Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Narrative compositon

A person who influenced my ideas and education

I want to tell about a person who has influenced my idea and my education. He is my supervising professor at the university in Korea.
He was born in 1960 as the youngest boy in his family. At that time his parents were old enough to raise him. When he talked about his parents it looked like he wanted to have youger parents. This is the only thing I've heard about his boy's life.
I met him when I was in Ph.D course at the graduate school in Seoul. At that time, he just came back to Korea from Canada where he got a doctor's degree. In those days first I met him, he was in post-doctorial course at the same university. But one year later, he became a professor and my supervising professor.
During my Ph.d years, he would give me a lots of courgement and advice for my future. Best encourgement giveny by him was as follows; "You are so smart that you can do whatever you want". By then, I was in hard time through my life I've ever had. Also he said if you meet three people who influenced your life, then you can make your life successful. Still now, whenever I have to make a decision I ask him to give his opinion.
In retrospect, I've already met one person who influenced my idea. Today, I will think about other people who influence my life. I am sure that I can have successful life as I want.

1 comment:

Son-Mee Kwon said...

Hi, Bos! having a good time now?

My peer editing is post on my blog.
Unfortunately, it isn't copied(I don't know the reason.) so visit my blog.

See you tmrw