Sunday, April 13, 2008

Used to...

1. During my teeangers, I used to play with my brother. Whenever I went to school, he used to take me aride by bicycle.
2. In my highschool years, I used to stay at the school until 10 p.m. everyday as it was around there.
3. During my university years, I would visit my hometown twice a month and meet my best friend there.
4. In 1989, I met my husband. We were in same class at the university. we would go to the theater, play billard and read comic books
5. I started a work as a city official in 1993. After work, I would read al lots of books and go to the private english institute to learn English

1 comment:

Yong-Wou Lee said...

Yong-wou said...
You have to classify each sendtence
2) topic, conclusion
Your topic is about ordinary life
In conclusion, I think it will be better to write your resolution or your private feelings.
3) Understand
I can understand what you want to tell on your life in this sentence.
4) Strengths
You use "would" "used to" properly in the sentence
5) Grammar:not bad

good luck...