Sunday, April 20, 2008


Formal - informal, polite - rude

1. You look concerned/You look worried
2. Is something on your mind/ Anything happened?
3. Yes/yah
4. I am sorry?, I beg your pardon?, I didnot catch what you were saying,I didn't understand, Excuse me? what do you mean?
/Get out of here. You've got to be kidding me. say what?, what was that?.
what the hell did you say?, what did you say?
5. want to / wanna
6. going to / gonna
7. Do you happen to remember ?. You remeber-- don't you?, Could I ask if you remember ?, I was wondering if perhaps you remember?
/ Do you remember ?, Remember ?, Can't you remember ?, You must remember?
8. Hello / Hi
9. Good Bye / bye
10. what happened / what's up?
11. Would you please pass me that? / Give me that(Gimme that)
12. Delicious/yammy
13. Personally, I favour / I love, I like, I prefer
14. IT is essential that / Everybody must
15. Last but not least
Good (night) !
* It that :
* Don't start with "YOU"
* I am afraid not : No
* Would you :

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