Monday, April 14, 2008

Presentation skills-Introduction 2(Sonway)

Good afternoon.
Thank you for being here today.
My name is Bos Kim, sales manager of Sonway Solar Electronics
I am going to tell you about the sales statuts of Sonway Solar Electronics.

The purpose of this talk is to inform you of the history of Sonway Solar Electronics and sales status since last 10 years.

My presentation will be divided into 3 sessions. First, I will tell you company history since founded in 1982. Second, Sales By production such as solar unit, Third, I will give you our Total sales in 1994 compared to 1984.
It will take about 15 minutes of your time. I’d be glad to take any question at the end of my presentation. Let’s start !!

So, Let's strat with the history. The Sonway Solar Electronics founded in 1982, and launched first automatic solar generator in 1984. 5 yrs later, our company took over SOLAPOWER. 1n 1992 George Sonway retired and Sousan Sonway became a new CEO. In 1993, Our company diversified into energy-related produts.

Now I will move on to the second section, Sales by products. In 1982, We only sold Solar units. 4 years later, we started to sell automatic generators. In 1990, Solar units and Let's

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