Sunday, December 21, 2008

Six surgical miracles (wk16)

Type your summary here

Six surgical Miracles,

Here are some of amazing operations in modern times.
1. Surgery to remove half a child’s brain. A 6-year-old girl in Texas got an operation to remove a half of a brain at Johns Hopkins Children’s center on June 11 this year. She may not be able to move her left body permanently but her personality and memory ability are normal. Doctors don’t understand how rest of brain works. However, the doctors found that empty space of brain replaced with cerebrospinal fluid.
2. The four-day operation. In 1951, a 96-hour operation was undergone to remove a giant ovarian cyst. It is the longest surgery in the world until now. After a surgery, the patients lost 350 pounds. It took 4 days to drain about 200 pounds of the fluid of cyst and to remove the cyst.
3. Surgery in utero : In Australia, 22 weeks pregnant woman got an operation for her unborn baby. In her womb, the fetus’ ankle was wrapped with amniotic bands blocking the blood supply to the legs. Unfortunately, the fetus’ right leg was infected, so doctors cut the bands wrapping let leg. At that time the fetus was 7 inch long. After 4 days of birth, the baby got an operation for her right leg. This is the earliest operation case.
4. Surgeon, operate on thyself. In 1921, a doctor, Evan O’Neill Kane of Kane, Penn did surgery himself to remove appendix using local anesthetic. At that time ether was used often so, he wanted to show local anesthetic could be used in some cases. When he was 70 in 1930, he got another surgery on himself.
5. Saving Face. In 2007, A French man having tumors on his face got a plastic surgery for 16 hours to transplant almost all his face such as lips, cheeks, nose and mouth.
6. Twice born. A six moths fetus had a tumor on her tailbone. Doctors of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston anesthetized her mother, put out the fetus from the womb and moved out the tumor. The operation took 4 hours and then the fetus went back to her mom’s womb. 10 weeks later the baby was born in health.

In addition to those unusual cases, there are lots of miracles in this world. Even though great advance in science is ongoing, it cannot tell clearly about mystery of life. When I meet an amazing case at the same time I can see the limitation of human power. When it comes to life, all lives belong to God as a proverb says. I believe that only thing people have to do is trying to find out the truth of life.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boot knut:Berlin's star polar bear faces eviction

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Boot Knut :
One of the beloved animals around the world is a polar bear, which is on the list of threatened species. Scientists estimate that there are approximately 25,000 polar bears in the wild. Moreover, their habitats have been continuously shrinking and it makes more animals in danger to disappear in this world. Like other endangered animals, a polar bear can be an attraction for zoo visitors. The superstar of the Berlin Zoo is a polar bear, Knut, having yellowish fur. Last year, he made a great contribution to increase visitors by 27% and made a profit nearly 6.8million euro. However, he has fully grown at 440 pounds and need bigger enclosure. He is still with his parents and two female bears. Before long he will be mature enough to have a partner. In a related matter, the Berlin zoo officials said that he would be moved to another place because of lack of space. Many his fans including the keeper who raised him by hand are trying to find the ways to help him to stay at the zoo. However, there are many zoos and parks in foreign countries, which want to get the polar bear from the Berlin zoo. It is the time that the Berlin zoo makes a decision on it.

Many TV program shows that natural habitats of wild animals disappear. It means that people can lose a chance to see them in the wild and even at the zoo. In Korea, only a few polar bears are exhibited under poor condition at the zoo. It is really difficult to get those animals from other countries even though we can pay for them. Moreover we need to consider the welfare of animals. The Berlin zoo is one of the oldest zoos in developed countries where their facilities needed to be renovated. The old facilities are enforcing the zoo to invest big money in renovation. If it is our case, we might keep him under poor conditions. However, they try to give better condition to the polar bear. If they can’t build a new facility for the polar bear due to lack of budget, they would find the best place for him and his future mate. In this article, I am impressed that city people and the keeper have a strong conviction to keep him for the Berlin people and himself. They really love the polar bear


Sunday, December 7, 2008

writing correction W13

Type your summary here

1. In Mexico, the surgery cost was one out of three times cheaper than that in USA.
2. Since medical treatment in Mexico is cheaper in half or less than in America, a lot of Americans who live close in border go to the Mexico.
3. People in Texas are high uninsured and low income relatively, so they used to cross the border to buy medicine or treat dental problem from the past.
4. Even though it can’t become similar like Canada or UK (I’ve heard the medical treatment cost is almost free), at least the government should support their people to be cured by a minimum cost.
5. While Japanese politicians are not close to the people, Obama doesn't have a gap from American people.
6. It is said that Japanese are enthusiastic about the election because they feel frustration of their economy and politics.
7. They are impressed that American politics is different from Japanese one in many ways.
8. Obama, an African-American, has held interest since the primary
9. However, the State Department spokesman said Al-Qaida’s message was disgusting comments from a terrorist. On the other hand, Al-Zawahri said American policies have been oppressing Muslims, but they have not changed through Obama’s election. And then, he also said American people elected Obama as a new face, but Obama is not helpful to Muslims at all
10. Al-Qaida have been involving bomb terrors in the middle East
11. there is a possibility Al-Qaida will make troubles including terrors continuously to show their existence to the world
12. Osama bin Laden will be captured or died by someone, but we don’t know how many people will be sacrificed by a terrorist such as Al-Qaida.
13. However, in contrast to this common belief, some casual observations and science verified that it is wrong. So, people have suffered from a wrong fallacy. Recently, there are the growing recognition that experiences can silence genes or activate them.
14. Therefore, much of personality is not only a flexible and dynamic things but also a malleable trait that changes it over the life span.
15. According to the theory of education and psychology, personality is shaped by both influences of genes and environments.


writing correction W14

Type your summary here

1. When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols.
2. As one of jobs, doctor is a loneliness work.
3. Luckily after resident time, doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc.
4. In personal, I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.
5. As a result, the younger group more remembered photos than the older group did.
6. However, there were not a few photos which the two groups couldn’t remember.
7. The researchers wanted to know why the participants couldn’t remember the rest photos.
8. After all, the researchers learned that hippocampuses were related to a memory in the participants’ brains and those have something to do with analyzing sound and directing attention. On the contrary, older group showed a higher activity in certain other brain areas while younger group did not.
9. When he came to, he didn't know what happened, and didn't remember people's names and even his age.
10. However, a small event has changed his life a lot. Daily life such as reading, writing and speaking has become no more common to him.
11. These kinds of happenings which will lead to big changes can take place to anyone. They can be accidents or a sort of mental shock. In front of them, we can give up or confront them to finally live a better life.
12. pets can be companions and they give us unconditional love, so they are helpful to reduce owners stress and blood pressure.
13. when it comes to dogs, they always make us exercise and go outside because dogs need to be cared and play outside.
14. Is spite of these benefits, if there are any family members who want to get a pet even though they have allergy to pets, they might have furless and featherless pets such as turtle, iguanas, fish and snakes.
15. For kids with allergies but who want a pet, a stuffed animal can be substituted.
16. This article says various benefits of caring pets, but in my case, regardless of these good aspects, I certainly love pets, especially dogs.
17. They also need a massive fiscal stimulus to recover their stable economy.
18. They want to revive their economic growth with a massive stimulus program. Beijing's this program would almost $600 billion.
19. On the other hand, American government think there would be some margin to add tens of billions more to that package if they have willings throughly to control their economic hinders such as strikes and protests.


writing correction W12

Type your summary here

1. French scientists reported that the same kind of deep brain stimulation which used to cure some patients for Parkinson's disease helped a few patients who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD).
2. Also, the patients of OCD have special habits such has repeatedly washing their hands or check on something again and again.
3. I can roughly imagine how hard to overcome cancer and its patients are undergoing difficult time
4. All patients implanted pacemakers, similar to a heart pacemaker, in their chests and connected to electrodes inserted into their brains.
5. Currently, serious side effects can cause medical conflicts.
6. She advises that cancer patient should try to keep their emotion, and then concentrate on other things such as focusing on themselves or taking care of their family.
7. Furthermore, the writer of this article has overcome breast cancer and she is also a doctor, for these reasons, her advice will be extremely useful to the cancer survivors.
8. The most important thing is that they should have a strong mental power and keep their mind in stable, not be influenced by unhelpful information.
9. We are seriously affected by the US and that's why there have been a lot of forecasts in Korea after the election day of the US.
10. In addition, they worry about Obama's protectionist attitude because our economy is strongly influenced by that of the US and his policy might make our economy suffer from new barriers.
11. They are also hopeful about economy because Obama will cope with the current economic situation.
12. a lot of middle-class Americans don't know their neighbor's the really terrible poverty that they can't image of.
13. If they see the reality of grinding poverty, they couldn't believe their witness.
14. The Kansas city center for children, Operation Breakthrough, made and has run a tour program to get people to meet a poor person and see.
15. most of the minorities and the poors have high expectations about Barack's triumph.
16. Foreign aid can result in delaying democracy instead improving one’s economy. In most developing countries, feudalism that stands for feudal elites and big landowners, can be the reason of hindrance for building democracy.
17. Despite of its trial and attempt for it, some countries under specific political, economic and cultural situations have failed.


Get a life, Doc, If you dare

Type your summary here

Like any other doctors, P ediatricians are often too busy to take care of patients. Even during the weekends, they should be ready for emergency calls. In 1950s, residents were called “residents” because they lived at hospital. At this time resident’s life seems to be changed, but they are still suffering from their own family life. Pediatricians usually start their job around age 26, which is also important time for them to deliver babies and raise children. One data shows that some pediatricians prefer part-time work. However, only few pediatricians have part-time jobs. The reason for few part-time pediatricians is not because of their satisfaction on full-time jobs or desire to get residencies quickly. There might be something special in their mind. The writer suggests that pediatricians should take care of themselves first including their family.

When I was young, doctor in white gown was one of my idols. Now many things are changed in my mind. Whenever I see a doctor I says, “Thanks God, you didn’t allow me to be a human doctor”. As one of jobs , doctor is a loneliness work. To get a doctor’s license, medical students should spend so many times to study at school and hospital. Moreover after getting license they should be ready for any emergency calls wherever they go or whatever they do. As a result, I hope that most doctors have a strong belief on human life, which can keep them to bear those conditions. Luckily after resident time , doctors can be rewarded through money, honor, credit, etc. In personal , I want to live and work with healthy people as I scheduled.


How not to save the world

Type your summary here

How not to save the world.

Until now, many countries are suffering from hunger, poverty and other life threatening events. However, more serious problem is that they are far away from democracy. For a long time, the United States has tried to set up democracy in developing countries. Despite of its trial and attempt for it , some countries under specific political, economic and cultural situations have failed. One of the simple ways to democracy is to hold elections but it should not be the first step of being democracy. Foreign aid can result in delaying democracy instead improving one’s economy. In most developing countries, feudalism that stands for feudal elites and big landowners, can be the reason of hindrance for building democracy. In this article, the writer asserts that land reform can make the basis of democracy through giving ownership to real users. The crucial key for democracy is privately held land and freedom .

I didn’t know that the United States pushed Korean government for land reform and it led to democracy. No matter who made land reform, it took over 10 years since starting right after Korean independence in 1945. At first, it was supposed to finish within 5 years but it was delayed for over 7 years because of complicated legal procedures.
Anyway, we cannot deny that land reform gave Korea modern capitalism and democracy. The writer insists that the most important thing for democracy is not election or foreign aid but land reform. Still now, some countries such as Haiti, Cuba and Philippines are struggling with setting up democracy. If those countries really want to free , they should know what the problem is.


The Bad News About Green Architecture

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People think that environmental sustainability is simple, but it is really complicated to meet a goal of sustainability. According to U.S Green Building Council, more than 16,000 green projects are reported. Currently building green houses are booming. However, there are no standards on a green building. In addition, people tend to consider only the size of house and seem to forget a basic principle when they pay money for a new house design. Expertises insist that E nvironmental sustainability is about a practical system of green building, not the beauty of great design. So far, many established architects have learned how to combine green issues with building. Now, S ustainability is the future of architecture that is putting green into design .

As the writer said, an ugly green building is better than an ugly non-green building . But just beautiful design will be better than ugly green building? We can say that design is competitive power for any business. When we make a new building, we prefer all innovative an advanced design to make it beautiful. Yet in Korea we still tend to consider only a building appearance. But, fortunately people’s interests on green are getting higher than a few years ago. Green is a universal issue. Therefore, if we build our international competitiveness, we should follow world’s green trend not only environment but also architecture. I believe that currently we are in a transitional stage, therefore , before long Seoul will be one of the beautiful green cities.

Achieving real sustainability is much more complicated than the publicity suggests. Media is only getting louder. The urge to build green is exploding : more than 16,000 projects are now registered with the U.S. Green Building Council.
Regarding the green project, people don’t want to hear that size matters. We keep building not just bigger entertainment complexes but bigger houses. Building green houses is on the rise. But there is no national standard about what constitutes a green home. We forgot basic principles when we pay the money for every possible style of house into our sprawling American suburbs. Sustainability is about the practical systems of building, not the beauty of great design. For the next generation of architects, sustainability will be second nature, they’re learning in architecture schools how to incorporate green into design and some of them will become the innovators who’s devise ever more efficient ecological solutions. The writer anticipated that green architecture won’t be discretionary but required of every architect a builder.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Type your summary here

The power of cuddly,

Recently, many bird populations including the North Sea puffins in Europe are decreasing significantly. In case of the puffin similar to a penguin , declining populations are becoming a shock, because the puffin was one of the successful conservation cases. Scientists assumed that people’s lifecycles such as fishing and agriculture might cause lack of food production dangerous to the bird populations. Another factor causing low populations is climate change that result in high temperature of seawater. It also makes food problems for migratory birds during spring migration. Now, the puffin is considered one of the most beloved birds and needs to be conserved among endangered species. The author said that this cute species would get people to protect nature.

A lot of animal populations have been declining because of climate change and human’s behaviors. People already recognized an importance of biodiversity in this world. Keeping the balance of biodiversity is not easy due to destroy of habitat and development of industry. Human’s selfishness brought environmental problems that affect human life. But it’s not too late to change a harmful situation. Because at least many people understand that people should protect natural habitats, conserve endangered species and keep environment clear. We need to remember that human future is relying on environment.



Type your summary here

1. Recently, many bird populations including the North Sea puffins in Europe are decreasing significantly.
2. In case of the puffin similar to a penguin, declining populations are becoming a shock, because the puffin was one of the successful conservation cases.
3. North Korea government didn’t want the rumors about his leader’s health spread out by showing some photos and videos which stood for his good health, but experts say those are taken in the past.
4. A number of ways to reduce weight are introduced and eating less is very important.
5. Scientists assumed that people’s lifecycles such as fishing and agriculture might cause lack of food production dangerous to the bird populations.
6. The author said that this cute species would get people to protect nature.
7. Because at least many people understand that people should protect natural habitats, conserve endangered species and keep environment clear.
8. With a regard to Kim’s medical treatment, Kim’s son who is Kim Jung-nam went to Paris to recruit a neurosurgeon, after that, the surgeon named Francois arrived in Beijing to go to Pyongyang, but the surgeon told his trip had no relation with Pyongyang
9. Nevertheless of guessing about Kim’s health, it seemed Kim went to action because North Korea government showed many photos these days
10. Yet, it looks still difficult to expect a good sale in ‘Sweetest Day’.
11. I think it is acceptable to make certain day to celebrate or remember something or someone, but too many celebrating days like Japan might cause excessive spending of money.
12. What I worry about is that on those days some people might be very sad by recommended reason while others very happy exchanging presents.
13. I felt blue to read this article because the bad economy deprived American of small enjoyable opportunity to exchange presents on celebrating days. I wish that coming Christmas isn’t affected by the serious economy so that Americans could forget the difficulties which they are undergoing for a moment and happily enjoy this last holiday of this year.
14. Obama's election triumph would be said to be the win of a nomination because a demarcate party was supposed to win due to American's financial crisis.
15. In this kind of election atmosphere, although he had a lot of weakens compared with prominent Hillary Clinton, he became a president candidate of the Democrat party
16. It could be said that he had not an excellent talent to draw people's attention but he was able to overcome a barrier of the races.
17. Especially, immigrants who came to the United states with the American should have the countless hope they can do everything because there is no longer color-corded


Sunday, November 2, 2008

writing correction w9

Type your summary here

1. A Japanese woman was arrested because she killed her husband. When she committed the crime, she was very angry because she was divorced without any word from her husband. Actually, she didn't kill her real husband but her virtual husband of "Maple Story", an online game site where they were a couple.
2. In those virtual spaces, users create new images that they want to look like, and have relationship with each other by those images.
3. I understand that people sometimes feel like escaping from the realities of life and I try to understand wrong behaviors in some degree.
4. Most of them still go online to request DVD rentals and they have to wait one to two days to enjoy a streaming service.
5. Until now, movie rental service with high-speed internet connections has been popular.
6. Samsung Electronics joins a Blu-ray game which connect to Netflix, but Samsung Blu-ray DVD player price is more expensive than that of its competitor such as LG
7. there is a enough possibility to success for Samsung
8. Many workers of baby boomer generation have worked with a dream of retirement.
9. An unemployment rate and a payroll jobs statistics are main measurements to make an employment data
10. It is largely because that they are concern about the uncertain of their future.
11. However, their dedication and sacrifices are not sure to protect their stable life in the future.
12. The traditional attitude will guarantee no longer our happy and successful life at the end of life.
13. Because in 1990s economy getting worse led to generate more a outsourcing, an independent business and a contract work which unemployment figure didn’t account.
14. The measure U6 calculate total number of the unemployed and all those people mentioned above.
15. an unemployed people don’t include temporary workers and job seekers.
16. Why the Korean government keeps an unemployment rate low?
17. the writer of this article, has served for the homeless people for 10 years
18. the funds for the homeless are cutting in many states and cities
19. Homeless are often in danger to be victims of crimes on the street such as robbery, mugging, raping, also they have mental problems as well as lots of physical diseases.
20. others can’t go out their street nest because they are already desperate and seriously ill. Her team is finding the later and giving help to them.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

writing- Bad News about your job

why the unemployment rate is artificially low

An unemployment rate and a payroll jobs statistics are main measurements to make an employment data, but those data doesn’t show a real job situation. Because in 1990s economy getting worse led to generate more a outsourcing, an independent business and a contract work which unemployment figure didn’t account. Therefore, the Bureau of Labor Statistics introduced a new range of alternative unemployment measures that categorizes unemployment situation from U1 to U6. It includes underutilized workers who are unemployed 15 weeks or longer, lost temporary jobs and not looking for a job currently. The measure U6 calculate total number of the unemployed and all those people mentioned above. Last month, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent and the underutilization rate was 4.9. This figure means that the unemployment rate seems not serious but a real job situation is worse.

It is not hard to guess how many people are suffering from losing job in the Wall Street due to the current recession. Many people are having difficulties in getting jobs not only for a business recession but also for a changing economy trend. It’s not an only American story. As of September 2008, Korean unemployment rate is 3 percent. In this statistics, an unemployed people don’t include temporary workers and job seekers. If the National Statistical Office of Korea uses U6 in alternative measure of labor underutilization, the unemployment rate would be much higher than it has been at any time. Why the Korean government keeps an unemployment rate low? The Korean government might think unemployment is a government level issue and worry about Korean economy sentiment, which may affect on economy. It is no doubt that Korean as well as the Korean government should put all efforts into improving economy to reduce unemployment rate.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Paper or Plastic Bags?

Green fee in Seattle

Paper or plastic? It's cost you.

There is a tugg of war between citizen and city government in Seattle, the capital of green America. Because New bag tax will be effective in 2009.which is environmental policy

Under the new bill, It would require drug, grocery and convenient stores to charge 20 cents per disposable bag.. and Seatlle would be the first city in the USA. to tax them. Other cities, such as San Francisco, have banned certain disposable bags.

City Mayor Greg Nickels mentioned that 'we know it won't solve global warming, but a small change in behavior can make a big difference' and he gave an example which was the Dublin, Ireland case. a similar tax reduced bag use by 90%.

However, according to the recent study, a lot of Seattle residents already recycle ags or reuse them for sack lunches and cleaning up pet dungs. also, they are replacing disposable plastic bags with more durable, fabric-like polypropylene bags

According to a city survey from late 2007, 63%of Seattle residents oppose the tax. and last week, citizen group submitted a petition to stop the Seattle bag tax with 20,000signatures.

Regarding this issue, one of the experts said that The seattle tax is the forerunner of a green trend.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

W8- correction

Type your summary here

1. Most of the households are having difficult time in the US due to current economic crisis.
2. According to a recent survey, women are affected more than men from the unstable economy. In result, women are reporting stress a lot.
3. People generally have believed that the main reason of obesity is a healthy diet or a lack of exercise.
4. However, when it comes to a women’s stress, doctors tend to think it not seriously
5. Doctors often blame stress very easily to all kind of women’s symptom such as fatigue, headache, insomnia, while they take it seriously and proceed health examining to men’s symptom
6. Annual cost for free access to any clips are $ 24.99.
7. This e-business is similar to other online greeting cards business having a large market.
8. It was only 3minutes stories but it’s enough to touch a heart.
9. Rob Fried, a famous Hollywood film producer, started the new online business this week.
10. These days, a huge amount of money is spending on preventing the overweight and the obesity.
11. These days, we can freely access to free video clips on the website like YouTube, however, it’s not easy to find such an inspiring collection of films
12. Relying on the sensitivity of dopamine, the amount of food is determined when people eat food. The more dull it's response to food is, the more likely people are to gain weight.
13. she started her own business for 10 years to save money
14. she was focused in an advertisement in the New York Times
15. I think SpiritClips could do business well in that many people remember very impressive scenes on a movie and a number of people sending e-greeting cards gradually increase
16. Other companies sell e-cards as well as paper cards, but SpiritClips do e-business only.
17. They have no notion of the relation with the function in a certain part of brain.
18. we have wasted a lot of money just in the exercise industry. we also have severly annoyed to control their diets and to loose the weight.
19. As she is a realistic designer, there was a big difference between fashion show and the product that a consumer buys
20. However, although she achieved success after many years of hard work, in terms of her success, there were many helpers such as her friends, a business partner and her parents


Friday, October 24, 2008

Would you pay for it?

SpiritClips - video clips and e-greeting cards

Would you pay for it?

Rob Fried, a famous Hollywood film producer, started the new online business this week. SpiritClips provides 3 to 5 minutes video clips at a 99 cents. Also, video clips can be send as an e-card at a $2.99. Annual cost for free access to any clips are $ 24.99.
SpiritClips’ video clips are touching a string in heart. SpiritClips’ members can make their own e-cards and share them with others. In addition, members can leave their own stories on the SpiritClips and some stories can be a short film. This e-business is similar to other online greeting cards business having a large market. Other companies sell e-cards as well as paper cards, but SpiritClips do e-business only. It’s a gamble for making a brand new product because a thousands of people watch free video clips on the internet. But if SpiritClips become a business, this new business could hit a home run.

I browsed the SpritClips website providing free trial video clips. After I watched the short video clip, “Sally”, I felt my heat warming. It was only 3minutes stories but it’s enough to touch a heart. On the SpiritClips website, There is a message telling “I saw this great movie and it made me think of you”. A collection of 3-5min films won an Academy Award-winning producer. If someone send me a e-card with those words, I would be very impressed. These days, we can freely access to free video clips on the website like YouTube, however, it’s not easy to find such an inspiring collection of films.
I think SpiritClips could do business well in that many people remember very impressive scenes on a movie and a number of people sending e-greeting cards gradually increase
It could be exciting to have a favorite video clips and share it with friends together.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Presentation class-Meetings practices 10.13

Type your summary here

Shall we make a start?
I'd like to welcome by introducing all participants from different department.
Mr. James from marketing, Mr.Karl from finance and Ms. Chris from personnel.

The purpose of this meeting is to look at working parctices within the organization and to discuss how these can be improved

I'd like to hear what you all think before we make a decision
As you'll see there are 2 items on the agenda.
All participants are going to present their department working practices.

This meeting is due to finish at 4 o'clock

Let's get down to business
Mr. James, would you like to begin?

*informal-small, monthly meeting*

OK. Let's begin. Thanks for coming.
As you know, this meeting is to review the last month's activities and preview the next month's activites.
today, we'll discuss the last month's activities which are production, sales figures and new customres.
Then preview new production launch and environmenal campaign for next month activities.
i suggest we go round table as usual.
this meeting will takes 30 minutes.
James, will you start?


Formal meeting introduction

FORMAl Meeting

Ladies and Gentleman
I'd like to formally open this meeting
It's pleasure to welcome all participants
As you've seen, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss a possible joint venture.
There are 7 points on the agenda which are scheduled for approximately 30 minutes per item.
Let's get down to business.
The firt item on the agenda is a background of this project.
Mr. James, would you


Newweek-writing/ When adoption goes wrong?

When adoption goes wrong.

According to the long-term studies, many of the adoptee from foreign countries is going well but some of them go significantly wrong due to severe emotional and behavioral problems. The wrong cases are forced to make adoptive parents an irreparable mistake. The most severe mistake results in death of adoptee and parents in prison. Why those bad cases happen? The writer said the reason is that parents don’t know what they should do when their adopters express emotional and behavioral problems. Those parents have high level of stress, which can influence on the adopted children at home. Therefore, adoptive parents should be educated to understand adopted children and help both of them . Because a troubled adoptee is the result of exposure to violence, abuse and mistreatment at their home countries.

According to this article, orphans are likely to have mental, emotional and behavioral problems through violence, harassments and mistreatments. It is not easy for the parents to find adopter’s problems before they are adopted. Because adoption organizations can keep the parents away from the adoptee intentionally until the legal procedure of adopting finish. In addition, it could take a few months or years to express their problem. Most adoptee from foreign countries need time to adjust to being a new member of the family.
In Korea, some families adopt children but most cases I’ve heard were bad. Worse, I’ve never head about the organization specializing in supporting for the adoptive parents in Korea. It means that adopting is not common around me. Before encouraging adopting, social change toward adopting through the education to adoptive parents as well as adoptee is more important. At this point, I am not pro-adopting because adopting still can cause other social problems such as crime, violence and family disruption.


Sentence correction-wk7

Type your summary here

1. In recent years, with bad scandals about international adoption, sending countries are experiencing better economies, low birthrate and new mood that they can bring up their children by themselves.
2. in spite of these weak points, overseas adoption might be only way for some children to last their lives and overseas adoption can be better managed by unified treaties.
3. due to severe criticism about overseas adoption, the change of awareness toward family and adoption and government's efforts, domestic adoption is increasing more and more.
4. The government puts various policies to the public to encourage domestic adoption for disabled children but the policies are centered on financial support, which aren't successful.
5. American will compete against other countries to attract dominance of capital and investments again
6. These all types of capitalism are created by adding some facts of socialism into capitalism in order to delete problems of free markets.
7. she worked in the ministry of Treasury, where she recognized that how government coped with difficulties in emergency and how enterpreneurs changed the world.
8. In Facebook, she realized how the people were affected by the vision of enterpreneur.
9. In the western culture, it would be accepted positive for people to change jobs according to their careers because people generally think changing a job might be one of steps for making a success.
10. The writer said the reason is that parents don’t know what they should do when adoptee express emotional and behavioral problems
11. adoptive parents should be educated to understand adopted children and help both of them.
12. It is not easy for the parents to find adopter’s problems before they are adopted
13. Before encouraging adopting, social change toward adopting through the education to adoptive parents as well as adoptee is more important.
14. I am not pro-adopting because adopting still can cause other social problems such as crime, violence and family disruption.
15. I was very impressive about the ideas that hotel offers kitchen and laundry
16. I can understand that people who are on business trip might stay quite long time in hotel because the US is so big country.
17. We don’t need to stay long time because almost all area we can reach in a day.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Education:it's not just about the boys

Education : It’s not just about the boys. Get girls into school.

Uneducated children are subjected to be the poor. These days, 60% of girls in the world don’t go to school. Educated girls are more helpful to their families than boys. So, many experts think that investment to girls’ education is more important for the future than boy’s one. Educated girls can make their society healthier with low mortality of baby, low risks of genital diseases, etc. However, there are several reasons why girls cannot go to school in some areas like Africa. The biggest reason is that parents cannot afford to pay school fees. In addition, Parents lack of recognition on girls who can actually help their families. In outside of house, there is a fear on sexual harassments and no toilets for girls at school. Those are still big barriers for girls’ education. The writer emphasizes that parents should change their recognition on girls’ education for the future.

Those facts lead me to think of past parents’ days. In our great grand mother’s age, it was common that women had to sacrifice educational opportunities for the sake of their brothers. Nowadays, Korea is one of the best countries focusing on education in the world. I can say what brought those changes to us. Our parents had a conviction on education that could be the best way for improving their descendant’s life. Even though they are too poor to pay school fees, they send their children to school sacrificing their life. In addition, at least in terms of education, there is no gender discrimination in Korean families. On the other hand, currently hot issue coming from excessive enthusiasm on education rises. Related with those issue, high growth of Korean economy gives a big influence on not only chances of education for woman but also excessive zeal of parents about children education. Compared to the Korean’s education, African government firstly should educate people not to deliver a baby if they cannot afford to raise him. It can cause another financial problems requiring more money to pay school fees. Consequently poor economy deprives woman of opportunity for education. Therefore, in developing countries like Uganda and Sudan, government needs to make an every effort for to educate parents at first for their bright future.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

writing-Sound good

Type your summary here

Sponsored ByA Growth Industry
Business schools are teaching entrepreneurs how to get rich helping to save the environment.

Martha Brant and Miyoko Ohtake
From the magazine issue dated Apr 14, 2008
Ash Upadhyaya is no tree hugger. The 29-year-old from India has a master's degree in petroleum engineering, worked as a reservoir engineer at Shell Oil and drives a Porsche Boxster that gets a measly 20 miles per gallon. Yet he has spent the past two years studying environmentally sustainable business at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. "Am I really driven to do this by my values? The honest answer is no," says Upadhyaya, who wants to work for a private-equity fund when he graduates in June. "It just makes good business sense to be sustainable."

Environmentalists and capitalists have typically eyed each other with suspicion, even disdain. A new breed of M.B.A. student thinks it's possible to make a bunch of green by going green. For some, studying sustainable business practices just gives them a competitive edge. For others, it's a fresh way of thinking about business. These eco-M.B.A.s talk about the "triple bottom line"—people, planet, profit. Thousands are joining Net Impact, a networking group for business leaders interested in societal problems. "Business-school students today are much more interested in social and environmental issues—and in business solving those issues," explains Liz Maw, executive director of Net Impact.

Slowly, business schools are catching up. "This is all student-driven," says Stanford B-school professor Erica Plambeck. Seven years ago she offered the first environmental elective at the business school. Today Stanford ranks No. 1 on the Aspen Institute's 2007 "Beyond Grey Pinstripes" report, which rates how business schools integrate social and environmental responsibility into their curricula.

In 2001, when Aspen began ranking schools, only 34 percent of those it surveyed offered any green courses. By 2007, 63 percent did. Even the most traditional schools are weaving in the environment. Harvard Business School students study cases such as Nestlé's sustainable cocoa agriculture, and the Wharton School will host a Net Impact conference this fall.

Mainstream schools weren't changing fast enough for green-business icon Hunter Lovins. The book she coauthored in 1999, "Natural Capitalism," has become the textbook for sustainable management. In it, she argues that companies don't factor the environment into their spreadsheets. "We treat it as if it has a value of zero, and that's bad capitalism," she says. Business leaders needed to start thinking differently. So in 2003 Lovins helped found Presidio School of Management in San Francisco, where climate change permeates every part of the curriculum. Presidio is one of a handful of schools from Washington to Vermont now offering a "Green M.B.A." These being business schools, the term has actually been trademarked and is owned by the Dominican University of California.

Critics say such boutique business schools themselves are unsustainable. But Green M.B.A.s insist they learn traditional skills while fostering unconventional business values. For the final project in accounting at Presidio, students analyze both a company's finances and its CSR (corporate social responsibility). One group gave United Parcel Service credit for mapping routes so drivers can avoid gas- (and money-) wasting left turns. Green M.B.A.s take macroeconomics, but it includes the emerging field of "ecological economics." The cases they study examine companies like Clif Bar, which makes organic energy snacks.

But it's the atmosphere at Presidio that makes it so different from Harvard. During a recent class, provost Ron Nahser walked around the high-ceilinged room at historic Fort Mason prodding students toward self-examination: "What are you learning about your calling? Are you feeling the love in the marketplace? Ask yourself, 'Why am I in this?' " For Presidio student Taja di Leonardi, it was never for the money. A nature lover, she wanted to go to business school without feeling as if she was selling her soul. At Presidio, her quest to design her own green kitchen grew into a business plan for something she called Ecohome Improvement. When a storefront became available near her home in Berkeley, she says, "it was consistent with my values, there was a need and there was a location a couple blocks away." Since Ecohome Improvement opened in 2005, di Leonardi has doubled the store's square footage, increased her staff from one to 10 and seen a 200 percent increase in revenues. Soul intact, she is cashing in.

URL:© 2008


Writing-A growth industry

A Growth industry

Sponsored ByA Growth Industry
Business schools are teaching entrepreneurs how to get rich helping to save the environment.

Martha Brant and Miyoko Ohtake
From the magazine issue dated Apr 14, 2008
Ash Upadhyaya is no tree hugger. The 29-year-old from India has a master's degree in petroleum engineering, worked as a reservoir engineer at Shell Oil and drives a Porsche Boxster that gets a measly 20 miles per gallon. Yet he has spent the past two years studying environmentally sustainable business at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. "Am I really driven to do this by my values? The honest answer is no," says Upadhyaya, who wants to work for a private-equity fund when he graduates in June. "It just makes good business sense to be sustainable."

Environmentalists and capitalists have typically eyed each other with suspicion, even disdain. A new breed of M.B.A. student thinks it's possible to make a bunch of green by going green. For some, studying sustainable business practices just gives them a competitive edge. For others, it's a fresh way of thinking about business. These eco-M.B.A.s talk about the "triple bottom line"—people, planet, profit. Thousands are joining Net Impact, a networking group for business leaders interested in societal problems. "Business-school students today are much more interested in social and environmental issues—and in business solving those issues," explains Liz Maw, executive director of Net Impact.

Slowly, business schools are catching up. "This is all student-driven," says Stanford B-school professor Erica Plambeck. Seven years ago she offered the first environmental elective at the business school. Today Stanford ranks No. 1 on the Aspen Institute's 2007 "Beyond Grey Pinstripes" report, which rates how business schools integrate social and environmental responsibility into their curricula.

In 2001, when Aspen began ranking schools, only 34 percent of those it surveyed offered any green courses. By 2007, 63 percent did. Even the most traditional schools are weaving in the environment. Harvard Business School students study cases such as Nestlé's sustainable cocoa agriculture, and the Wharton School will host a Net Impact conference this fall.

Mainstream schools weren't changing fast enough for green-business icon Hunter Lovins. The book she coauthored in 1999, "Natural Capitalism," has become the textbook for sustainable management. In it, she argues that companies don't factor the environment into their spreadsheets. "We treat it as if it has a value of zero, and that's bad capitalism," she says. Business leaders needed to start thinking differently. So in 2003 Lovins helped found Presidio School of Management in San Francisco, where climate change permeates every part of the curriculum. Presidio is one of a handful of schools from Washington to Vermont now offering a "Green M.B.A." These being business schools, the term has actually been trademarked and is owned by the Dominican University of California.

Critics say such boutique business schools themselves are unsustainable. But Green M.B.A.s insist they learn traditional skills while fostering unconventional business values. For the final project in accounting at Presidio, students analyze both a company's finances and its CSR (corporate social responsibility). One group gave United Parcel Service credit for mapping routes so drivers can avoid gas- (and money-) wasting left turns. Green M.B.A.s take macroeconomics, but it includes the emerging field of "ecological economics." The cases they study examine companies like Clif Bar, which makes organic energy snacks.

But it's the atmosphere at Presidio that makes it so different from Harvard. During a recent class, provost Ron Nahser walked around the high-ceilinged room at historic Fort Mason prodding students toward self-examination: "What are you learning about your calling? Are you feeling the love in the marketplace? Ask yourself, 'Why am I in this?' " For Presidio student Taja di Leonardi, it was never for the money. A nature lover, she wanted to go to business school without feeling as if she was selling her soul. At Presidio, her quest to design her own green kitchen grew into a business plan for something she called Ecohome Improvement. When a storefront became available near her home in Berkeley, she says, "it was consistent with my values, there was a need and there was a location a couple blocks away." Since Ecohome Improvement opened in 2005, di Leonardi has doubled the store's square footage, increased her staff from one to 10 and seen a 200 percent increase in revenues. Soul intact, she is cashing in.

URL:© 2008


Writing-Waving goodbye to the bus

Waving goodbye to the bus

Sponsored ByWaving Goodbye to the Bus
As fuel prices rise, some districts are updating an old method of getting children to school.

Caitlin McDevitt
From the magazine issue dated Sep 15, 2008
Until last spring, Nia Parker and the other kids in her neighborhood who attend West Boulevard Elementary in Columbia, Mo., commuted to school on Bus 59. But as fuel costs have risen, the Columbia school district has needed to find a way to cut its transportation costs. So the school's busing company redrew its route map, eliminating Nia's bus altogether. Instead, Nia and her neighbors travel the half mile to school via a "walking school bus"—a group of kids, supervised by an adult or two, who make the trek together. "It's healthier for them to walk," says Melissa Clark, Nia's mom, who approves of the change. Nia, a 9-year-old who's in fourth grade, sees other advantages. Since the bus used to pick up many children along a circuitous route, walking to school is actually quicker. "I like it because I get to sleep late, and I don't get as grouchy," Nia says.

Like the rest of us, school districts are feeling pinched by rising fuel costs—and finding new ways to adapt. The diesel fuel that powers school buses now costs an average of $4.28 a gallon, up 34 percent in the past two years. Cities and states spend $14.7 billion annually transporting kids to school; for the typical school district, bus bills total 5 percent of the budget. As administrators look to trim, busing is an inviting target, since it doesn't affect classroom instruction (or test scores). According to a survey done by the American Association of School Administrators in July, more than one third of school administrators have eliminated bus stops or routes in order to stay within budget. "When you have to make tough choices," says Daniel Domench, executive director of the AASA, "you cut back on what's least harmful." In the Capistrano Unified School District in California—where there is no state requirement to transport students—two thirds of the district bus routes have been eliminated. "That's 4,000 to 5,000 students that received it last year no longer getting transportation," says transportation director Mike Patton. In New Hampshire, principal Karen Cloutier says that she expects one third of her elementary-school students will walk this year—even through rain and snow. "If there is school, we will walk," she says. "And we rarely cancel school."

Many parents are delighted to see their kids walking to school, partly because many did so themselves: in 1969, according to the National Household Travel Survey, nearly half of schoolkids walked or biked to school, compared with only 16 percent in 2001. Modern parents have been leery of letting kids walk to school for fear of traffic, crime or simple bullying, but with organized adult supervision, those concerns have diminished. "Parents are buying into it more and more," says Susan Haynes, principal at Van Derveer Elementary in Somerville, N.J., which cut all its home-to-school transportation. Some kids like this change, too. "It's like recess before school," says Price Phillips, 9, who walks to school in Columbia, Mo., this year.

Schools and busing companies are finding other ways to save by cutting field trips and redrawing athletic schedules to reduce the distances of "away" sporting events. In rural areas where busing is a must, some schools—like MACCRAY High School in Clara City, Minn.—have even opted for four-day school weeks. First Student Transportation, the leading U.S. school bus provider, is training drivers to eliminate extra stops from routes, to turn off the engine while idling and to check tire pressure every time they leave the lot. First Student is also using route-optimization software to determine the most fuel-efficient routes, which aren't always the shortest ones. A few schools now use diesel-electric hybrid buses, which achieve 12 miles per gallon (compared with 7mpg for a traditional bus). But at $180,000, hybrids cost more than twice as much as a traditional diesel bus, so few schools have switched.

There could be downsides, however, to the busing cutbacks. If every formerly bused student begins hoofing it to school, it's an environmental win—but if too many of their parents decide to drive them instead, the overall carbon footprint can grow. "On average, one school bus replaces 36 private vehicles," says Mike Martin of the National Association for Pupil Transportation, a pro-busing advocacy group. Replacing buses with many more parent-driven minivans can also increase safety risks: Martin cites a 2002 report by the National Academy of Sciences that concluded students are 13 times safer on a school bus than in a passenger car, since buses have fewer accidents and withstand them better due to their size. And some students—including Murat Agca, a first grader in Columbia—complain about the long morning hikes, particularly when the route, like Agca's, contains a really big hill. Still, these children have it easier than their parents' generation—when, of course, all routes went uphill, both ways.

URL:© 2008


Monday, September 8, 2008

Email-Formal & Informal

Formal & Informal email


With reference to your request for tigers
Dear Mr. Tiger:

Thanks you for your email received 12 February where you wanted to get one female white tigers from us. Please accept my apologies for late answer.
Regarding your request, I’ve been discussed several times until this morning. I regret to advise you that I will not be able to give you the animals which you wanted, Recently many animals at the zoo have serious health problems, therefore, any animals can not be sent to outside of the zoo until those problems are solved.
However, I will hold your request and discuss it in the near future. I would be glad if you could send me a copy of studbooks of your white tigers? I can assure you that your studbooks would be helpful for this agenda.
Once again, I wish you and your organization prosperity!

Sincerely yours,

EMAIL 2 – Informal
RE: your email requesting for laptop computer.

Thank you for your email of 12 February where you asked for borrowing my laptop computer for your English homework.
I’m sorry for the late answer. As you may know, I need a laptop computer for my presentation at School. So, I can’t make it on Friday. But, I promise, I will ask my sister to lend it to you tomorrow.
If you still need it, please could you let me know more detailed specifications on computer? And don’t forget to give me inform of time you will pick up.
Once again, sorry for about this.
See you tomorrow.

Take care


Sunday, June 29, 2008


Type your summary here

title : Kimchi, the Korean traditional food!!
1. general figures
2. How to make
3. Nutrition and health

**** Jean ******
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman.
It's a pleasure to be with you today. My name is Yongwou Lee. I'm working for Seoul Metropolitan government as a public servant. Today, I'd like to introduce Korean side-dish, kimchi. some key figures and to outline kimchi over the several hundreds years in korea. The purpose of my presentation is to give you basic information and it will help you to understand what is kimchi.

My presentation is divided into 3 sections . first, introduction of kimchi including the origin of kimchi in brief. Second, how to make kimchi, finally nutrition and health. It will take 15minutes or so. if you have any questions, please hold them until the end of my presentation.
The most important side-dish in korea is kimchi. It is an essential part of everymeal, rice and kimchi with no other side is considered a meal in itself. Traditionally kimchi was made in lare quantities in late autumn. This activity was called "Gimjang". Kimchi was stored in brown ceremic clocks called "Onggi" and buried in the ground with just lead showing to ferment and mature. Origin of kimchi refered to a wide varity of fermented and pickled vagetables. It was developed around the 7th century as a mean of preserving vegetables for the long winter period when no fresh food could be obtained. It was a roughly the same function in diet as a western pickles. Early on Koreans, rubbed salt into the vegetables and preserved them in brine, thus releasing their natural juices. Around the 12th century, other spices added to kimchi and by the end of the 17th century, there were 17 types of kimchi made with various vegetables. In the 18th century, red pepper powder was added to kimchi for th first time

1. General figures
Kimchi, also spelled gimchi or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu variety. Kimchi is the most common Korean banchan, or side dish, eaten with rice along with other banchan dishes. Kimchi is also a common ingredient and cooked with other ingredients to make dishes such as kimchi stew (kimchi jjigae) and kimchi fried rice (kimchi bokkeumbap).

Korea has its own distinctive aroma. What is this fragrance of Korea, and where does it come from?
The fragrance of a country or region comes mainly from the local cuisine, which derives its unique savor from particular spices, fermented foods and liquids, or ways of cooking with all of these. The dishes that give Korea its special fragrance are primarily fermented foods, especially the various kinds of kimchi made with fermented vegetables and the various kinds of paste made with fermented beans. Above all, it is the pungent smell of kimchi that first assaults the senses of the visitor to Korea.
However, those who get accu-stomed to the strong flavor of kimchi soon find that they can't get enough of it. Moreover, kimchi is becoming more and more popular as its health-giving properties come to be better understood.
For instance, there is a growing interest in the efficacy of kimchi in preventing geriatric disorders, and the high fiber content of its main ingredients, vegetables and red chili, helps keep obesity at bay.
There are more kinds of kimchi in Korea than there are cheeses in France. Indeed, there are so many varieties that no one knows them all. One university professor has identified more than 100 different ingredients used in making kimchi, 36 of them used as main ingredients. And since these ingredients are combined and matured a little differently in each kind of kimchi and in each family tradition, it is impossible to say exactly how many varieties of kimchi exist.

The culture of a region develops as the people who live there adapt to the natural environment, especially after they begin to practice agriculture.
Unlike Western or African cuisine, Korean cooking makes a clear distinction between main dishes and side dishes. Rice and other grains form the staple of the main dishes, which are enjoyed all the more through the accompaniment of side dishes made of vegetables, salted seafood, fish, or meat.
To ensure a supply of food through the long Korean winter, vegetables and fish began to be preserved, at first probably by drying. However, it was also found possible to pickle vegetables in seawater, and it is thought that as the supply of salt became relatively reliable, people learned how to keep vegetables fresh for long periods by salting. The earliest documentary evidence is found in China's first anthology of poetry, the Book of Odes, which is believed to have been compiled between 2,600 and 3,000 years ago. In this book appears a Chinese character meaning salting, which shows that a prototype of kimchi already existed at this early date. But the alchemy of making kimchi came to be more highly developed in Korea than in China, and the reason lies in the natural environment.
The visitor to Korea cannot fail to be impressed by the wide, fertile tidal flats that stretch along the southwestern coast. These mudflats teem with life all year round, and except in mid-winter, they provide a food source that can be harvested even without modern equipment.

Although the basis of kimchi is the lactic-acid fermentation of vegetables pickled in salt, the liberal addition of fish and seafood can assist the fermentation process and provide nutrients that would otherwise be scarce in winter, such as protein and calcium.
The Korean people suffered greatly from the lack of food until about the mid-1960s. Since then, the amazing growth of the Korean economy has raised the annual income per capita to $10,000, yet compared to other countries of a similar income level, it is surprising how few Koreans are overweight. Many believe that the explanation lies in the fact that Koreans eat a lot of kimchi.
They point out that kimchi contains a high proportion of fiber (from the vegetables), capsaicin which is said to burn fat (from the chili), generous amounts of calcium (from the salted seafood), appropriate quantities of high-grade protein (from fish and seafood), and an abundance of vitamins (from the vegetables). They also worry about the increasing incidence of obesity among the younger generation who tend to eschew kimchi in favor of imported instant foods.

3. How to Make Kimchi

Nothing in the world is easier than making kimchi, yet nothing is more difficult. Even a novice can rinse the vegetables clean, salt them, rinse them again the next day, add garlic, and leave them in a cool place for a day or two to ferment naturally, then eat them just as they are. That's all there is to it. Yet making the best and most nutritious kimchi is a high art accessible only to the seasoned specialist. Thus, although almost every Korean housewife knows how to make kimchi, few can claim to make it at its very best.
Here is how to make the popular cabbage pickle known as tong kimchi, one of the varieties of winter pickles which are most widely consumed in Korea.

Ingredients and Properties :
Main ingredients : 2 heads Chinese cabbage, 1 medium-size white radish
Flavorings : 60g mustard greens, 80g watercress, 70g green onions, 40g cheonggak seaweed(glue plant), 2 heads of garlic, peeled, 1/2 ginger root (based on the size of Korean or Japanese ginger, which is smaller than tropical or subtropical ginger), 1/2 Asian pear, 1 chestnut, 120g raw oysters, 1/3 cup salted shrimp, Salted corvina, or 1 fresh pollack (1/4 cod can be substituted), 2/3 cup chili flakes (it is best not to use the very spicy chili produced in Southeast Asia, but if no other kind is available, reduce the quantity to 1/10), 2 tablespoons dry chili strips, 1 cup salt
The above flavorings are the best, but some may be hard to find when they are out of season, and it is acceptable to omit the mustard greens, watercress, cheonggak, pear, chestnut, salted corvina, or fresh pollack. The remaining ingredients are essential.
1. Dissolve the salt in 5 cups water.
2. Remove (but do not discard) the outer leaves of the cabbage, rinse it clean, and trim it to shape.
3. In the evening, soak the prepared cabbage in the salt water, then remove it and pile it up in a jar or plastic container. 3-4 hours later, turn it upside down. Early in the morning, rinse the cabbage, drain it, and cut it in half.
4 .That evening, rinse and trim the white radish, green onions, mustard greens, and cheonggak. Soak the watercress in water. Cut about half the white radish into thin strips and the rest into pieces about 6cm long and 1cm thick to use as packing.
5. Mix the packing radish with a little salt and chili flakes and set it aside.
6. Soak the shelled oysters in lightly salted water. Cut the watercress and mustard greens into pieces about 4cm long. Finely chop the white parts of the green onions.
7. Cut the garlic and ginger into thin strips.
8. Peel and thinly slice the chestnut, and cut the pear into thin strips.
9. Mix the chili flakes with the strips of white radish in a large bowl. Add the salted shrimp and the other flavorings you have prepared as above, and mix well.
The above flavorings are the best, but some may be hard to find when they are out of season, and it is acceptable to omit the mustard greens, watercress, cheonggak, pear, chestnut, salted corvina, or fresh pollack. The remaining ingredients are essential.
1. Spread this filling between the leaves of the cabbage. Fold the leaves toward the stem to enclose the filling.
2. To the packing prepared in #4, add the minced garlic, ginger watercress, finely chopped mustard greens, and a little of the liquid from a jar of salted shrimp or other salted fish, and mix together.
3. Put a little of the packing in a pot and pile the stuffed cabbage on top of it, adding a little more packing after each layer of cabbage. Repeat until the jar is about 80% full, then top with the outer leaves of the cabbage and weight the kimchi with a flat stone.

4. Nutrition and health

A traditional Korean  meal is not complete without kimchi, a mixture of various pickled vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, green onion and cucumber. Certain types of kimchi are made spicy with the addition of red chili pepper powder, while others are prepared without red chili peppers or are soaked in a tasty liquid. However, garlic is always used in kimchi to add to its flavor. In late November or early December, Korean families used to prepare enough kimchi to last the long winter. The kimchi was stored in large clay jars partially buried to maintain temperature and retain flavor. In modern Korea, housewives often don't have time to make kimchi or the outdoor space needed to store large amounts. But kimchi is still a vital part of the Korean lifestyle: companies making the fermented dish and others selling special kimchi refrigerators enjoy brisk sales.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Argumentation on abortion issue

Abortion is one of the controversial issues in many countries.

Abortion is one of the controversial subjects in many countries because of the moral and ethical issues that surround it. In korea, abortion is basically baned by the abortion law except for a pregnancy from rape and incest or parents having genetic disease. Since abortion law legitermized in 60’s, abortion rate has recorded by 78% of newborn babies each year. This year, Ministry of health and welfare announced that they are considering the revision of abortion law to reflect the reality of abortion. But, some of anti-lifer denounce the government act, accusing of violation of the spirit of the Consitition and murder. We should understand why Korean governement try to revise the abortion law and what problems are still in existence regarding abortion.

Korea is one of the seven countries among OECD members which ban abortion against social and economic reasons resulting from a single mother, an under age and a dificulty of a nurshing. Despite of a abortion law, Actually, anyone who are pregnancy can abortion illegally. According to the report, cases of abortion reached over 340,000 in 2005. Moreover, medical groups assumed that 95% of 340,000cases could be illegal. Even though enomous abortions did illegaly, only 2 cases were punished. It means that a present abortion law are invalid.

Our society should have a big burden unnecessarily from unpleasent lives. One of professor in a medical university published the report on abortion that 90% of married women want to abort for social and economic reason. However 100% of unmarried women. A Pregnant woman who cannot afford to foster a baby can be in danger of body and mental problems. Also, it could give a bad effect on a baby whether before or after delivery. Another serious problem is to discard a baby from an under age mother. Since one’s birth under bad situations, a baby should be sent to a orphanage or adopted overseas. Many orphans and adopted children can be easy to get mental problems which it lead to expose in drug, violence and other crime.

Government is striving to keep a woman’s right from the discrimination and prejudice against woman’s happiness. All individuals have a right to pursuit their happiness. However, an anti-lifer do not consider woman’s happiness. Abortion gives many serious side-effets to a woman body as well as a mental state. According to a Mother and Child Health Law, although a mother has a deformed fetus, she cannot abort legally. Therefore all burdens from a deformed baby will be on mother’s shoulder. As pro-lifer’s insist, a woman has right to make a decision on one’s body. A fetus belongs to a woman’s body. Therefore a woman who is pregnant should be procted by the law.

Despite a abortion is banned by the law, numorous cases of abortion is being undergone illegally under an invalid law. Nevertheless many trouble makers related to a drug, a violence and a crime were born as an unwanted delivery. More serious problem is to neglect a woman’s happiness. On purpose of keeping a woman’s right for making a decision of one’s body, government plans to revise a abortion. Basically, governmet should provide a proper sex education for a young people to prevent from unwanted pregnancy. Even though anti-lifer rebuke a legislation of abortion, a government should try on every efforts for woman’s happiness.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


What is this fragrance of Korea, and where does it come from?

Kimchi, also spelled gimch or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the spicy baechu variety. Kimchi is the most common Korean side dish eaten with rice. It is also a common ingredient and cooked with other ingredients to make dishes such as Kimchi stew and Kimchi fried rice. It has a quite long history. And although it has varieties in kinds and methods, a basic method for making Kimchi providing a lot of nutritional value is basically same.

The history of Kimchi can be traced back to ancient times. References to Kimchi can be found as early as 2,600 – 3,000years ago. The first text-written evidence of it existence can be found in the first Chinese poetry book, Sikyeong. In this book, Kimchi was referred to as “Ji”, the term used before it was known as “Dimchae”. The earliest form of Kimchi was made of only cabbage, and it was in the 12th century when people began to include other spices to create different flavors, such as sweet and sour flavors, and colors of Kimchi, such as white and orange. Chili peppers, not a major ingredient in most forms of Kimchi, were known in Korea until the early 17th century.
This particular style of Kimchi with chilli peppers and baechu, a variety of Chinese cabbage, gained popularity in the 19th century.

Kimchi varieties are determined by the main vegetable ingredient and the mix of seasonings used to flavor the kimchi. The most popular type of kimchi is the baechu (a type of Chinese cabbage) variety but there are many regional and seasonal varieties. Popular variants include ggakdugi (hangul: 깍두기) which is a kimchi made with cubed radishes, pa kimchi (made with scallions), and oisobaegi (hangul: 오이 소배기), a cucumber kimchi with hot and spicy seasonings. Ggaennip (hangul: 깻잎) kimchi features layers of perilla leaves marinated in soy sauce and other spices. But, Nothing in the world is easier than making kimchi, yet nothing is more difficult. Even a novice can rinse the vegetables clean, salt them, rinse them again the next day, add garlic, and leave them in a cool place for a day or two to ferment naturally, then eat them just as they are.

Kimchi has a reputation of being a healthy food for being rich in vitamins, aiding digestion, and even possibly retarding cancer growth. Kimchi is made of various vegetables and contains a high concentration of dietary fiber, while being low in calories. One serving also provides up to 80% of the daily required amount of vitamin C and carotene. Most types of kimchi contain onions, garlic and peppers all of which are salutary. The vegetables being made into kimchi also contribute to the overall nutritional value. Kimchi is rich in vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), calcium and iron, and contains a number of lactic acid bacteria. In 2000, a novel bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacterium (strain MT-1077T) was isolated from Kimchi and was named Lactobacillus kimchi.

Kimchi, a representative sidedish in Korea, has a 3,000 year old history. Also, Kimchi varies in kinds and methods which are basically same to make. It has a reputation as one of top five “World’s Healthiest Foods” for being rich in vitamins and other nutritional components. For those reasons, nowadays Kimchi is becoming more and more poular in other countries even though it has pecular flavor.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Boca

blunt ; be blunt

-retarded, disabled, : you are such a retarded
-shape : you're (get) in shape:
-shell shock :
-figure : a kind of sexual harrassment ;Don't use "figure" as a complishment
-Fat - plus size clothing, heavy size clothing
you look great!! smoking is appetizing presant
-cabinet government
-compulsory, mendatory, required, forced(no willing to do)
-head bobs : Head Bobs was the first music video by the hip hop group, Black Eyed
Peas. It never aired but was featured on the DVD, Behind the Bridge to elephunk
- snooze : nap
-catch-22:dilema :
-witch-hunt :
-pecking over :
-subsidize : Government subsidizes poor country
-endorses : Gore endorse Obama as a solver of problems
-unify : Unify Noth Korea and South Korea.
-assertion : No prove, No specific example but believe


A living contradiction(chaptor 9)


1. savant syndrome: describing individuals with a developmental disorder and one or more areas of expertise, ability or brilliance. An autistic savant describes
2. autistic savant : an autistic person who has savant syndrome
3. autism : a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old.
4. genius : ━ noun (geniuses or in sense 5 genii 《/dniai/》)
1 someone who has outstanding creative or intellectual ability.
2 such ability.
3 a person who exerts a powerful influence on another (whether good or bad).
4 Roman mythol a guardian spirit.
5 formal a quality or attitude with which something (eg a country or a period of time) is identified or typically associated
5. musical improvisation : the spontaneous creative process of making music while it is being performed.
6. rote memory: the ability to learn certain information as a habit pattern. The child who has problems in this area is unable to recall with ease those responses which should have been automatic, such as the alphabet, the number system, multiplication tables, spelling rules, grammatical rules, etc.

* expression
- He did not seem to have much of a chance
:(as pronoun) a great deal; anything of significance or value
¶ Can you see much?
¶ My belongings don’t amount to much.
- After hearing a tune, he can imitate it almost perfectly the firt time he plays it.
- In addition to the piano, Tony plays the organ, guitar, violin, banjo, recorder, and harmonica-14 instruments in all.
- How can this be?
- How can such a severely challenged person be so musically talented?
- Dr. Treffert points out that Tony's ability to improvise is a giant step beyond rote memory
- psychiatry may reach a new understanding of "savant syndrome"


Saturday, June 14, 2008

effets on my life of taking an English program

Taking an English program affects my life

All individuals experience a variety of changes such as a changing job, transferring to an undesirable location and making a new social relationship. All events affect our life, but they are always not bad. Taking an English education course affects my life in variable areas such as a job involvement, a family relationship and my personal life including emotional changes.

In terms of social life related to a job, I became free from a lot of responsibilities involving all at work. No one can push me to finish paper works before a deadline. I don’t need to arrange all events such as meeting, business trips to foreign countries, solving the problems in my team and following boss’s unexpected orders. Moving away from the office allows me not to keep complicated relationships with colleagues.
Taking an English education program allows me to have more time to spend with my family. This program is scheduled to finish on time. It makes me arrange house works such as making foods, doing playful activities and all events for my family. During work, many sudden events happening everyday even on weekend caught my time. In this program, I can make my schedule for my family without any interruption.

On my personal life, it gives more effects including making new relationship and emotional changes. It allows me to enable to learn what I want such as taking a special education course and a music lesson. New personal relationship with students as well as teachers is another good social activity. Through this new meeting I can keep close friends personally. Also, scheduling time allows me to build time managing skills and have more chances to possess intellectual capacity with reading books. As a consequence I can keep my mental health.

Some of events are stressful because we often require significant social readjustments and adaptations. Although the incidence of stressful life events is correlated to some extent with variables, no one is immune from experiencing such changes. Depending on our attitudes to the life, we can have more valuable life through the time coping with life events.


Saturday, June 7, 2008


Divorce is one of the most serious problems in every society.
In the past, divorce was quite rare. Today, however, a majority of marriages breaks up in the first few years during marriage of young ages. Divorce is a complex issue with more than one cause. For various reasons, recently it has become very common, and it affects all levels of society. Moreover, high levels of divorce have many effects on children, women and men.

The biggest effect is on children. Children of divorced parents often have social or emotional problems. They may be treated negligently by a divorced parent who is in an emotional unbalance. Negligence calls lack of support or care at home, or difficulties in a new family. Also, they may have many problems at school such as being teased. They are likely to be in depression. So, a unstable mental state causes to go down score at school. They may need to see a psychological doctor. In the worst case, Children may fall into temptation such as drug, violence even crime. Finally, they may leave a school before graduation.

Women are also affected. It is difficult for a divorced woman to find someone to remarry. Because most women already lost fait in men. Emotionally they are in severe disorder, lethargy and depression for a while. Those situations lead negligence for children. In case of a house wife, she may also suffer from financial problems more than working women. Those financial situation leads to jump into struggle for getting jobs. Also, in some cases women suffer from not being able to see their children.

Men, are also affected. After divorce, many men look for foreign wives or girlfriends in the hope of finding a suitable partner. However, they may have difficulty to find someone else. Also, because of childcare cost, men may suffer from financial problems. The same as divorced women, men suffer from mentally unstable situations such as depression and loneliness. Some of men easily fall into temptation like drinking alcohol for antidote of loneliness. In addition, they may have problem dealing with their children. Usually, men are not familiar with housing stuff and children care.

In conclusion, divorce is a serious issue with major implications for children, men, women, and society. If we do not prepare our young people for marriage, and if we do not help couples to stay together, we will be building up trouble for our society and children.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fetal Development(Writing chronologically)

Pregnancy continues to 38weeks Conception begins when a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm. With a day, the egg begins to develop rapidly such as differentiation into a group of cells called a blastocyst. Since then, Blastcyst moves into uterus and has increased in size to hundreds of cells. Be the eighth day after conception the blastocyst has begun to attach to the wall of the uterus where it will grow at a rapid rate. Fetal development can be classified into 3 stages such as the first trimester, the second trimester and the third timester.

The first trimester refers to the period of 12weeks after conception. In 2 weeks after fertilization, the blastocyst is called an embro. At this time, the embryo is about 1/100 of an inch long. The embryo continues to grow and then it develops a head and a trunk at 4 weeks. Structures that will become arms and legs, called limb buds, begin to appear. A blood vessels forms which will later develop into the heart and circulatory system. At the same time, a ridge of tissue forms which will be brain and spinal cord. At 6 weeks, the heart has four chambers. Fingers and toes begin to form. Cells are starting to form the eyes, ears, jaws, lungs, stomach, intestines and liver. In 8 weeks, muscles and skeleton are developing. The fetal heartbeast can be detected with a heart monitor and fingers have nails at 10 weeks. Then 12 weeks, the fetus is about 3-1/2 inches and weighs about 2 ounces. The fetus begin to swallow, the kidneys make urine, and blood begins to form in the bone marrow. At this point the sex can be indentified.

The second trimester is from 14 weeks to 22 weeks of pregnancy. At 14weeks the skin appears transparent and a fine layer of hair begins to grow on the head. The fetus can blink, grasp and move its mouth at 16 weeks. At the same time the fetus begin to kick, although woman may not be able to feel the movement. In 18weeks, the woman may feel the fetus moving. At this time, if an ultrasound is performed, the parents may be told the sex. At least after 20 weeks, the fetus may have a little chance to servive outside the woman's body.

The last time of the second trimester, the fetus is about 8-1/4 to 8-1/2 inches and weighs about 1-1/4 pounds. The mother's sounds such as breathing, heartbeat and voice can be heard at this time. During the third trimester, the fetus grows fully to be delivered from the mother's body. At 24weeks, the fetus can respond to sound, wake and sleep. And the eyes are partially open and can perceive light at 26weeks. also 9 out of 10 babies will survive. At 28weeks, the fetus can open and close its eyes and suck thumb. Breathing and body temperature are controlled by the brain. Since then almost all babies will survive. In 32 weeks, the eyes are close during the sleep. And the skin is now pink and smooth. After 34weeks, the fetus can turn and lift its head. After that lungs are usually mature and fetus can grasp firmly. Also the fetus turns toward light sources at 36weeks. Finally, at 38weeks, the fetus is about 14inches and weigh from 6-1/2 to 10 pounds. At that time, a baby is full-term and reagy to be born.

Subsequently, those kinds of medical information in detail mentioned above may help woman to feel the mysteris of life whether she keeps pregency or consider abortion. In particular, if mother takes a medicine she can understand cleary its fetal effects to the fetus. As a result, each mother and a unborn child is unique. A pregnant woman as well as a fetus should be treated as a special life.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Presentation-montly test

Introduction skills and decribing a graph

- Good afternoon, Ladies and gentle men, Thanks for being here today
- Welcome to standard electronics. It's a pleasure to be with you today
- Hello every one, Thanks for coming
Name position
- Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is Bos Kim, manager of ...
- I know i've met some of you. I'm in charge of the human resource department
- As Some of you already know I'm responsible for human resource department.
- The title of today's presentation is
- I'd like to talk to you today about ...
- I'm going to inform you about...
- we are here today to decide...
- the purpose of my presentation is to give you the background to..
- This talk will at as a springboard for discussion
- The presentation will take 10 minutes
- I plan to be brief. About 20m
- I will speak for about 20 m.
- My presentation will be divided into 3 part. First, second, third, finally,
- the subject can be looked at under the following heading; first
- we can break this area down into the following fields:
- If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt
- If you have any questions, please hold them until the end.
- I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk
Link to start
- OK. let's start with the first point which is
- All right. we can begin by looking at
- Now let's move to(go on to)

* Describing a graph
- Ok. Let's take a look at the line graph.
- This is a graph which shows the figures of total sales in this year. from 2002 to - There was a slight increase/ decrease in 2004
- Between 2003-100, there was a significant fall in the share price
- the price was at it hight level in 1995


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fun time -A cucumber is a vegetable?

It is a fruit.

01. 코카콜라의 비밀?
코카콜라 비밀을 아는 사람은 전세계에서 단2명뿐이다.
원래는 7명이었으나 5명은 죽고 2명만 남은 것인데 설탕, 탄산수,

캐러멜,인산, 카페인,쓰다 남은 코카잎과 콜라콩을 혼합한 것이나

1%가 밝혀지지 않아 수많은 화학자가 80년이상 노력했으나 헛수고였다 .

이 2사람도 죽거나 비밀을 잊어 버리게 되면

조지아 신탁은행에 비밀문서를 개봉한다.

그러나 미 약물관리국은 특정한 주원료제품은 밝히지 않아도 된다는

규정이 있기 때문에 앞으로도 결코 알지 못하게 될 것이다.
02. 샴페인

샴페인잔에 떨 어진 건포도는 잔안에서 띄고 가라앉기를 계속한다.
03. 로열 티...
세계에서 가장 많이 불려지는 노래는 'Happy birthday to you'로

1936년 밀드레드와 패티힐이 작곡했는데 현재까지 로열티를 받는다 .
04. 바닷 물.
바닷물 속에 있는 염분은 육지를 150m 두께로 덮을 양이 들어있다.
05. 니코틴.
포르투칼 에 파견된 프랑스 외교관 존 니 코트는

귀국 선물로 플로리다산 담배 나무를 받아

정원에 심은후 '아메리칸 파우다'(담배)를

발견했으며, 담배를 처음 수입한 인물이 되었다.
그의 이름을 따서 담배의 주성분을 '니코틴'이라 한다

06. 소 리나는꽃?
노란 앵초꽃은 새벽녘에만 핀다.
그리고 꽃이 필 때는

마치 비누방울이 터지는 것 같은 귀여운 소리가 난다.
07. 국가 ..
오스트레일리아에는 국가가 없다 .

그래서 올림픽에서 금메달을 따도 국가가 울리지 않는다.

08. 임신과 아빠?
여자는 7~63세까지 엄마가 되고,

남자는 13~100세까지 아빠가 될 수 있다.
09. 발을따뜻히 하려면 ?
양말을 신을 것이 아니라 모자를 써야 한다.

몸의 열기중 80%가 머리를 통해서 빠진다.
10. 사랑은 가슴에서 오는 것?
사랑이라는 감정은 가슴에서 오지 않고 뇌하수체에 서 온다.
사춘기 이전에 뇌하수체종양 때문에 수술 받은 사람은

결코 사랑에 빠지지 않는다.
11. 결혼이란?
결혼하지 않은 사람은 결혼한 사람에 비해

정신병에 걸릴 확률이 7.5배 높다.
12. 천재라는것은?
레오나르도 다빈치는 오른손으로
그림을 그리고 왼손으로 글을 쓸 수 있었으며,
미국의 제임스 가필드 대통 령도 오른손으론 라틴어,

왼손으론 그리스어를 썼다.
13. 기타 14가지
▷토마토는 ? ◁ 과일이 아니고 채소 ..

▷ 오이는? ◁ 채소가 아니고 과일..

▷ 감자는? ◁ 뿌리가 아니고 줄기..

▷ 바나나는?◁ 풀 ...

▷ 양파는? ◁ 채소가 아니고 백합의 일종..
▶ 오리가 꽥꽥거리는 소리는 절대 메아리치지 않는다.

원인은 아직 모른다.
▶ 미국 항공우주국(NASA)이 실험 대상으로 삼고자 우주공간에 보냈던

새들 은 모두 굶어 죽었다. 새들은 중력이 없으면 먹이를 삼킬 수

없다는 것을 깜빡했 던 것. 새들이 물 한 모금 먹은 뒤 머리를 치켜

올리는 것은 중력을 빌려 물이 내려가게 하려는 것임을 생각해 보라 .
▶ 개구리 도 토한다.단 지 방법이 특이할 뿐. 개구리는 먼저 위장을

토해 입에 대롱대롱 매달리게 한 다음 앞발로 위장을 쥐어 짜 안에

든 것을 빼낸다. 그러고는 다시 위장을 삼킨다.
▶ 고양이 는 7층보다 10층에서 떨어졌을 때 살아남을 확률이 더 높다.

매우 높은 곳에서 떨어져도 사뿐히 내려 앉지만, 제 스스로 뛰어내리

는 게 아니라면 고양이가 자신이 추락하고 있다는 것을 알아챌 때까

지 평균 8층에서 떨어지는 만큼의 시간이 필요하다.
▶ 악어 에게 물렸을 때 빠져나오는 유일한 방법은 눈을 찌 르는 것이다.
▶ 닭이 가장 오래 허공을 난 기록은 13초.
▶ 사람이 8년7개월6일간 계속 소리를 지를 때 나오는 음파 의 에너지를

이용하면 커피 한잔을 끓일 수 있다.
▶ 파티가 잦은 미국에서는 독거미 에 물려 죽을 확률보다 펑 튀는

샴페인 마개에 맞아 죽을 확률이 더 높다.

▶ 개미는 죽을 때 꼭 오른쪽으로 쓰러진다


Describing line chart

Describing Charts & Graphs
Presentation ④ - 그래프 설명

원 그래프 pie chart
원 그래프의 각 부분 segment, section (동사는 indicate / represent)

The red segment of the pie chart indicates the percentage of our European customers.
원 그래프의 빨간색 부분은 유럽 고객의 비율을 나타내고 있습니다.

The blue section of the pie represents the proportion of our North American customers.
원 그래프의 파란색 부분은 북미 고객의 비율을 보여주고 있습니다.

선 그래프 line graph
막대그래프 bar graph
가로축 horizontal axis (x-axis)
세로축 vertical axis (y-axis)
The graph shows that ~
As you can see from the graph, ~
As shown on the graph, ~
As you can see from the graph, property prices have been stable for years.

■ Introducing the visual
OK. Let's take a look at the power point.
I have a transparency to show you.
The first/second/final slide shows the figures of this month.

■ Check with the audience
Is that clear for everyone?
Is that in focus?
Can everybody see that?
Is the chart readable?

■ Meaning of the visual
This shows/illustrates/demonstrates/refers to the difference of those two products.
This is a graph/a diagram, which shows the difference of those two products.
As you can see from the chart, this is the difference of the two products.
Here we can see how our sales increased.

■ Focusing attention
I'd like to draw your attention to the market situation for TFT LCD.
One of the most important aspects of this is the growth rate in sale.
At first glance it seems it's going down but actually, it is going up.

■ Describing change: UP
This year's sales have increased/risen/grown/improved/got better/recovered/rocketed.
There was an increase/a rise/a growth/an improvement/a recovery in this year's sale.

■ Describing change: DOWN
This year's sales have gone down/decreased/fell/dropped/deteriorated/got worse/worsened/slumped.
There was a decrease/a fall/a drop/a deterioration/a worsening/a slump in last year's sales.

■ Describing change: Others

This year's sales ______ ↓

remained stable
leveled out
peaked/reached a peak


bottomed out
reached a low point/hit a low point

We experienced _______ ↓
a peak
a fluctuation
a low

■ Speed of change

There was a rapid growth in sales.
Sales grew rapidly.

There will be a steady increase in exports.
Exports will increase steadily.

There has been a gradual drop in imports.
Imports have gradually dropped.

We had a slow decrease in the number of overseas office.
The number of overseas affiliates has decreased slowly.

■ Degree of change

There's going to be a dramatic fall in prices.
Prices are going to fall dramatically.

There will be a significant rise in profits.
Profits will certainly rise significantly.

There has been a moderate improvement in working conditions.
Working conditions have improved moderately.

There's been a slight expansion in the market.
The market has expanded slightly.

■ 기타 참고할 만한 표현들

- Our company had a bad year last year. There was a stead fall in our profits.
- Unfortunately, profits declined considerably .
- At the same time that we were losing profits, there was a dramatic increase in our costs. Costs for everything were skyrocketing.
- The number of overseas operations climbed steadily in 1990s. Now there are many more overseas branches.