Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lexis : Chapter 1

Presentation English Vocabulary

1. Inform : We are pleased to inform you that your reservation for the World Association Zoo & Aquarium's Executive Seminar has been accepted.
2. amuse : I amuse myself with reading books in my leisure time
3. persuade : I tried to persuade him out of gambling.
4. train : She is training to be a teacher
5. transition: We are requesting the co-operation of all staff members during this time of transition.
6. appropriate : We need an experienced homestay coordinator to connect these overseas students to appropriate families for various lengths of time.
7. emphaseze : Whether schools or company, most training programs emphasize the importance of self-confidence.
8. founded : Seoul Grand Park was founded at the downdown of Seoul City in 1909.
9. to retire: Fewer people are finding that they can afford to retire at age 65. Are you ready to retire?
10. diversification ; The company is increasing its earnings rapidly with diversification efforts beginning to pay off.
11. aids:North Korea does not produce enough food to feed its 23 million people, and relies on food aid from outside.
12. impact; Scientists claim there will be no adverse_ environmental impact.such as high temperature, heavy snow, drought.
13. mannerisms : If you do same job for long time, you are easily to fall into mannerisms
14. allotted : She fell asleep at the switch to finish her alloted work.
15. distracting : I can't wait until they finish that building! The construction noise is very distracting!
16. relevant/irrelevant : Scientists hope the mission will provide answers to questions relevant to Earth.

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