of view, American ways of life in an office looks much freer than those of Korean. They can call a boss by his first name. Also when a boss tells something, they stay on the chair. However, In Korea we usually call a boss by his position. Moreover if we do not stand up when a boss ask us to do something, we could get a bad credit. This kind of attitude of Korean makes our office life not so free as that of American.

Similarly, a lifestyle of American that reflects their emotional life is less complicated than that of Korean. It can make their thought simple and concentrated on one thing. Korean people are in complicated relationships with families, friends and coworkers. Besides, American is not as aggressive and haste as Korean.
Also, Americans are less interested in other's personal life than Koreans have. On the other hand, Korean is as compassionate as American.

On the whole everybody and every country have their own a way of life. Compared American's lifestyle to Korea's lifestyle in personal, social and emotional ways, similar but different lifestyles exit in two countries. The most important thing is to understand and accept others characteristics each other.

1 comment:

Evergreen said...

Hello Bosook. I am Dave. How are you?. I belive you have a nice weekend with your family. Your writing is clear, understandable and well composed. However I can find some grammatical errors between the lines. Here are the exampls. In the second paragraph, "Individual life has two face". Here you should use "faces" instead of "face" because two means the plural number. And then, in the following sentence, "American ways of life taking care of family are similar than Korean", you should use "to" instead of "than". Although your writing is simple, I think it expresses examples of comapare and contrast properly between the lines. I hope you have a nice holiday today. See ya!!