Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Unit 3. Analyzing patterns -Preliminary writing

How I change my speech in my home.
My speech change depending on the situation like who i am with and where I am in my house.
Usually I speak inforamally to my husband and my daughter. For example "Jean's daddy, do it for me" " Jean, eat dinner right now!"
When I visit my parents-in-law's house, I speak formally to my parents-in-law and relatives-in-law. "Father, Did you have dinner?"
But, I speak to my family in my hometown even my mom informally like friends. "mom, I want to eat something"
As a result, I usually speak formally to relatives-in-law and informally speak to my family.

Analyzing particular situation
* Attending wedding ceremony *

It's likely to happen a conflict in relationship with parents-in-law.

Two weeks ago, my family attended the wedding ceremony of relatives-in-law which was held in Gyounggi province. It usally takes 2hours to go there by car. At first, I heard that all family members including brother-in-law's family had to go together.
But, in the morning of that day, I realized that only my family and father-in-law would attend the ceremony.
Always my husband want me to follow his parent's decision whatever they do. Whenever I think deeply about matters like this situation, I have to ask to myself. "Why only my family has to do except brother-in-law's family. Is it obligation as a first son?"
My husband do not answer but I quess that he recognize his duty in the subconsious.

Even if this kind of thigs happen again, I will follow my husband. This is the way that make my family happy.

Type rest of the post here

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