Monday, April 28, 2008

peer eding to Chris

Type your summary here

Your composition is well organized into introduction, body and conclusion. Also you give the appropriate examples to each supportive sentence. This essay tells the story in a objective way.

If you consider some expressions that I point out, it will be a perfect composion.

It seems that active voice is appropriate for this sentence below.
"they are consisted of some types like "
Also, I prefer to use "relationship" instead of "relations". Regarding of expresson "past relations" you have to add specific person or situation like "with ...."
In my oponion, "under stress of something" is more popular than "get stress for somthing"
How about changing "one out of home and work" to "one of the two, home and work"
At the end of essay, I can understand what you want to say, but it will bebbetter to use other expression instead of
"but we can sit down at poorly done results at work."


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Adjusting to a marriage-Analyzing pattern

Analyzing types of adjustments to a marriage

Analyzing types of adjustments to a marriage

There are many kinds of important adjustments that people have to make when we get married like obligation, making new relationships, time adjusting and changing goal of life etc. Also they can be grouped analytically as follows;

First, professional adjustments is to change our goal of future. It is the most important that we have a goal of life for our future. Marriage is to make together not by oneself. we have to keep balance in our work and home. But it does not mean that we can do priority to one of them. Depending on a situation, we have to choose better one in concur with spouse.

Second, social adjustments include obligations to our own family which take care of all things that happen in new family group. Unlike western country, Most Korean have a close relationship in our own family. Before getting married, we are likely to neglect obligation to the family. For example, if one of the relatives get married, we have to attend the wedding ceremony even though there is no aquaintance with them. During the traditional holiday, we have to get together to make food. If a man is the oldest of their family, he has to manage ceremony.

Third, personal adjustments is scheduling daily life with spouse. For example, meeting friend, cerebrating birthday, memorial day and attending ceremony can be priority in our life. If parents want to have dinner for special day, we have to follow their word. In case of friend, it can be easily neglected.

Finally, emotional adjustments is harder than others. Because we are not accustomed to bear problems which we do not make ourselves. Many things are more complicated than single life. Sometimes even though there is no reason why we have to accept. We have to learn how to stand, forgive, persuade and so on.

As a result, marriage push us to adjust many things whether you want to or not. If we make a better marital life, we have to accept them. Nobody can tell that it is easy.

* First edition

There are many kinds of important adjustments that people have to make when we get married like obligation, making new relationships, time adjusting and changing goal of life etc. Also they can be grouped analytically as follows;

First, social adjustments include obligations to their own family which take care of all things happen in new family group. Unlike western country, Most korean have close relationship with their owon family. Before getting married, we are likely to neglect obligation to the family.

Second, personal adjustments is scheduling daily life with spouse. For example, meeting friend, cerebrating birthday and memorial day, attending ceremony can be priority in our life.

Third, emotional adjustments is more hard one. Because we are not accustomed to bear problems which we do not make ourselves. Everythings are more complicated than sigle life. Sometimes even though there is no reason we have to accept.

Finally, professional adjustments is to change our goal of future. It is the most important that have goal of life for our life. Marriage is to make together.

As a result, marriage need to change, adjust and make something in new family. Nobody can tell it is easy.


Thursday, April 24, 2008


See, No, war, way, time idioms

* See idioms
1. 'can't see the point'.
= These days we can't see the point in studying in English in elementary school.
2. 'make yourself clear'.
= I know I make myself clear that I have to study English here
3. If you try to understand how a different person sees a situation, you try to see it from their 'point of view'.
= The professor should consider student's point of view to make a decision to go abroad in summer season.
4. If you persuade somebody to change their mind and agree with your point of view, they 'see reason'.
= Yesterday we couldn't agree with class A's dicision, but now we can see reason why they didn't want to go to the USA.
5. If you are unaware of a problem, you need to 'open your eyes'.
= I want to advise him to open his eyes in class.
6. If somebody is pretending to be what they are not and you are aware of this, you have 'seen through them'.
= If you want to know whether he is lying or, look at his eyes. Then you can see through him
7. If you find out some information that really surprises you and change the way you feel, it is an 'eye-opener'.
= Nobody can recognize easily that they can be eye-opener.
8. When you are told or read something which enables you to understand something you didn't previously understand, you 'get the picture'.
= When I send the e.mail telling about his problem, the teacher answered that she got the picture.

* No idioms
1. If something is not at all surprising, it is ‘no wonder’ that it happens.
= If you didn't your assignment, it's no wonder that your teacher got angry to you
2. If it is impossible that something will happen, there is ‘no way’ it will happen.
= I don't think there is no way I can do for being a reknowned person.
3. If something is serious or difficult, it is ‘no joke’.
= To be a big person, I'm trying to do my best. It's no joke.
4. If a situation is unpleasant or difficult, it is ‘no picnic’.
= We will go to the Victoria in Canada in this summer. It is no picnic.
5. If something is very probable or highly likely, there is ‘no doubt’ about it.
= No doubt our students want to improve their English ability.

* Way Idioms
1. If you 'pave the way' it means to make progress easier.
= If Korean concur the FTA with America, it will pave the way for politic relations.
2. If you climb through the ranks of a company and reach a high position, you have 'worked your way to the top'.
= I am studying Business administration in a university. It means that I work my way to the top.
3. If you speak well (and usually persuasively), you have 'a way with words'.
= If someone has a way with words, he can be easily sucessful man.
4. If you stop somebody from doing something, you 'stand in their way'.
= I will do whatever I want. There is nothing stading in my ways.
5. Some people want both to work less and to earn more money. They want to 'have it both ways'.
= Someone who want to have it both ways will never be sucessful.

* War Idioms
1. You can 'gain ground' on your competition.
= I always gain ground on my competition. I am lucky
2. If you receive a lot of enquiries, you can say you are 'bombarded' with them.
= When you are working at the costumer service team. you can be bombarded all the time.
3. If you don't want your boss to notice you, it's a good idea to 'keep your head down'.
= We keep our head down if our boss is under the bad mood.
4. You can 'set your sights on ' an objective.
= I set my sights on being the member of National Assembly.
5. Some people seem to do things which make them look bad – they are 'their own worst enemy'.
= Do not disappoint even though you are in your own worst enemy.

* Time Idioms
1. Time can be a waste.
= I do not wnat to waste of time. That's why I am doing my best whatever I do.
2. You can value time.
= I value every time that I spend my time for myself.
3. run out of time
= I dont want to ran out of my time, that why I'm doing whatever I
4. You can afford time.
= Every day we have tough assignments, so I can't afford to spend time on meeting friends
5. You can have plenty of time.
= Always I have never thouht I have plenty of time for living.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Unit 3. Analyzing patterns -Preliminary writing

How I change my speech in my home.
My speech change depending on the situation like who i am with and where I am in my house.
Usually I speak inforamally to my husband and my daughter. For example "Jean's daddy, do it for me" " Jean, eat dinner right now!"
When I visit my parents-in-law's house, I speak formally to my parents-in-law and relatives-in-law. "Father, Did you have dinner?"
But, I speak to my family in my hometown even my mom informally like friends. "mom, I want to eat something"
As a result, I usually speak formally to relatives-in-law and informally speak to my family.

Analyzing particular situation
* Attending wedding ceremony *

It's likely to happen a conflict in relationship with parents-in-law.

Two weeks ago, my family attended the wedding ceremony of relatives-in-law which was held in Gyounggi province. It usally takes 2hours to go there by car. At first, I heard that all family members including brother-in-law's family had to go together.
But, in the morning of that day, I realized that only my family and father-in-law would attend the ceremony.
Always my husband want me to follow his parent's decision whatever they do. Whenever I think deeply about matters like this situation, I have to ask to myself. "Why only my family has to do except brother-in-law's family. Is it obligation as a first son?"
My husband do not answer but I quess that he recognize his duty in the subconsious.

Even if this kind of thigs happen again, I will follow my husband. This is the way that make my family happy.

Type rest of the post here


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

English as an international language

English has become an important international language.

First, it is important in internatioal communication.
In case of airline pilots, they travel all over the world, so, they have to communicate with english.
For example, English provides access to recent global information through the internatinal media such as international newspapers. It can enable people to build and maintain international common knowledge which can participate more efficiently in global society.
Through the TV news, We can get the news of accident occured in other county everyday.

Second, English is important in business and trade.
International company specialized in trade with foreign country use World Bank which can verifiy their credit and make a remmitance.
In the Common Market,a customs union with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement of all the three factors of production (land, capital and labour) and of enterprise, Engish lead to move capital, labour, goods, and services between the members as easy as within them.
Company specialized in worldwide trade have to make negotiation. When they have problem during the negotiation, it will delay trade and lose profit.
Also, Internatioal currency exchange that offer a wide range of products and services to complement the travelling public's requirements, including foreign currency, phonecards, travel insurance and prepaid travellers cashcard give us importance of English.

Finally, English is important in international relations.
For examle, The United Nations helps millions of people around the world in ways you never imagined. Its goal is to give a voice to ordinary men, women and children and allow them to share their struggles and fears; hopes and aspirations with audiences around the world.
The World Court is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, sharing the building with the Hague Academy of International Law, a private centre for the study of international law. If the problem occur between the members, they can use World Court. English and French are its two official languages.
In terms of international treaties among countries, After all countries need to concur and rectify, it will take effect.
All countries in the world need to take diplomatic arrangements such as visa issue. If they want to use their own language they are not meet concured agreement.
There are lots of non-profit organization among the organization of American States which help people who want to live in USA.


Adjusting to marriage

First, obligations to their own family is the most important in their marriage.
Unlike western country, Most korean have close relationship with their owon family.
Before getting married, we are likely to neglect obligation to the family.
Second, Children beering can be next priority to be adjusted. Because children can further comlicate adjustment process.


Adjusting to a New school

It is difficult to adjust to a new school for several reasons
First, we have to make new friends. Until we make new friends, we would be alone for a while.
Second, there are pre-exiting social circles like school culture in school. Infiltrating to this social group is harder than making friends. If we make new friends, we can enter easily to this circles.

Type rest of the post here


Vocabulary 22000

Let's build up word power

Chaptor 1
1. civilian :citadel, civil, civilization,civilize
- If civilian want to visit DMZ, they have to get the enterance permit
2. complicated = hard to understand, elaborate, complex,intricate
- accomplice, appliance, complex, complication\
- Please do not use complicated expresion, otherwise nobody won't understand
3. concur = agree, coincide, be of the same opinion
- current, cursory, discourse, incur
- We have to observe the traffic regulations, even if we do not concur with it.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Presentation practice-craig

Type your summary here

Let's take a look at the the graph. Is that clear for everyone?
Here we can see how our sales increased from 1982 to 1994
first, please refer to the bar graph which shows difference of our sales by products.
In 1982 Sales of solar units was recorded $3.5m. In 1984 our sales products were automatic generators and solar units and they have increased to 6.2m.
In 1990 there was a remarkable increase of these 2 products to $9.1.
I'd like to draw your attention to the 1994's sales.
Sales by products was $11m. but, Sales of solar unit and automatic generators slighgly decreased.

Now, let's move on to total sales. In 1984, totals sales mainly on solar unit was $5.4m. but, in 1994 there was a rapid growth reaching $11m in the total sales figure of solar units, automatic generators and energy accessories which display similar sales figure.

As a result, we have to focus on marketing energy accessories for sales marketing in the future.


Sunday, April 20, 2008


Formal - informal, polite - rude

1. You look concerned/You look worried
2. Is something on your mind/ Anything happened?
3. Yes/yah
4. I am sorry?, I beg your pardon?, I didnot catch what you were saying,I didn't understand, Excuse me? what do you mean?
/Get out of here. You've got to be kidding me. say what?, what was that?.
what the hell did you say?, what did you say?
5. want to / wanna
6. going to / gonna
7. Do you happen to remember ?. You remeber-- don't you?, Could I ask if you remember ?, I was wondering if perhaps you remember?
/ Do you remember ?, Remember ?, Can't you remember ?, You must remember?
8. Hello / Hi
9. Good Bye / bye
10. what happened / what's up?
11. Would you please pass me that? / Give me that(Gimme that)
12. Delicious/yammy
13. Personally, I favour / I love, I like, I prefer
14. IT is essential that / Everybody must
15. Last but not least
Good (night) !
* It that :
* Don't start with "YOU"
* I am afraid not : No
* Would you :


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lexis : Chapter 1

Presentation English Vocabulary

1. Inform : We are pleased to inform you that your reservation for the World Association Zoo & Aquarium's Executive Seminar has been accepted.
2. amuse : I amuse myself with reading books in my leisure time
3. persuade : I tried to persuade him out of gambling.
4. train : She is training to be a teacher
5. transition: We are requesting the co-operation of all staff members during this time of transition.
6. appropriate : We need an experienced homestay coordinator to connect these overseas students to appropriate families for various lengths of time.
7. emphaseze : Whether schools or company, most training programs emphasize the importance of self-confidence.
8. founded : Seoul Grand Park was founded at the downdown of Seoul City in 1909.
9. to retire: Fewer people are finding that they can afford to retire at age 65. Are you ready to retire?
10. diversification ; The company is increasing its earnings rapidly with diversification efforts beginning to pay off.
11. aids:North Korea does not produce enough food to feed its 23 million people, and relies on food aid from outside.
12. impact; Scientists claim there will be no adverse_ environmental impact.such as high temperature, heavy snow, drought.
13. mannerisms : If you do same job for long time, you are easily to fall into mannerisms
14. allotted : She fell asleep at the switch to finish her alloted work.
15. distracting : I can't wait until they finish that building! The construction noise is very distracting!
16. relevant/irrelevant : Scientists hope the mission will provide answers to questions relevant to Earth.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Great time!!

Type rest of the post here


The hardest question

1. Who designed the Notre Dame De Raincy, built in Paris in 1922?
2. Who designed Effel tower?
3. Who wrote the poem The Age of Anxiety?
4. Who designed the Kimbell Art Gallery, built in Texas in 1972?


Narrative composition-rewriting

I want to tell about a person who has influenced my idea and my education. He is my supervising professor at the university in Korea.
He was born in 1960 as the youngest boy in his family. At that time his parents were old enough to raise him. When he talked about his parents it looked like he wanted to have younger parents. This is the only thing I've heard about his early life.
I met him when I was in Ph.D course at the graduate school in Seoul. At that time, he just came back to Korea from Canada where he got a doctor's degree.
In those days when I met him first, he was in post-doctorial course at the same university. But one year later, he became a professor and my supervising professor.
During my Ph.d years, he would give me a lots of encourage and advice for my future. Best encourage given by him was as follows; "You are so smart that you can do whatever you want". By then, I was in hardest time through my life. Also, he said “if you meet three people who influence your life, then you can make your life successful.” Still now, whenever I have to make a decision I ask him to give his opinion.
In retrospect, I've already met one person who influenced my idea. I am sure that I can have successful life as I want.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Narrative compositon

A person who influenced my ideas and education

I want to tell about a person who has influenced my idea and my education. He is my supervising professor at the university in Korea.
He was born in 1960 as the youngest boy in his family. At that time his parents were old enough to raise him. When he talked about his parents it looked like he wanted to have youger parents. This is the only thing I've heard about his boy's life.
I met him when I was in Ph.D course at the graduate school in Seoul. At that time, he just came back to Korea from Canada where he got a doctor's degree. In those days first I met him, he was in post-doctorial course at the same university. But one year later, he became a professor and my supervising professor.
During my Ph.d years, he would give me a lots of courgement and advice for my future. Best encourgement giveny by him was as follows; "You are so smart that you can do whatever you want". By then, I was in hard time through my life I've ever had. Also he said if you meet three people who influenced your life, then you can make your life successful. Still now, whenever I have to make a decision I ask him to give his opinion.
In retrospect, I've already met one person who influenced my idea. Today, I will think about other people who influence my life. I am sure that I can have successful life as I want.


Vocabulary Quiz

-Skimming is quick reading for general ideas
-Scanning is also quick reading but, when you scan, you ar looking fo rinformaiton about a
question you want to answer
-Drawing inferences : You have begun to note that some of the ideas and points of view that
were not mentioned were, however, implied by the author. It is the beginning of
"critical reading" which will be the focus of the nex t activity.
-Critical Reading : when we read critically, we draw conclusions and make judgement about the
- Nonprose writing : consists of disconnected words and numbers instead of the sendteces and
paragraphs you usually learn to read.
- Efficient reading : requires the use of various problem-solving skills
- Context Clues : exercise are designed to help youimprove your ability to quess the meaning of
unfamiliar words by using context clues.
- I removed the (book ,magazine, paper, newspaper) from the self and began to read.
- Harvey is a thief ; he would (stal, take, rob) the gold from his grandmother's teeth and not feel
- Our uncle was a (noman, roamer, traveler, drifter, wanderer), an incurable wanderer who nevr
could stay in one place.
- Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Hogartty is quite (ugly, homely, plain).
- The Asian (gibbon, monkey, chimp, ape), like other apes, is specially adapted for life in trees.
- But surely everyone knows tha tif yo step on an egg, it will (break).
- Mary got a new (car) for her birthday. It is a sports model, red, with white interior and bucket
- Pounce : n.v. attack, jump
1. To spring or swoop with intent to seize someone or something: a cat that pounced on a
mouse; watched the falcon pounce on the baby rabbit.
2. To attack suddenly: irregular troops who pounced on the convoy at a narrow pass; a
colleague who pounced on me because of a mistake in my report.
3. To seize something swiftly and eagerly: pounce on an opportunity.
- adapt : adjust
- egret : Any of several usually white herons of the genera Bubulcus, Casmerodius, Egretta, and
related genera, characteristically having long, showy, drooping plumes during the breeding
- inveigh against : To give vent to angry disapproval; protest vehemently.
- slither
- pelt : throw
- kinesics
- gregarious : social
- ravenous : extremly hungry, starving
- salvage : rescue
- gloze : vi. to minimize
- inhale
- import
- collaborate
- inscription - scarving :
1. The act or an instance of inscribing.
2. Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed.
3. Something, such as a stone or metal tablet, that is inscribed.
4. An enrollment or a registration of names.
- reflection : n.
1. The change in direction of a wave, such as a light or sound wave, away from a boundary the wave encounters. 2. Something, such as sound, light, or heat, that is reflected.
- dictate
- invisible : not ablel to be seen


Monday, April 14, 2008

Presentation skills-Introduction 2(Sonway)

Good afternoon.
Thank you for being here today.
My name is Bos Kim, sales manager of Sonway Solar Electronics
I am going to tell you about the sales statuts of Sonway Solar Electronics.

The purpose of this talk is to inform you of the history of Sonway Solar Electronics and sales status since last 10 years.

My presentation will be divided into 3 sessions. First, I will tell you company history since founded in 1982. Second, Sales By production such as solar unit, Third, I will give you our Total sales in 1994 compared to 1984.
It will take about 15 minutes of your time. I’d be glad to take any question at the end of my presentation. Let’s start !!

So, Let's strat with the history. The Sonway Solar Electronics founded in 1982, and launched first automatic solar generator in 1984. 5 yrs later, our company took over SOLAPOWER. 1n 1992 George Sonway retired and Sousan Sonway became a new CEO. In 1993, Our company diversified into energy-related produts.

Now I will move on to the second section, Sales by products. In 1982, We only sold Solar units. 4 years later, we started to sell automatic generators. In 1990, Solar units and Let's


Presentation skills-Introduction

Good morning. Ladies and gentleman. My name's Joanna Brooker. I'm the new PR manager. I'd like to talk to you about the brewery's corporate image and today we are here to discuss why brewery's corporate image need to be changed . It will takes 10 minutes of your time. I've divided my presentation into three sections. They are history, backgroud of corporate image and products. I'd be glad to answer an questions at the end of my talk.


Annie's story- Sperm-donor husband

Sperm-donor husband

Dear Annie: I have been married for 12 years and have three wonderful kids.
I recently discovered that my husband has been a sperm donor for more than nine months. I confronted him after I saw the check for $6,000, and after two days of pushing for information, he finally admitted it. He says he kept it a secret because I would not have approved.
According to him, I am making a big deal out of nothing and he doesn't need to answer for every private detail of his life as long as he is being a good provider and a good father.
I feel my trust has been broken, and that he does not respect me enough to get my input on this kind of decision. I am seriously thinking of separating. Please advise me. -- One Foot Out the Door
Dear One Foot: By our math, $6,000 in nine months means your husband has been donating sperm at the approximate rate of three times a week. Most sperm banks pay about $50 per donation, but more importantly, they often require a waiting period of six months between the first donation and payment to be sure there are no health problems.
We're not sure your husband is telling you the whole story. In any event, such decisions (and extra income) should not be kept from a spouse. It creates distrust and resentment. You have 12 years and three children together. Insist your husband go with you for counseling as a condition for staying. He needs to understand why you are angry enough to walk away.
Dear Annie: Our neighbor's wife died last summer. Since then, "Tom" has been reclusive. He is also an alcoholic. He has no other family. I've known Tom a long time. We used to work together and he was a good friend. Since his wife died, we've barely spoken.
Tom is a retired police officer and has weapons in his home. He has threatened one of our other neighbors. I have thought of reaching out to Tom on numerous occasions because I know he is depressed. Yesterday, I saw him taking out his garbage and asked how he was. I offered to pick up groceries for him if he ever needed me to. He was very genuine when he said thank you and asked for my cell number, which I gave him.
My husband worries Tom may get drunk and hurt me while I'm dropping off groceries. What can I do to help him? -- A Concerned Neighbor
Dear Concerned: You are a kind soul to care about Tom's welfare, but alcohol and weapons are a bad mix. If he calls, it's OK to ask if he needs anything and to get groceries for him, but don't go inside his house. Also, please contact Al-Anon ( at 1-888-4-AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666) and ask for guidance.


Narrative composition

I want to tell about a person who has influenced my idea and my education. He is my supervising professor at the university in Korea.

He was born in 1960 as the youngest boy in his family. His parents were old enough to raise him. When he talked about his parents it look like he wanted to have youger one. This is the only thing I've heard about his boy's life.
I met him when I was in Ph.D course at the graduate school in Seoul. At that time, he just came back to Korea from Canada where he got a doctors degree. In those days first I met him, he was an post doctorial course at the same universities. But one year later, he became a professor and my supervising professor.
During my Ph.d years with him, he would give me a lots of courgement and advice for my future. By then, I was in hard time through my life I've ever had.
There is one thing that I never forget. He said if you meet three people who influenced your life, then you can make your life successful.
Still now, whenever i have to make a decision I ask him to give his opinion.

In retrospect, I've already met one person who influenced my idea. It means that I can be able to have successful life as i want.
Today, I am going to think about other people who influence my life.


Sunday, April 13, 2008


a. Lazing around is waste of time
b. Eating as little as possible is better than going on a diet
c. Lying about is the key to be healthy
d. Take a rest instead of taking medicine
e. I am in favour of moderate excercise like streching
f. Try to take a walk after lunch to keep your body healthy.
g. I don't think I only have a limited capacity to do everything that i want to
h. If you get up early, you are likely to get tired easily.


Used to...

1. During my teeangers, I used to play with my brother. Whenever I went to school, he used to take me aride by bicycle.
2. In my highschool years, I used to stay at the school until 10 p.m. everyday as it was around there.
3. During my university years, I would visit my hometown twice a month and meet my best friend there.
4. In 1989, I met my husband. We were in same class at the university. we would go to the theater, play billard and read comic books
5. I started a work as a city official in 1993. After work, I would read al lots of books and go to the private english institute to learn English


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Describing floor plan

The design of this floor pland gives a convenient layout for master room and another one on the second level. All area are seperated respectively.

In the middle of this house, there is a stair which connects to the lower level.

In the right side of the hourse is a laundry room with washing machine. Next to the laundry room is a toilet with a wash-basin, a loo and a shower booth.

In the eastern side of the house is a bedroom 2 having a closet and a big bed. On either side of the bed stand 2 small side tables. In the eastnorth corner of this room place a table.

In the northern side of the room is a big balcony which connectc to the Master bedroom also.

Next to the bedroom are placed a master room. There are a big bed with small tables on either side of the bed. Closets are placed on the either side of the door. Next to the right side of the closet, there is a big table.

In the west side of the house is a master bathroom which contains a bath, a loo and two water basins. It looks like much bigger than the other toilet in the house.

The floor plan of this house is a typical feature in U.S.A but it's a simple and a useful design.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Floor Plan-assignment

There is a small, clean and modern styled room which contains well decorated furniture.
On the left side of the room is a large window with 2 doors which let in sunshine and beautiful scenery. Out side of the window is an outside patio with a wooden floor and fence. In front of the window is an armchair with a cushion in the direction to the wall. In the right side of the armchair is a small desk.
In the left corner of the window stands lamp. Next to the lamp and in the front side of the room is a door-fronted cabinet against the wall. Over the cabinet are lying a small basket and boxes neatly. In the right side of the room are hanging 2 frames abreast on the wall. They appear to be a picture of still life. There is a long fabric sofa with two cushions under the frames in direction to the window.
In the middle of the room and inn front of the sofa and an armchair is a potted tree on the table.
On the left side of the sofa stands a lamp on the table. Next to the lamp is a long fabric sofa in entrance direction of the room. A big pottery stands on the table in front of the sofa.On the floor of the room is a big figured rug.