Tuesday, April 22, 2008

English as an international language

English has become an important international language.

First, it is important in internatioal communication.
In case of airline pilots, they travel all over the world, so, they have to communicate with english.
For example, English provides access to recent global information through the internatinal media such as international newspapers. It can enable people to build and maintain international common knowledge which can participate more efficiently in global society.
Through the TV news, We can get the news of accident occured in other county everyday.

Second, English is important in business and trade.
International company specialized in trade with foreign country use World Bank which can verifiy their credit and make a remmitance.
In the Common Market,a customs union with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement of all the three factors of production (land, capital and labour) and of enterprise, Engish lead to move capital, labour, goods, and services between the members as easy as within them.
Company specialized in worldwide trade have to make negotiation. When they have problem during the negotiation, it will delay trade and lose profit.
Also, Internatioal currency exchange that offer a wide range of products and services to complement the travelling public's requirements, including foreign currency, phonecards, travel insurance and prepaid travellers cashcard give us importance of English.

Finally, English is important in international relations.
For examle, The United Nations helps millions of people around the world in ways you never imagined. Its goal is to give a voice to ordinary men, women and children and allow them to share their struggles and fears; hopes and aspirations with audiences around the world.
The World Court is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, sharing the building with the Hague Academy of International Law, a private centre for the study of international law. If the problem occur between the members, they can use World Court. English and French are its two official languages.
In terms of international treaties among countries, After all countries need to concur and rectify, it will take effect.
All countries in the world need to take diplomatic arrangements such as visa issue. If they want to use their own language they are not meet concured agreement.
There are lots of non-profit organization among the organization of American States which help people who want to live in USA.

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