Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Describing line chart


Describing Charts & Graphs
Presentation ④ - 그래프 설명

원 그래프 pie chart
원 그래프의 각 부분 segment, section (동사는 indicate / represent)

The red segment of the pie chart indicates the percentage of our European customers.
원 그래프의 빨간색 부분은 유럽 고객의 비율을 나타내고 있습니다.

The blue section of the pie represents the proportion of our North American customers.
원 그래프의 파란색 부분은 북미 고객의 비율을 보여주고 있습니다.

선 그래프 line graph
막대그래프 bar graph
가로축 horizontal axis (x-axis)
세로축 vertical axis (y-axis)
The graph shows that ~
As you can see from the graph, ~
As shown on the graph, ~
As you can see from the graph, property prices have been stable for years.

■ Introducing the visual
OK. Let's take a look at the power point.
I have a transparency to show you.
The first/second/final slide shows the figures of this month.

■ Check with the audience
Is that clear for everyone?
Is that in focus?
Can everybody see that?
Is the chart readable?

■ Meaning of the visual
This shows/illustrates/demonstrates/refers to the difference of those two products.
This is a graph/a diagram, which shows the difference of those two products.
As you can see from the chart, this is the difference of the two products.
Here we can see how our sales increased.

■ Focusing attention
I'd like to draw your attention to the market situation for TFT LCD.
One of the most important aspects of this is the growth rate in sale.
At first glance it seems it's going down but actually, it is going up.

■ Describing change: UP
This year's sales have increased/risen/grown/improved/got better/recovered/rocketed.
There was an increase/a rise/a growth/an improvement/a recovery in this year's sale.

■ Describing change: DOWN
This year's sales have gone down/decreased/fell/dropped/deteriorated/got worse/worsened/slumped.
There was a decrease/a fall/a drop/a deterioration/a worsening/a slump in last year's sales.

■ Describing change: Others

This year's sales ______ ↓

remained stable
leveled out
peaked/reached a peak


bottomed out
reached a low point/hit a low point

We experienced _______ ↓
a peak
a fluctuation
a low

■ Speed of change

There was a rapid growth in sales.
Sales grew rapidly.

There will be a steady increase in exports.
Exports will increase steadily.

There has been a gradual drop in imports.
Imports have gradually dropped.

We had a slow decrease in the number of overseas office.
The number of overseas affiliates has decreased slowly.

■ Degree of change

There's going to be a dramatic fall in prices.
Prices are going to fall dramatically.

There will be a significant rise in profits.
Profits will certainly rise significantly.

There has been a moderate improvement in working conditions.
Working conditions have improved moderately.

There's been a slight expansion in the market.
The market has expanded slightly.

■ 기타 참고할 만한 표현들

- Our company had a bad year last year. There was a stead fall in our profits.
- Unfortunately, profits declined considerably .
- At the same time that we were losing profits, there was a dramatic increase in our costs. Costs for everything were skyrocketing.
- The number of overseas operations climbed steadily in 1990s. Now there are many more overseas branches.

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