Saturday, April 26, 2008

Adjusting to a marriage-Analyzing pattern

Analyzing types of adjustments to a marriage

Analyzing types of adjustments to a marriage

There are many kinds of important adjustments that people have to make when we get married like obligation, making new relationships, time adjusting and changing goal of life etc. Also they can be grouped analytically as follows;

First, professional adjustments is to change our goal of future. It is the most important that we have a goal of life for our future. Marriage is to make together not by oneself. we have to keep balance in our work and home. But it does not mean that we can do priority to one of them. Depending on a situation, we have to choose better one in concur with spouse.

Second, social adjustments include obligations to our own family which take care of all things that happen in new family group. Unlike western country, Most Korean have a close relationship in our own family. Before getting married, we are likely to neglect obligation to the family. For example, if one of the relatives get married, we have to attend the wedding ceremony even though there is no aquaintance with them. During the traditional holiday, we have to get together to make food. If a man is the oldest of their family, he has to manage ceremony.

Third, personal adjustments is scheduling daily life with spouse. For example, meeting friend, cerebrating birthday, memorial day and attending ceremony can be priority in our life. If parents want to have dinner for special day, we have to follow their word. In case of friend, it can be easily neglected.

Finally, emotional adjustments is harder than others. Because we are not accustomed to bear problems which we do not make ourselves. Many things are more complicated than single life. Sometimes even though there is no reason why we have to accept. We have to learn how to stand, forgive, persuade and so on.

As a result, marriage push us to adjust many things whether you want to or not. If we make a better marital life, we have to accept them. Nobody can tell that it is easy.

* First edition

There are many kinds of important adjustments that people have to make when we get married like obligation, making new relationships, time adjusting and changing goal of life etc. Also they can be grouped analytically as follows;

First, social adjustments include obligations to their own family which take care of all things happen in new family group. Unlike western country, Most korean have close relationship with their owon family. Before getting married, we are likely to neglect obligation to the family.

Second, personal adjustments is scheduling daily life with spouse. For example, meeting friend, cerebrating birthday and memorial day, attending ceremony can be priority in our life.

Third, emotional adjustments is more hard one. Because we are not accustomed to bear problems which we do not make ourselves. Everythings are more complicated than sigle life. Sometimes even though there is no reason we have to accept.

Finally, professional adjustments is to change our goal of future. It is the most important that have goal of life for our life. Marriage is to make together.

As a result, marriage need to change, adjust and make something in new family. Nobody can tell it is easy.

1 comment:

Young-A Seo said...

This essay has obvious introduction, body and conclusion. The paragraphs are well organized according by the type of adjustment of marriage. I could understand well enough. But in the body, I think it would be better to use more specific example at the final paragraph.
In some paragraph, you abbreviate a conjunction. For example, "which take care of all things (that) happen in new family group", "Sometimes even though there is no reason (that) we have to accept". Besides, this paragraph needs the subject of the sentence : It is the most important that (subject) have goal of life for our life.
At this sentence, 'and' has to move in front of 'attending' like this ; meeting friend, cerebrating birthday, memorial day (and) attending ceremony. And in conclusion, 'need' has to be changed to 'needs'.