Thursday, April 24, 2008


See, No, war, way, time idioms

* See idioms
1. 'can't see the point'.
= These days we can't see the point in studying in English in elementary school.
2. 'make yourself clear'.
= I know I make myself clear that I have to study English here
3. If you try to understand how a different person sees a situation, you try to see it from their 'point of view'.
= The professor should consider student's point of view to make a decision to go abroad in summer season.
4. If you persuade somebody to change their mind and agree with your point of view, they 'see reason'.
= Yesterday we couldn't agree with class A's dicision, but now we can see reason why they didn't want to go to the USA.
5. If you are unaware of a problem, you need to 'open your eyes'.
= I want to advise him to open his eyes in class.
6. If somebody is pretending to be what they are not and you are aware of this, you have 'seen through them'.
= If you want to know whether he is lying or, look at his eyes. Then you can see through him
7. If you find out some information that really surprises you and change the way you feel, it is an 'eye-opener'.
= Nobody can recognize easily that they can be eye-opener.
8. When you are told or read something which enables you to understand something you didn't previously understand, you 'get the picture'.
= When I send the e.mail telling about his problem, the teacher answered that she got the picture.

* No idioms
1. If something is not at all surprising, it is ‘no wonder’ that it happens.
= If you didn't your assignment, it's no wonder that your teacher got angry to you
2. If it is impossible that something will happen, there is ‘no way’ it will happen.
= I don't think there is no way I can do for being a reknowned person.
3. If something is serious or difficult, it is ‘no joke’.
= To be a big person, I'm trying to do my best. It's no joke.
4. If a situation is unpleasant or difficult, it is ‘no picnic’.
= We will go to the Victoria in Canada in this summer. It is no picnic.
5. If something is very probable or highly likely, there is ‘no doubt’ about it.
= No doubt our students want to improve their English ability.

* Way Idioms
1. If you 'pave the way' it means to make progress easier.
= If Korean concur the FTA with America, it will pave the way for politic relations.
2. If you climb through the ranks of a company and reach a high position, you have 'worked your way to the top'.
= I am studying Business administration in a university. It means that I work my way to the top.
3. If you speak well (and usually persuasively), you have 'a way with words'.
= If someone has a way with words, he can be easily sucessful man.
4. If you stop somebody from doing something, you 'stand in their way'.
= I will do whatever I want. There is nothing stading in my ways.
5. Some people want both to work less and to earn more money. They want to 'have it both ways'.
= Someone who want to have it both ways will never be sucessful.

* War Idioms
1. You can 'gain ground' on your competition.
= I always gain ground on my competition. I am lucky
2. If you receive a lot of enquiries, you can say you are 'bombarded' with them.
= When you are working at the costumer service team. you can be bombarded all the time.
3. If you don't want your boss to notice you, it's a good idea to 'keep your head down'.
= We keep our head down if our boss is under the bad mood.
4. You can 'set your sights on ' an objective.
= I set my sights on being the member of National Assembly.
5. Some people seem to do things which make them look bad – they are 'their own worst enemy'.
= Do not disappoint even though you are in your own worst enemy.

* Time Idioms
1. Time can be a waste.
= I do not wnat to waste of time. That's why I am doing my best whatever I do.
2. You can value time.
= I value every time that I spend my time for myself.
3. run out of time
= I dont want to ran out of my time, that why I'm doing whatever I
4. You can afford time.
= Every day we have tough assignments, so I can't afford to spend time on meeting friends
5. You can have plenty of time.
= Always I have never thouht I have plenty of time for living.

1 comment:

Craig said...

Good job. There are some tense problems but most of them are quite well done.

One thing that you need to do for this kind of assignment is to add a sentence that could help show the meaning. As an example, the first sentence using "see the point" is fine except that it does not show meaning. Perhaps you can add a second sentence stating why "we" think that it is useless.

Nice work overall.